Tomato Kumir is a favorite of many gardeners. It does not belong exclusively to salad types, although it has a pronounced tomato flavor and aroma. It is best used for juices, tomatoes and sauces, canned whole fruits. The variety produces delicious tomatoes until late autumn, while other varieties have already ceased to bear fruit.
Tomato Kumir, belongs to the early ones - from the middle of summer you can harvest the first crops. The variety was bred by domestic breeders for growing in greenhouses and open ground.

Kumir belongs to the determinant standard species, but when formed in 2-3 stems, during the growing season it can reach two meters in height. With proper agricultural technology, the weight of a tomato can reach 400 grams, and from one bush you can collect up to six or more kilograms of delicious fruits: about 20 kilograms are harvested from one square meter.
Tomatoes ripen early, about 100 days after the appearance of the first sprouts and bear fruit until late autumn. Considering reviewsabout the Kumir tomato, the fruiting period may shift, depending on the region.
The plant is highly resistant to various types of diseases and pests. Even at the stage of bush formation, the culture needs to be supported and fed in a timely manner.
Description of fruits
Tomato fruits are large, rounded, red in color. They have a balanced sweet and sour taste with a bright tomato aroma. The mass of one fruit ranges from 300 to 500 grams, but there are also champions. There are four to six seed chambers inside a tomato.
In cooking, fruits are recommended for fresh consumption, salad preparation, as well as for preservation of whole fruits. Tomatoes have proven themselves well in the preparation of sauces and juices. Ripe tomatoes are stored for a long time, they tolerate transportation well without loss of presentation.

Tomato Kumir is grown in seedlings. To obtain he althy, strong plants, it is necessary to prepare seeds for sowing. To do this, first cull seeds that are not suitable for sowing, using s alted water: a spoonful of s alt is diluted in a liter of water, seeds are placed in the composition for 15-20 minutes. Those that remain floating on the water are removed, and those that sink to the bottom are washed under running water and dried. Then the seeds are treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20-30 minutes. After disinfection, the material is washed, dried and sown in the ground.

Timing andsowing
And when to plant tomatoes for seedlings, in what month? The timing of sowing depends on the planned date of transfer of seedlings to the ground. If it is planned to plant plants in mid-May, then it is recommended to sow seeds in early March. Usually seedlings are planted at the age of 60 days. A week is added to this period for germination: in total, about 65-67 days will pass from the moment of sowing to the date of planting.
Knowing how many days tomatoes sprout and at what age seedlings are planted, you can calculate the sowing dates for each region.
Sowing of seeds is carried out in seedling boxes or individual containers, up to eight centimeters deep. The container is filled with soil by 2/3. In the boxes, a sowing scheme of 2x2 cm is maintained, with individual plantings, a recess of about 2 cm is made in the center of the container and one seed is placed there. To speed up germination, it is recommended to cover crops with film or glass.
Sprouts will appear in a week. As soon as all the seeds hatch, it is necessary to escape the glass. After two weeks, make the first top dressing. Due to the limited capacity, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers diluted strictly according to the instructions.
As soon as two real leaves appear on the plants, they pick. If it is impossible to do it, then the seedlings are sprinkled with soil.
At the time of planting the seedlings, there should be a flower brush on it.

Ground care
The bed for the tomato Kumir is prepared in advance, in the fall, by adding manure to it. At the time of planting seedlings, it is recommended to add to each holegranulated mineral fertilizer: superphosphate and s altpeter. The planting density of seedlings is three bushes per square meter. Immediately at the time of planting, the tomato is tied up.
After planting, the bushes are immediately watered. For this, warm, settled water is used. The ideal time to water is morning or evening.
Since the plant is determinant, it must be shaped. Gardeners recommend keeping a bush in two or three stems. Be sure to need support, as the main stem may not support the weight of the fruit and break.
As the plant develops, all stepchildren are removed. They pull nutrients from the roots, thereby slowing down the development of the main stems. Also, the removal of stepchildren helps to accelerate the growth of the plant and prevents it from being overloaded with fruits.
In the early stages of development, it is important to follow the growth point. In the northern regions, it is recommended to remove the lower leaves before the ovary. Everything above the brush with fruits is left. It is necessary for normal photosynthesis. In the southern regions, it is not recommended to remove a lot of foliage, as this causes severe burns to the fruit.

Possible growing problems
Sometimes vegetable growers face some problems when growing tomatoes. Plants can be damaged by pests, diseases, or lack nutrients.
Most often, tomatoes are damaged by fungal diseases. Fungicides such as Topaz and others help to cope with them. They are used in accordance with the instructions.
Notrarely on the bushes you can find the Colorado potato beetle. It feeds on the leaves and stems of the plant and lays eggs. You can fight it in different ways: treat plants with special preparations or collect the pest manually.
When there are signs of a lack of nutrients, the plant should be fed. For this, nitrogenous, complex fertilizers, superphosphate, ash, manure, various herbal solutions are used.
According to reviews, Kumir sings too slowly, which is why the last fruits have to be picked brown or green. The lack of sun and heat affects the speed of ripening. Otherwise, the variety has no negative reviews.