Tomato "Samara": variety description, characteristics, growing features, reviews

Tomato "Samara": variety description, characteristics, growing features, reviews
Tomato "Samara": variety description, characteristics, growing features, reviews

Do you want to enjoy the fresh harvest of fragrant ripe tomatoes as soon as possible? Gardeners recommends paying attention to the Samara variety. A hybrid tomato, vegetable growers fell in love with it due to its excellent taste and resistance to diseases such as tobacco mosaic, cladosporiosis and fusarium.

Features of the variety

"Samara" belongs to the category of indeterminate hybrids. The ripening period is early, the fruits are arranged in clusters. The crop can be harvested 90-100 days after the seed has been sown. "Samara" is suitable both for growing in a greenhouse and for open ground. Of course, in mid-latitudes it is better to use the greenhouse method of growing. On average, the height of the bushes is about two meters. This means that the tomato needs to be tied up.

The number of sheets is average, they are green with a light matte coating. Experts say: in order to get the largest possible yield, it is necessary to remove the side shoots in time, leaving only one central rod. Only in this case is it possible to form large fruitsin large quantities.

tomato samara characteristic
tomato samara characteristic

Tomato "Samara": fruit characteristics

Vegetables are round, glossy, have a rich scarlet hue. The weight of one tomato reaches 80-100 grams. They are resistant to cracking, and thanks to their dense pulp and elastic skin, they tolerate transportation well.

The palatability is also pleasing. This is a pretty big advantage, because usually early varieties cannot boast of good taste characteristics. Tomatoes sing together, they are all almost the same size. If you properly care for and fertilize in a timely manner, about four kilograms of delicious fruits can be harvested from one bush per season. At the same time, summer residents will collect tomatoes with whole brushes, which prolongs the shelf life of vegetables and gives them a unique presentation.

Speaking of the positive qualities of the Samara tomato, it should be noted that this variety is resistant to common diseases that affect members of the nightshade family, such as Fusarium, Tobacco Mosaic and Cladosporiosis.

tomato seeds samara
tomato seeds samara

Disadvantages of the variety

The variety has no special drawbacks, the only disadvantage can be considered that it can be grown only in the central regions of Russia. In addition, "samara" is not suitable for growing in greenhouses in the autumn-winter period.

Tomato cultivation

The first step in growing tomatoes of any variety is planting seeds. This should be done in the second half of February. Seeds can be sown in containers to a depth of no more than a centimeter. After thatthey must be covered with a film or glass and installed in a warm place. When the first true leaves appear on the seedlings, you can dive the Samara tomato into different pots. During picking, it will not be superfluous to apply complex fertilizers.

Tomato care

Experienced gardeners say: seedlings must be hardened off before planting in a permanent place. It’s worth starting from 5 minutes, and when the seedlings stand on the street for at least a day, and the soil warms up enough, tomatoes can be planted. After this, the seedlings must be provided with complete rest. It can be watered no earlier than 10 days after planting. The fact is that excessive humidity is contraindicated for tomatoes. After that, up to the flowering period, the Samara tomato needs watering as the soil dries up, about 3-4 liters of water will be required per square meter. During fruit formation, bushes need more generous watering - at this time, water consumption can be increased to 10-12 liters.

tomatoes samara reviews
tomatoes samara reviews

Please note: in no case should you water the tomatoes with cold water, it must first be heated to at least 22 degrees. Do not use stale water for irrigation, this can lead to the appearance of various diseases. Another important point is maintaining the required level of humidity. If the humidity is too high, the plants will not pollinate enough. An important factor in growing tomatoes is the ventilation of the greenhouse and compliance with the temperature regime. During the day, the temperature should be 22 degrees, at night this figure can be lower by 2 degrees. Inthe time of flowering and ripening of tomatoes, the temperature in the greenhouse should be about 26-27 ° С.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings

More and more gardeners have started growing tomatoes using this method. In China, this technology of planting and growing vegetables has been used for many decades. However, in Russia, the method has become known relatively recently, but everyone who managed to apply it on their site is satisfied with the result.

The main positive aspects of the method include the fact that seedlings are ready for planting much earlier, the risk of parasites and diseases is reduced, after picking, almost all plants survive. Another plus is that tall bushes do not grow so quickly, but give strength to fruits.

Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings
Chinese way of growing tomato seedlings

Seed treatment

With the Chinese method, the seeds must go through more than one stage of processing, but several. First you need to wrap them in a not very dense fabric. After that, you need to prepare a solution of water and ash and leave the seeds in it for several hours. The next stage is immersion in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then the seeds of the tomato "Samara" must be held in a solution of the drug "Epin". The final part of the preparation of planting material is placing it in the freezer of the refrigerator for exactly a day.


You can sow seeds only at a certain time: the moon must be waning and be in the constellation Scorpio. Picking is best done when the plant is exactly one month old,The moon will again be in the constellation Scorpio. A mixture of equal parts of black soil and sandstone is suitable as a soil. Seeds should be planted immediately after the refrigerator. After sowing, the container must be covered with plastic wrap or glass, and then placed in a warm sunny place.

After a few days, the glass or film should be removed. Shoots should be left in a well-lit place so that the seedlings grow faster. At night, it is advisable to move the containers or pots to a cool place. All procedures are recommended to be carried out only during the waning moon. Eastern experts say that this will allow the root system to develop better.


tomato samara photo
tomato samara photo

Important information: immediately after picking the container with seedlings, it is necessary to cover it again with polyethylene for insulation, then it should be kept in a dark, cool place for several days, which should be replaced with abundant lighting. You may need lamps. For planting in a greenhouse or in open ground, it is necessary to use special soil. The main part should be peat. Soil with humus is not suitable, because when using it, the bushes are more likely to be exposed to various diseases. It's all about the bacteria that inhabit the humus. Even spraying will not help them.

Shaping a bush

It is recommended to form tall tomatoes in two stems. It is necessary to cut off the brushes that are higher than the sixth, because the upper part of the plant takes too much nutrients. Of course, tying is required. Thanks to this simple procedure, you will get larger fruits. If you notice that the bushes are gaining growth too actively, you should treat them with drugs that can slow down this process. You can use a tool called Athlete. One ampoule should be dissolved in one and a half liters of water and the plant should be treated. You should not carry out this procedure more than 3 times. Do not forget to loosen the ground in a timely manner, because the roots need air. Watering should be sure, water is needed only when the soil is dry. Excess and lack of moisture negatively affects the condition of the roots.

Reviews of gardeners about the variety

In reviews of the Samara tomato, summer residents say: this variety is suitable for fresh consumption, for preservation and for making delicious tomato juice. The fruits are not subject to cracking, subject to agrotechnical rules, you can grow a fairly large crop.
