Many vegetable crops are grown by gardeners in their summer cottages and household plots. And, perhaps, the most popular are plants of the nightshade family. Potatoes, eggplants, peppers and tomatoes are common inhabitants of vegetable beds. It has become a fascinating hobby to grow a good crop of various varieties of tomatoes. Each grower has his own proven collection. Among them there will definitely be tomatoes, which are distinguished by a plentiful stable harvest, excellent taste and resistance to diseases. These include tomato Tolstoy F1.
Reviews of vegetable growers who grew various varieties of tomatoes highlight plants with record yields. At the same time, in addition to high productivity, they have excellent taste and ease of care. This list includes the Tolstoy F1 tomato, produced by the Dutch company Bejo Zaden.

It is intended for cultivation in open ground conditions, as well as in film greenhouses. Tallthe hybrid is characterized by medium early fruit ripening. The vegetative period from germination to fruiting is from 110 to 115 days. Powerful strongly branched bushes of this hybrid can reach a height of up to three meters. They require tying. The leaves are medium in size and light green in color. Tomato Tolstoy F1 - carpal type. Rounded fruits have a uniform red color. Their mass can reach from one hundred to one hundred and twenty grams. In the inflorescence, two brushes are formed. There can be up to twelve of them on one bush. Eight to ten fruits ripen in each brush.
General Features
Tolstoy F1 has an excellent taste. The characteristics of this hybrid will be incomplete if its excellent transportable qualities are not emphasized. In addition, dense fruits do not overripe on the bush and do not crack. When removed in an unripe form, they can ripen, while maintaining taste. They tolerate high summer temperatures well. And at the same time, it is a cold-resistant shade-tolerant plant with a long period of fruiting. It is resistant to late blight, fusarium, cladosporiosis, verticilliosis, leaf mosaic virus. Tolstoy F1.

Reviews of gardeners say that one plant can give fifteen kilograms of ripe sweet tomatoes. They are versatile in use. Dense fruits are equally tasty in freshly prepared salads and in preparations for future use. Juicy ripe tomatoes are suitable for making tomato juice. They also fitfor the popular way of preparations - freezing.
Tomato Tolstoy F1: agricultural technology
Every vegetable grower strives to grow a quality crop earlier. Like most hybrid plants, the Tolstoy F1 tomato is preferably cultivated in seedlings. Tomatoes are heat-loving and light-loving plants that are planted in areas with good soil fertility. The best will be the one where cauliflower and early cabbage, vegetable crops of the legume family, as well as root crops were grown. Cultivation of tomatoes within four years after nightshade crops is unacceptable: tomato, potato, pepper and eggplant. In the autumn, after harvesting the plants in the area planned for tomatoes, they dig up the soil.
When preparing the site, it is necessary to apply rotted manure and mineral fertilizers.

Per square meter you will need:
- organic fertilizer - 3 kg;
- superphosphate granular - 60 g;
- potassium sulfate - 30g
Using compact crops
Universal tomato Tolstoy F1. The description of the plant indicates the possibility of its cultivation in greenhouses and open ground. Landing on the beds falls on the period of establishing stable warm weather. These are the last days of May or the first days of June. Up to this point, the plot can be used for growing spinach, lettuce or other early-ripening vegetables. For a week, for planting tomatoes, they are harvested and the soil is well loosened. For bountiful harvests withoutfertilizer is indispensable. When planting seedlings for each plant, you will need:
- superphosphate granular - 20 g;
- potassium sulfate - 10 g;
- urea - 20 g.
Growing seedlings
Hybrid seeds cannot be obtained by yourself.

Tolstoy F1 (100 seeds) can be purchased at specialized retail outlets. In addition to large packaging, bags of 12 pieces are on sale, as well as seeds by weight of 0, 1 and 5 g. Seedlings are planted at the age of two months. To obtain high-quality seedlings that will be grown in plastic film greenhouses, the sowing of seeds is planned for the end of February. For open ground, this deadline is shifted to the end of March. Seeds are sown in seedling containers filled with a special fertile mixture consisting of sand, humus and earth. Seeds are laid out in grooves to a depth of one centimeter at a distance of four centimeters from each other. Then they are sprinkled with an earthen mixture with the addition of wood ash. The surface is slightly compacted and moisturized. Seedling boxes are covered with glass or polyethylene and moved to a warm place.
Seedling care
After the appearance of sprouts, the boxes are moved to a well-lit place. Tolstoy F1, the description of which characterizes this plant as indeterminate, has a rapid unlimited growth of the main stem. Such hybrids of tomatoes with a lack of light will quickly stretch.

Therefore, daylight hours shouldobserved for twelve or fourteen hours. If necessary, the lack of lighting is compensated by supplementary illumination with fluorescent lamps. During the period of seedling growth, moderate watering is carried out and the temperature regime is observed. It will vary depending on the time of day. Daytime temperature is fourteen degrees Celsius, night - ten. When two or three true leaves appear, tomato Tolstoy F1 dives. Reviews of experienced gardeners confirm the beneficial effects of this technique. In this case, the main root is pinched. This contributes to the formation of a more powerful root system. Seedlings dive into separate cups or greenhouses. Further care is moderate watering. Before moving to a permanent place of cultivation, seedlings are hardened off. These seedlings will need short outdoor sunbaths.
Outdoor cultivation
Begin to plant in open ground in the first warm days of May tomato Tolstoy F1. Reviews of gardeners confirm its moderate resistance to low temperatures. The seedlings planted in these terms are covered with a film for the first fourteen days at night. This tall hybrid is placed on the beds according to the scheme 50x50 cm. The plant is characterized by intensive growth. This requires good nutrition, which is compensated by the application of fertilizers. They are submitted every month. As top dressing, use slurry or complex mineral fertilizer intended for vegetable crops.

Powerful bush requires a garter to the stakes. A tall tomato should be formed into one or two stems. Be sure to perform pinching. For the prevention of morbidity, it is desirable to water with warm water. Also throughout the season loosen the soil, remove weeds.
Growing in greenhouses: soil preparation
In some areas, the cultivation of heat-loving crops is possible only in greenhouse conditions. Tolstoy F1 is ideal for this purpose. Reviews of vegetable growers state that stable yields of high-quality fruits are obtained when growing this hybrid in greenhouse conditions. Start with soil preparation. If the previous crop was cucumbers or tomatoes, the soil must be changed. It can be infected with various pathogens. The greenhouse is filled with a fertile earth mixture, which includes sawdust or peat, humus and sand. An area of one square meter will require three buckets of such soil. Mineral fertilizers are added to it.
Planting and care
Plant a tall hybrid in a checkerboard pattern or in rows. Between hybrid tomatoes maintain a distance of at least fifty or sixty centimeters. Bushes are formed into one or two stems, as they grow, pinching is carried out. The plant is tied up. The first fourteen days after planting, the tomatoes are heavily watered. Further watering should be moderate. Use only warm water. Do not allow moisture to enter the plant. Water the tomatoes under the root. During the flowering period to stimulate good pollination of the plantshake lightly.

To get good yields in a greenhouse, the temperature should be between eighteen and thirty degrees Celsius. For the abundant formation of high-quality fruits, good nutrition of tomatoes is necessary. Top dressing and watering is carried out in the morning. In this case, sunburn of the plant is excluded. After that, the greenhouse should be ventilated to eliminate excess moisture. If the plant develops normally, weekly regular feeding will be sufficient. For this, complex mineral fertilizer is used.
Early ripe hybrid comes into fruition on the seventieth day after planting seedlings in the ground. Carpal formation of fruits is a feature that the tomato Tolstoy F1 possesses. Reviews, photos confirm the productivity of this plant. Up to ten rich red fruits ripen in one brush.

Pick tomatoes regularly. Amicable ripening will ensure the regularity of removal every four or five days. They can be collected with whole brushes. For daily use, fully ripened fruits are used. Tolstoy F1 has excellent keeping qualities. Reviews suggest that the fruits of the last harvest, taken in the phase of milky ripeness, can be stored for a long time. The fruits are sorted according to the degree of maturity. They are stored and ripen at different temperatures.