For a lover of rock music or instruments, the mention of this subject is a great pleasure. His room is hung with posters of musicians. A guitar, piano or button accordion firmly takes its place in furniture or decorate walls.
Cute thing
A musical instrument made from improvised materials is not so much a practical item as a decorative one. If you make a cardboard guitar, like a real one, big and with strings, you might even be able to play it.
Small cardboard tools are used as souvenirs, for home decoration and as original presents. This little cardboard guitar, made with love and decorated with funny inscriptions, will undoubtedly please a friend on his birthday.
How to make a cardboard guitar with your own hands, and what do you need for this? Let's take a closer look at this issue, because, for sure, everyone has a person who will be pleased with such a gift.

Joy of the Troubadour
Cardboard guitar can be of different sizes: large, almost like a real one, and miniature. Make a small cardboard guitarreal original is not that hard. Let's stock up on patience, the necessary items and we will create a musical instrument on our own, which was played by the well-known Troubadour.

How to make a cardboard guitar
Before work, it is necessary to prepare materials and tools. It's good if the master has the desired sample in front of him, for example, a picture or a photograph of a guitar.
First you need to collect what you need:
- durable cardboard;
- hotmelt;
- PVA glue;
- small nails;
- line;
- ruler, pencil;
- stationery knife;
- finish putty, wood putty;
- varnish;
- spray paint;
- sandpaper;
- an old guitar string.
Now the process of creating a little masterpiece:
- Find a suitable image of a guitar, print it out and cut it out. Transfer the template to thick cardboard.
- Finish the edges of the cut guitar with sandpaper. Cut out the second part and process with sandpaper in the same way. Then put the parts together and grind them again.
- Measure the side inserts and cut out strips of cardboard of the required size. Glue the parts with hot glue. Glue stiffeners inside the guitar to help keep the body strong.
- Glue the top deck onto the bottom deck. Cut off dried glue with a knife. Sandpaper again.
- The body of the guitar should be smeared with PVA. Dry and apply putty, previously diluted with PVA, in 2-3 layers. Aftereach drying, prime with glue diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1.
- After drying, go over the workpiece with sandpaper. Apply wood putty. Sandpaper again. After this procedure, the surface of the guitar will be very smooth and even.
- To make the neck, cut out three cardboard parts according to the template. We glue all parts of the PVA. According to the familiar system, we process the neck with finishing putty, primer and wood putty.
- Based on the same principle, we make a stand for strings.
- Use hot glue to assemble all parts of the guitar.
- Paint the tool in the desired color, apply varnish.
- From a guitar string or fishing line, cut out small strings for a micro guitar and attach them.
As it turns out, making a rock guitar out of cardboard isn't that hard.

Easy way to make a tool
Boys love to play rock musicians. You can make a toy instrument for a little guitarist in a matter of minutes. You will need:
- cardboard;
- scissors;
- stationery knife;
- pencil;
- fishing line or thread;
- ice cream stick;
- hotmelt.
Getting Started:
- Let's cut out 3 parts of a whole cardboard guitar according to the template.
- We glue all the parts together. We process uneven edges with a clerical knife.
- Cut out a circle in the drum of a cardboard tool. Glue an ice cream stick as a stand for the strings. Under it cut out ordrilling holes for future artificial strings.
- If desired, the guitar can be painted in any color, coated with varnish or PVA glue.
- After drying, thread strings made from fishing line or elastic.
The guitar for the young musician is ready!