In order to make a wooden rack with your own hands, you need to read the assembly and installation instructions for this design in detail. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have special tools in the arsenal, since cutting the material can be ordered from professionals.
Preparation of materials

To perform the work, you can use calibrated standard materials, the largest of which is chipboard with a thickness of 16 millimeters. The back walls are quite possible to be made of hardboard, and the color will be universal - white. You will need to prepare the side parts of the cubes in the amount of 20 pieces. They will have a square shape with a side of 300 millimeters. Large and small shelves should be cut, they are needed in the amount of 10 pieces each. In the case of large shelves, the size will be 700 x 300 millimeters, while small shelves will have dimensions equal to 500 x 300 millimeters. You will need blanks from fiberboard in the amount of 5 pieceswith the following dimensions: 695 x 295, 495 x 295. A do-it-yourself wooden rack can be made using a good circular saw of the Robland type, but if you do not have such a tool, you can cut chipboard with high quality using the help of professionals. Otherwise, do not take up the work, as the material will be damaged.
Preparation of fittings and fasteners

The fittings for the described design will be a melamine edge, the color of which should be selected in accordance with the adhesive base. Gluing it yourself is quite simple, for this, an edge is applied to the end of the part with an adhesive layer down. First you need to heat the iron, which should not be red-hot. Its working surface should be drawn several times along the edge so that it sticks to the end. Its edges should be pressed as tightly as possible. Until it has time to cool down, the master must iron it with a dry rag. You can get rid of the excess with a sharp knife, after which you have to grind the ribs with fine-grained sandpaper.
In order to make a wooden rack with your own hands, you should prepare fasteners, for this you will need confirmations 5 x 70 mm, furniture nails 1.5 x 25 mm, and self-tapping screws with dimensions 4 x 30 mm. For each cube, you will need 8 confirmations, which indicates the need to purchase 80 of these fasteners. With furniture nails you can nail the hardboard, and with self-tapping screws you should tighten the cubes together. These elements should not be used.mandatory but desirable.
Preparation of tools

If you decide to make a wooden rack with your own hands, then you should prepare the aforementioned iron, drills with sizes of 5 and 8 millimeters, tape measure, hammer, screwdriver, screwdriver bits, and also a pencil. A screwdriver is needed to drill 8mm holes. One bit must be hexagonal for confirmations. After the parts are ready, as well as all the tools and fasteners are assembled, you can begin assembly work.
Shelving assembly

If you are thinking about how to make a wooden rack with your own hands, you should remember that the work will not be more difficult than when a regular bookshelf is being made. The side of the shelving cube will be square with a side of 300 millimeters, so you can simplify the task. On it, the master marks the back and front edges, as well as the bottom and top. On a plane, it is easiest to make letter designations for orientation. From the back and front edges, measure 40 centimeters. If we are talking about the lower and upper edges, then the master measures 8 centimeters from them, where he puts crosses. On this, we can assume that the sidewall for installing 4 confirmations is marked. The marks need to be drilled through 8mm holes.
Expert advice

If you decide to make a wooden rack with your ownhands, the drawings of this design are recommended to consider. They will allow you to understand that when drilling chipboard into the plane of the part, you should put some unnecessary segment or a flat board. This will prevent the drill from pulling out a piece of laminate from the wrong side.
Assembly Method

The shelves of the product will have different lengths, but their width is the same. Holes should be drilled to this width. In thickness, that is, in the end, with a 5 mm drill, you need to go deep by 60 millimeters. The holes should be drilled 40mm from the back and front edges so as not to mark each time, it is best to use a template. In the process of drilling the end face of the part, the tool should be held strictly perpendicular to the plane being machined. If the drill wobbles in one of the sides, then the part will be hopelessly damaged, as the laminate will break out from one of the sides.
Installing the structure

It will be very convenient to use such wooden racks in the garage, you can do them yourself without resorting to outside help. At the next stage, you can proceed to the installation, for this, the shelves with sidewalls are pulled together with confirmations until you can get a cube. Using nails, hardboard should be nailed to maintain right angles. You can check how correct the geometry is by measuring the diagonals, which must be the same. Confirmation hats mustbe decorated with white caps, which are sold in hardware stores. It is very convenient to use wooden shelving at home, any master can do it with his own hands.
From the received cubes you will be able to arrange the structure as you like. Elements can be installed in a row horizontally or vertically, everything will depend on the availability of free space. When the rack "takes root" in a certain configuration, the elements can be twisted together with self-tapping screws 4 x 30 millimeters.
Alternative shelving option
Sometimes do-it-yourself wooden shelving in a barn is made according to a different principle, which involves the presence of a frame rigidly fixed to the wall. Work begins with the fixation of square bars with a side of 50 millimeters. Their fastening is carried out in pairs, on each pair one tier of the rack should be laid out. The step between these elements determines the height of the shelves, after which the shelves themselves are laid on them, and they are fastened. If you want to create a U-shaped rack, then first you need to pick up the same bars for the boards as in the above version. Their length may be 40 centimeters less compared to the height of the room; another shelf can be arranged on top of the rack. If necessary, the bars are installed in the center so that the shelves rest on them and do not sag under the influence of the load. The length of the span must be selected taking into account the expected load. Most often one meter is sufficient.
Master's recommendations
Whena wooden rack is made by hand, the scheme can be done by the master on his own. There is nothing difficult in this. Speaking of the above, it can be noted that jumpers should be installed on the side parts of the bars, it is on them that the shelves will rest. Their number depends on the expected number of shelves. If you fix the shelves to the jumpers, then the design will turn out to be quite strong. If necessary, it can be strengthened additionally, as well as forming sides from the side parts of the rack, this can increase the functionality of the structure. Shelves are made of wooden boards, but if you want to use chipboard, then the boards will not be very resistant to moisture.
When making a rack, it is best to place shelves below, which will have a greater height. This is due to the fact that things of large dimensions are more convenient to store and get from the bottom of the rack.