Bug remedies: liquid, solid, gaseous

Bug remedies: liquid, solid, gaseous
Bug remedies: liquid, solid, gaseous

"House bugs attack!" This is how one can characterize the situation that is developing in modern cities. These seemingly forever forgotten bloodsuckers appear even in those apartments where cleanliness and order reign. Where do they come from? Oddly enough, it sounds, but insects such as bed bugs can come to an apartment on furniture bought even in a very expensive store; on pillows, blankets purchased in the markets. Therefore, when going to buy bed linen, upholstered furniture, cabinets and other items, carefully inspect them: traces of the life of bloodsucking are clearly visible. In addition, it’s not bad for prevention, bringing new things to the house, process them. Bed bug remedies can be different. It is better to choose those that do not scare away these harmful insects, but kill them.

bedbug remedies
bedbug remedies

Bug chemicals

  1. Aerosols. They are most suitable for the treatment of upholstered furniture, which can neither be powdered nor lubricated with liquid. The disadvantage of aerosols is their limited effect.(insects die only with a direct hit, the rest just leave). As for the traditionally inherent unpleasant odor, today there are a number of aerosol poisons that do not have it at all. For upholstered furniture, bedbug remedies such as Dichlorvos, Raid, Raptor, Karbozol, Kombat, Perfos and others are suitable.
  2. bed bugs
    bed bugs
  3. Powders. They are good because they kill not only those insects that directly tasted the poison, but also those with which they came into contact afterward. Powders can be poured into cracks, sprinkled on sofas, etc. However, bedbug powders can cause poisoning much faster than aerosols: the latter quickly disappear, and the powders retain their characteristics longer. This must be remembered when using such means as "Dust", "Chlorophos", "Neopin", etc.
  4. Liquids. They usually do not have a strong odor or smell attractive to bed bugs. Despite the fact that manufacturers position them as low-dangerous for humans, you need to work with them, like with other drugs, with gloves, goggles and a respirator, and preferably in a gas mask. Liquids work differently. So the "Foresight" repels insects, "Tetrix" destroys them. Experts believe that the most effective remedies for bedbugs are those that are intended only for professionals and are not sold to ordinary buyers: they are treated by employees of sanitary and epidemiological stations. Deadly for bedbugs and very effective are "Minap" (aka "Permethrin"), "Phoxide".
  5. bed bugs
    bed bugs

    However, it is these drugs that most often cause severe poisoning of people trying to poison bedbugs on their own.

Folk remedies for bedbug

You can collect these insects by hand, water their habitats with boiling water or lubricate with vinegar essence. But these measures will never destroy the bloodsuckers that attacked your home. Everything will end the way the story of the pious hermit ended, about which Ilf and Petrov told. So don't waste your time. When bedbugs appear, it is better to immediately contact the SES.
