How to care for cut tulips at home?

How to care for cut tulips at home?
How to care for cut tulips at home?

With the onset of spring, many are in a hurry to please their loved ones with colorful, uplifting flowers - tulips. These plants tend to bring a joyful mood and a sense of celebration to the home interior. In order for the presented bouquet to please the eye for a long time, you need to know how to care for cut tulips.

how to care for cut tulips
how to care for cut tulips

When is the best time to choose a bouquet?

If tulips are cut from the site, it is recommended to do this in the morning. At this time, dew accumulates on their surface, and the moisture consumption is much lower than during the day or in the evening. This tip will help extend the life of a bunch of flowers like tulips. How to care for cut flowers if they were purchased in a store during the day? First of all, they should be provided with access to water and coolness.

how to care for cut tulips
how to care for cut tulips

Distinguishing feature

First of all, it should be noted that tulips are geotropical and phytotropical plants. This means that their stems tend to bend under the weight of the buds. Also, these colors are characterizedthe desire for a light source, therefore, tulips stretch and bend in the direction of greater illumination. In this regard, the bouquet must be periodically deployed in different directions to the window.

caring for cut tulips
caring for cut tulips

Content rules

So, you have become a happy owner of a beautiful bouquet. After that, the question inevitably arose: how to care for cut tulips at home? First of all, you should choose a room with clean air and no drafts. The life of the bouquet will be significantly extended if it is shaded from direct sunlight. It must also be remembered that caring for cut tulips at home involves placing a vase with a bouquet away from fresh fruit. This restriction is due to the fact that the fruits emit special substances that contribute to the rapid withering of flowers.

Where to start

During transportation, flowers lose a significant amount of moisture and do not receive the required amount of nutrients. As a result, the appearance of such a bouquet upon purchase may turn out to be unpresentable. You should not be afraid of this, because after saturation with water, the tulips will take on their former appearance.

how to care for cut tulips at home
how to care for cut tulips at home

Care for cut tulips begins with cutting the stems two to three centimeters from the end. This should be done obliquely, under a stream of cold water. In order to support the stem in an upright position, the package in which the bouquet was delivered should be left on the flowers. For releasetips, you can slightly pull the package up. A vase is selected based on its ability to support flowers. Therefore, the best option would be a high capacity. Caring for cut tulips involves removing the lower leaves that are under water. The plant will not receive nutrition from them, and the decay process that begins in these leaves will spoil the water. There must be no moisture under the packaging. This applies to both the upper petals and buds. Excess moisture here also provokes rotting. You should also monitor the appearance of condensation, if necessary, remove it with a paper towel.

How to care for cut tulips on the first day

Most often, these flowers need two to three hours to drink water. In paper packaging, the bouquet can be kept all day, after which it will need to be removed. This is necessary to create a space where the buds will open. The outer petals can be omitted. Such damaged parts of the bud are removed.

caring for cut tulips at home
caring for cut tulips at home

Prolonging the life of the bouquet

Every girl is pleased to receive tulips as a gift. Not everyone knows how to care for cut flowers, which is why colorful buds fade so quickly. After placing the flowers in a vase, you need to monitor the condition of the water. At least once every two or three days, it must be changed to fresh. If this is not done, an accumulation of harmful bacteria will form, which contribute to the death of the plant. In the process of changing the water, the vase is washed well. From time to time, yellowedleaves and petals. The ideal place for tulips is a room where light is diffused from a window. A vase with a bouquet is periodically turned with the other side to the light source. In order to prolong the life of the bouquet, special preservatives will be added to the vase with water, which can be purchased at flower shops. Most often there you can find a powder called "Krizal". This substance allows you to keep the freshness of flowers much longer. According to reviews, after processing the bouquet with this powder, the condition of the flowers improves by about forty percent.

Speed up the opening of buds

Caring for cut tulips at home is not that difficult. However, there are situations when it is necessary to open the buds as soon as possible, for example, for a wedding. In this case, cut off the ends of the tulips, then put them in warm water. The warmer the water temperature, the faster the flower buds will open. A vase with a bouquet is placed in a bright room. In this case, direct sunlight should be avoided. Plentiful lighting will help the buds bloom faster.

caring for cut tulips at home
caring for cut tulips at home

How to slow down the opening of buds

How to care for cut tulips if you need to delay their opening? Then the bouquet is placed in cold water. You can add ice cubes to the vase. In this case, the saturation of the plant stems will be slower, as a result of which the buds will slow down their opening. Store such a bouquet in a dimly lit or dark cool place. It is recommended to place the tulips in the refrigerator. In this caseit is necessary to ensure that the bouquet does not get too cold, and also remove the condensate accumulated on the flowers with a paper towel in time.


In order to care for cut tulips at home, you can use fertilizer. It is recommended to use special products for bulbous. The ideal option is top dressing for tulips. It is allowed to use fertilizers for other types of plants, but they contain sugar. This substance causes flowers to turn yellow soon.

How long do cut tulips live

Specialists, in particular florists, argue that with proper care, the bouquet can stand at home for up to seven days. Despite this, there are finicky varieties of tulips that are not able to survive in water for more than three or four days.

Thus, in order to keep the bouquet fresh for as long as possible, you need to remember how to care for cut tulips at home. By following the simple subtleties described in this article, you can extend the life of the bouquet up to one week.
