Tomatoes of this variety were named after the epic Russian hero. This is not surprising: the size of the fruits and the plants themselves are amazing. Bushes can grow to a height of two meters, and the weight of one tomato often exceeds 300 grams. Muromets belongs to the category of universal tomatoes; fruits can be consumed both fresh and processed. The variety is resistant to diseases, and its fruits are distinguished by excellent gastronomic qualities. We bring to your attention the description of tomatoes by Ilya Muromets, the features of sowing and caring for seedlings, the positive and negative sides of the variety.
Variety characteristics

Ilya Muromets is a variety of domestic selection, included in the list of the State Register of the Russian Federation. The tomato is intended for cultivation both in hothouse conditions, and on an open bed. The manufacturer claims: Ilya Muromets tomato is mid-season. You can eat tomatoes after 100 days from the moment the first shoots appear. The variety is indeterminate, which means that the stem part must be fixed on supports, formedand be sure to stepchild. The leaves are medium in size, the bushes are medium leafy.
Tomato Ilya Muromets: fruit characteristics

Five tomatoes are tied on one brush, which are characterized by a yellowish or orange tint. The peel is thin, glossy and even, the fruits are rounded. Vegetables are large in size. The severity of the seminal chambers is practically absent. The inside of the fruit has an orange tone. Due to the dense pulp and strong skin, tomatoes can be stored and transported over long distances. Vegetables will not lose their excellent presentation, which allows them to be successfully sold in retail.
Variety Benefits
The main positive qualities of the tomato Ilya Muromets gardeners include stable fruiting, high yields. If you believe the reviews, you can collect about 11 kilograms of large fruits from one bush - when growing it in greenhouse conditions. In open ground, the weight of the crop will be about 8 kilograms. Summer residents are also pleased with the absence of voids inside the vegetable, its dense texture, a small amount of seeds, which is combined with excellent taste. Ripe tomatoes of this variety have a bright aroma, rich color and delicious taste. Tomatoes Ilya Muromets (in the photo below you can see them in a section) are great for canning, however, due to their large size, placing them in jars is not so easy. But for the preparation of tomato juices and winter salads, the variety is simply ideal. gardeners note the resistance of the variety tofungal infections and viral diseases. Plants are resistant to too high air temperatures and overheating of the soil.

Speaking about the use of tomatoes Ilya Muromets, gardeners note: it can be used as an ingredient in various dishes, fresh, baked or pickled.
Disadvantages of the variety
The disadvantages of a tomato are not so many. The main gardeners call the need to regularly apply mineral dressings, tie bushes, form them. In addition, varietal tomato often affects the Colorado potato beetle. It also reacts negatively to excessive waterlogging of the soil.
Features of sowing and growing seedlings
The first thing to do after choosing a quality tomato planting material Ilya Muromets is to process it. To do this, you will need to immerse the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide. The soil will also require disinfection: it can be thoroughly shed with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, or it can be dried in the oven at a temperature not exceeding 100 degrees. After that, the seeds should be buried in the soil by a centimeter, sprinkled with soil, moistened with a spray bottle. Experienced gardeners recommend covering seedling containers with glass or film, which will speed up the process of emergence. As soon as they appear, the shelter should be removed.

The next step is picking. This procedure should be performed when the first true leaf appears on the plants. Truth,some vegetable growers suggest immediately planting seeds in individual cups, preferably peat. It will be possible to plant tomatoes in a permanent place right in them.
Permanent planting
According to reviews, tomato Ilya Muromets is one of the most productive varieties. However, in order to get the maximum yield, it is necessary to take into account some features of growing plants. In order to use the space of the greenhouse rationally, while not planting tomatoes too closely: it is not recommended to place no more than two or three bushes per square meter. The plant will need a garter to supports or trellises. If you plan to grow Ilya Muromets in the garden, you can use an arc or portable frame. It is necessary to install such a structure right on the garden bed, above ripening vegetables. The first garter is recommended to be performed a week after planting seedlings in the ground. Otherwise, the plant may settle under the weight of its own fruits, break. It is recommended to keep tomato bushes of this variety in two stems. From time to time, yellowing leaves will need to be removed to improve air circulation and reduce the time it takes for tomatoes to ripen. Gardeners talk about the need to timely moisten the soil, loosen and mulch it, and ventilate the greenhouse.

By the way, tomatoes of this variety, which are grown in an open area, have a brighter color, better taste and aromatic qualities. The taste of varietal tomatoes is also affected by suchconditions such as sunlight and temperature. An abundant amount of sunlight contributes to an increase in the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the future harvest.
Feeding tomatoes
The first fertilizers should be applied one and a half to two weeks after you planted the seedlings in a permanent place. The best option is a solution of bird droppings, mullein is also suitable. Immediately after fertilizing, it is necessary to mulch the soil in order to retain moisture in the soil and prevent the growth of weeds. When the second brush appears at the tomato, you should wait for half a month and make another top dressing. For tomatoes of this variety, the following composition is suitable: 2 liters of mullein solution, one spoonful of Mortar and three grams of copper sulfate and manganese. The same fertilizer must be applied during the collection of the first fruits of Ilya Muromets.
Pest control

The most common Colorado potato beetle is the most dangerous for tomatoes of this variety. The insect gnaws through young shrubs, which leads to their death. The best way to deal with such a problem is spraying with the use of specialized preparations that have an insecticidal effect. Spraying should be done in strict accordance with the instructions on the package.
Tomato reviews
Vegetable growers say: Ilya Muromets is attractive both from a gastronomic point of view and from an aesthetic point of view. The tomato is distinguished by its original appearance - with a pleasant yellow or orange color. The shape of the vegetables is almost perfect. Talking about the care of tomatoes of thisgardeners add varieties: there are no special growing conditions, the variety has quite standard requirements that apply to almost all garden crops. These include weeding, fertilizing and timely watering. Gardeners note the excellent taste of tomatoes, especially if they were grown in open ground.