In our ever-rushing digital age, sometimes you want to stop, sit in your favorite chair and just relax. It is at such moments that many of us pick up a large family album with photographs. When looking at any picture, the thought suddenly arises that it would be nice to put it on a shelf or hang it on the wall. But due to the fact that there is no suitable frame, we again send the photo to lie between the pages of the album. Wait, do not rush and hide the picture, you can create a frame from improvised material. What and how to make a frame? From cardboard. Yes, yes, ordinary cardboard, which can be found in every home.
Carton frame - new activity
So, one cozy evening, flipping through the pages of the album, laughingly telling your child about how once upon a time you were a baby too, you suddenly wanted to leave a couple of pictures in plain sight, enclosing them in an original frame. Creationframes made of paper and cardboard will help you pass the evening, besides, this is another great way to teach your child something new and interesting. Feel free to get down to business! Its production will not require large time and financial costs.

Carton frame: materials needed
An elementary do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made using the most common materials, such as cardboard, ribbons, fabric, wallpaper residues, beads, shells brought from a summer vacation, and other items suitable for decor. You will also need scissors, a ruler, a pencil, stationery glue. An interesting solution for decoration can be raw cereals - it can be peas, buckwheat, semolina or any other. How to make a cardboard frame using cereals will be described below, no doubt, many will like this decoration option.
Simple frame
To make the simplest frame you will need:
- white cardboard;
- decoration items (in this case beads were used);
- fabric;
- stationery.

Two rectangular blanks are cut out of cardboard. For a 10x15 photo, they should be 13.5x18.5 cm. Now in one of them you need to cut out a window, which should be slightly smaller than the picture itself. If desired, a film can be attached to this window on the reverse side, for example, a piece from a transparent file to protect the photo from dust. Snapshot neededfasten at the corners with thin strips of paper between the blanks, the image in the window. Now you can paste over the blanks with a cloth, decorate with beads. Do not forget to attach a stand to the back of the frame - a triangle cut out of cardboard or an eyelet to hang it on the wall. This is how easy and fast a simple do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made. Agree, even a child can handle it.
A simple frame decorated with cereals
Creating such a frame is not difficult at all. The principle of its manufacture is the same as in the previous description. Only the way of decorating changes. Groats are glued to the front blank with the help of PVA. If it is peas, then each pea is glued separately. You can even use semolina, millet, buckwheat. After the glue dries well, the grits must be varnished, allowed to dry, painted in any suitable color and again covered with a layer of varnish. It turns out a very unusual cardboard frame made in the “cereal” technique. Made by hand, it will delight your eyes for a long time.
Scrapbook frame
This option is somewhat more difficult to perform than the previous ones, and will require a little more time and effort. A cardboard photo frame decorated with fabric looks stylish and rather unusual. To make such a little thing you will need:
- thick cardboard (binding);
- fabric;
- sheet of scrap paper 30x30 cm;
- piece of scrap paper 10, 5x15, 5 cm;
- scissors, stationery knife and awl;
- brads (carnations orbuttons with a decorative hat);
- a small piece of padding polyester;
- "Moment Crystal".

To make such a cardboard frame, you need to cut out several parts: front and back sides (24x18.7 and 18.5x13.5 cm in size), leg (16 cm). The window in the frame is cut out based on the size of the image. The frame cover is cut out of fabric. When cutting, do not forget to make a small (approx. 1.5 cm) indent from the edge for bends. The front part is cut out of the synthetic winterizer, the one with the window. You can start to form the frame itself. To do this, the front side must be lubricated with a thin layer of glue and the synthetic winterizer is fixed, a prepared fabric is applied on top of it, which must be glued, bending the material to the reverse side, starting from the corners. It should look like a pillow. Now you need to make the middle of the frame, that is, the same window. Carefully, not forgetting about small indents, a rectangle of the required size is cut out, the fabric is folded, glued. To make the frame even more attractive, you can sew its edges on a sewing machine. To decorate the scrap frame, you can use ribbon bows, brads, beads and other small items for decoration. The back side is pasted over with scrap paper, a leg is attached to it in turn for stability.

Scrapbook Cardboard Photo Frames stand out from all others with their delicate, extremely attractive designand can serve as a great gift.
Coffee frame made of cardboard, master class
Required materials:
- thick cardboard;
- coffee beans;
- acrylic lacquer;
- stationery;
- fabric.

1. Preparing the base for the frame. To do this, rectangles, front and back sides are cut out of cardboard. In front, depending on the size of the picture, a window is made.
2. The front side is pasted over with a suitable color material.
3. The picture window is carefully formed.
5. Coffee beans are glued to the fabric. For this purpose, it is better to use Moment Crystal or liquid nails.
6. After all the grains are glued, you can cover them with two or three layers of varnish with intermediate drying of each layer.
7. A variety of little things can serve as decoration for the frame - such as satin ribbons tied into beautiful bows, figures of coffee cups and spoons.
8. The desired photo is fixed in the window.
9. The front and back are glued together.
10. A rectangle cut out of cardboard, which is fixed on the back of the product, will serve as a support for the frame.
Eggshell frame
You can also decorate a cut-out base for a photo frame with an eggshell. It turns out a certain effect of aging with cracks, or a mosaic. Before sticking the shell on the cardboard, it must be properly prepared. First, rinse thoroughly. Second, removeall internal films. Thirdly, dry well. Only after such preparation can the shells be painted with acrylic paints in any color, let the paint dry and break the shell into small pieces.

The front side of the future frame must also be painted in a suitable color. It is not necessary to use paint of the same shade. For example, bright pink, bright blue, raspberry and white colors are perfectly combined with each other. Playing on their contrast gives a stunningly beautiful result. Shell fragments are glued to the front side in random order, folding into a kind of mosaic. In such a simple way, using improvised material, a do-it-yourself cardboard frame is made.
Good luck with your ideas and success!