Tomato "black pear": variety description, characteristics and reviews

Tomato "black pear": variety description, characteristics and reviews
Tomato "black pear": variety description, characteristics and reviews

When most people think of tomatoes, beautiful red fruits come to mind, but maybe not everyone knows that there are tomatoes of an unusual black color. Such varieties are a recent invention, approximately the middle of the twentieth century. We got a curiosity by crossing the varieties we are used to growing in the wild.

Today, the popularity of black-fruited tomatoes is very high due to their excellent taste. The most famous variety is called the "black pear". It is interesting not only for its excellent taste, but also for the decorativeness of its fruits and leaves. It is immediately worth noting the unpretentiousness of this variety, as well as the ease of growing in a summer cottage.

What you need to know about the variety: description

"Black pear" refers to mid-season varieties of tomatoes. It is distinguished by powerful, tall shrubs that can grow up to 1.7 m in the fresh air, and up to 2 meters in greenhouse conditions. To prevent the plant from breaking, it is necessary to create supports and tie up the bushes in time. Interestingly, this type of culture has no restrictions ingrowth.

After the first shoots appear and after planting the tomato in open ground, it will take about 125 days to wait for the harvest. The fruits are pear-shaped, slightly ribbed and have a brown-burgundy skin tone. On average, the mass of a tomato is 60–80 grams. This amazing variety is characterized by long fruiting. You can use the harvest for salads with fresh vegetables, preparations for the winter or for tomato juice.

This is the characteristic and description of the black pear tomato variety.

tomato pear black reviews
tomato pear black reviews

Preparation of soil for planting

In order for tomatoes to bring the long-awaited harvest, it is recommended to prepare the soil in the autumn months. In the place where black tomatoes will grow, humus is introduced into the soil, which will saturate it with useful elements. It is worth noting that an acidic environment is not suitable for vegetable crops. To reduce this indicator, chalk or charcoal is used. Soil pH can be determined from some plants that thrive in acidic soil. This applies to sorrel and horsetail.

Together with humus, potash and phosphorus supplements can be added. Potassium nitrate with nitrogen content is the most useful. In order not to miscalculate with the choice of fertilizers, you should pay attention to those compounds, the components of which will remain in the soil layer for a long time.

Feature of the introduction of ammonium nitrate is that it is more appropriate to use it in the spring. Such a tool has the ability to dissolve quickly and will be washed outfrom the soil during rainfall.

planting a tomato
planting a tomato

Where to plant on the plot?

Black pear tomato needs long daylight hours and direct sunlight. This feature indicates that plantings need an open space with good lighting, but it is best to refuse a place in the shade. Low-lying beds are also bad for tomatoes. A large accumulation of water leads to the development of certain diseases.

If we talk about predecessors in one or another part of the garden where planting is planned, then beds with nightshade crops or corn will not be suitable for planting tomatoes. But you can use the place after radishes, cabbage, salads.

late blight resistance
late blight resistance

How to grow tomatoes without seedlings?

For growing black pear tomato, both open ground and greenhouses are suitable. If we talk about the rules of planting, then there are no strong differences from working with traditional tomatoes. When resorting to growing without seedlings, the gardener is advised to pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Preparing the soil. Loose, fertile soils are suitable for tomatoes. During gardening, it is worth taking care of the application of phosphorus and potash fertilizers. Wood ash is perfect - at the rate of 2 kg per 1 square meter. Then you need to properly dig the soil layer.
  2. Keeping distances. Between seedlings, it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 0.4 meters. This must be taken into account when sowing. If the plants are too close to each other- this will negatively affect the amount of harvest.
  3. Care after landing. A place with black tomatoes needs abundant watering, which will require warm water. Then the bed is covered with plastic wrap. Covering material can be removed when the weather is good, not cold.
  4. Once the seeds germinate, thin out the bushes as needed.
  5. black pear fruit
    black pear fruit

Features of outdoor care

To increase yields, many gardeners form two trunks on one shrub. There is nothing difficult in this. It is enough for a “black pear” tomato to cut off the shoots and leave only the one that grew under the very first brush. From it, the formation of the second stem will begin. The fruiting period is extended by pinching the crown of the plant after the appearance of several brushes. Do not forget about the tall culture, as well as the timely tying of bushes.

As for care activities, they are as follows:

  • fertilization;
  • after watering, be sure to loosen the soil;
  • timely garter;
  • remove weeds.

Irrigation plays an important role in the care of tomatoes, and its frequency depends on climatic conditions and dryness of the soil. As soon as the earth begins to dry out, you can take on the watering can. Growers should not let their beds dry out completely.

If precipitation is not expected in the near future, then you need to water the vegetables once a week. In the presence of precipitation, the frequency of wateringis shrinking. The yield depends on the amount of water, the lack of moisture leads to the fact that the ovaries of the fruits may fall off or not reach the desired size, and the skin on the ripened fruits will crack.

black tomatoes
black tomatoes

Care in greenhouse conditions

Greenhouse plants need to be fed. The first time fertilizers are used after planting seedlings. You can determine the period of need for fertilizer by the active development of the shrub. An excess amount of nutrients leads to the rapid growth of the green part of the crop and to the reduction of ovaries.

The second feeding is carried out at the time of the appearance of the first ovaries. The most suitable fertilizer at this time is ammonium nitrate, and it is best to use a solution of 0.3%.

black pear tomatoes
black pear tomatoes


Like other plants, the "black pear" can develop some diseases.

With increased soil moisture, a fungal disease called blackleg begins to spread along the leaves and stems. To minimize the appearance of infection, it is recommended to use the Trichodermin preparation, which is applied to the soil layer while digging up the earth. Also, do not forget about respecting the distance between the bushes, do not abuse watering and carry out weeding in a timely manner.

Fusariosis develops with a lack of lighting and too high temperatures. Most often, a similar disease occurs in young tomatoes in greenhouse conditions. When a fungus appears, it is necessary to get rid ofplants, not forgetting about the basal earthen ball. The remaining plantings are treated with Fitosporin.

The spider mite is the most dangerous insect that destroys plants. The death of tomatoes occurs due to the loss of juices that the parasite uses for its food. They fight ticks with Fitoverm.

It is interesting that the "black pear" is resistant to late blight, various types of rot, cladosporiosis.

tomato black pear characteristics and description of the variety
tomato black pear characteristics and description of the variety

About the advantages and disadvantages

Any vegetable crop has its pros and cons, the same applies to this variety. Benefits include:

  • great fruit taste;
  • duration of fruiting;
  • crop retains its presentation for a long time;
  • the skin does not crack.

Among the shortcomings noted:

  • demanding plants to the composition of the soil layer;
  • mandatory removal of stepchildren.

What do seasoned gardeners say?

Most owners of suburban areas characterize the variety as suitable for planting. Noting the fact that if the conditions are not met, the promised yield may not be received. People who have harvested large crops put this variety of tomato on the list of favorites and continue to plant it both in greenhouses and in the open field. These are the reviews about the black pear tomato.
