Keys tend to get lost. This small object performs a big function - it closes and opens our house. Therefore, it is better not to lose them, as thieves can use them. It will be convenient if the keys in the house or apartment have their own place. Such a piece of furniture as a wooden key holder will provide a place where they can always be found without difficulty. Also, this piece of furniture is an excellent option for a gift. What’s more, you can make it yourself. This does not require special skills and abilities. There are many options for making such an interior item as a wooden housekeeper with your own hands. All of them have a simple execution technique.

Wooden key holder using planks

- In order to make it easier to work, you need to make a drawing of the future housekeeper. To do this, you first need to decide what size it will have. A drawing of a wooden key holder will be a kind of design project, according towho will be working on its production. Here you can also indicate what decorative elements the future wooden key holder will have.
- Next, prepare the tools and materials that will be used in the work. For this project you will need a wooden board, 6-8 keys, self-tapping screws, a drill and wire cutters.
- Unnecessary keys will serve as hooks. Therefore, with the help of wire cutters, it is necessary to bend their lower part so that a hook is obtained. This procedure must be done with all elements of future hooks.
- Then you need to take a wooden board and mark the saw lines on it in accordance with the dimensions that were indicated earlier on the drawing. Using a saw, make a board for the key holder of the desired size.
- Next, depending on the idea, you should decorate the board. I must say that there are a lot of design ideas. Alternatively, you can leave it as it is. The wood itself is a very warm and cozy material, so without any finishing it looks good at home.
- After the board is ready, we fasten the bent keys to it with self-tapping screws. In the future, they will be hooks. The distance at which these elements are attached should be chosen based on your preferences. You can attach the keys at the same distance from each other, or you can group them.
- Next, on the back of the board we make a hole with a drill, which will be needed in order to attach the key holder to the wall. Holes should not be through, their number depends on the length of the board, usually two or three holes are enough.

When the key holder, made of wood with your own hands, is ready, you can use it for its intended purpose. One of the easiest ways to make a wooden key holder was described above. But he's not the only one.
Key holder using decoupage technique
There is another simple way to make such an interior item as a key holder with your own hands from wood using decoupage technique. For this option, you will need the following materials.

- Wooden frame. The size of the frame depends on the size of the key holder. It is better to buy a frame that has special rings on the back wall for attaching to the wall.
- For decoupage you will need a napkin with a pattern or a picture or a special decoupage card.
- Special decoupage set, which includes glue, brush, primer, varnish.
- Hooks. They can be made from anything. For example, from buttons, pens, rings and more.
- You will also need a knife, pencil, ruler, drill and screws.
The work on the manufacture of this piece of furniture can be divided into two stages. First you need to do decoupage, and then assemble the housekeeper.
How to make decoupage
In fact, decoupage is not difficult to do. To do this, you need to disassemble the frame, take its base and prime it, leave it for a while to dry. You can use a hair dryer to speed up the drying process. Next, a decoupage pattern is glued andleft for a certain time to dry. Then the drawing must be varnished and also allowed to dry.

Assembling the key holder
The next step in the manufacture of the key holder is its assembly. To do this, first collect all the details of the photo frame. Then you need to mark the places on the wooden frame where the hooks will be attached. They are attached with self-tapping screws.
It should be said that wooden wall key holders have many manufacturing options. For example, instead of decoupage, you can use embroidery. And instead of a frame, take an opening box. You can also approach the process of making a key holder with humor and focus on the hobby or hobbies of the owner of the apartment.