How do they cut drywall? How to cut drywall

How do they cut drywall? How to cut drywall
How do they cut drywall? How to cut drywall

Today drywall is widely used in construction and repair. You can work with this material yourself. However, you should first find out how drywall is cut, so that there are no difficulties during the repair process. Below are the main ways to work and the tools you will need.

Cutting tools

How do they cut drywall? To cut it, there are special devices that

how to cut drywall
how to cut drywall

are quite expensive. They are used in enterprises where work with drywall is carried out on a large scale. For home use, you can use the tools at hand, which can be found in every home.

First of all, you need to mark the sheet of drywall to cut it straight. This is done with a tape measure, a simple pencil and a long ruler.

Multiple tools can be used to cut material. So, how drywall is cut:

  • hacksaw;
  • construction knife;
  • jigsaw.

In rooms with high humidity, moisture-resistant drywall is used. It differs from conventional material by the presence of antiseptic additives in its composition. Some people have a question about how to cut moisture resistant drywall. It is not much different from ordinary material. It can be easily recognized by its green color. When cutting it, you can use the same tools. We will tell you in more detail how to work with each of them.

The better to cut drywall

Hacksaw for metal differs from the one used for sawing wood, with a thinner blade

how to cut moisture resistant drywall
how to cut moisture resistant drywall

blades. With its help, drywall is cut very easily. The edges of the material remain smooth and practically do not have nicks. A sheet of material must be placed on some kind of support and cut along the marked line.

A construction knife with a double-sided sharp blade can easily cut a dense sheet of drywall. To make the edge of the sheet even, you must first draw a marking line and attach a metal ruler to it. An incision is made on it with a knife. In the case when the drywall is thin enough, you can replace the construction knife with a regular clerical knife, which is used for paper.

It is convenient to make curly cuts with an electric jigsaw. When working with drywall, it is recommended to purchase files with fine teeth, which are used for metal.

How to cut drywall properly

There are some helpful tips to make your job easier:

  • Drywall is a flexible material. In order not to break it during work, you need to put the sheet on a stable, flat surface.
  • When cutting a large sheet, do it gradually.
  • There must be no moisture in the workplace, otherwise the material will become wet and unusable.
  • Which side to cut drywall, not so important. However, it is best to cut on the surface with which it will be attached to the wall.
  • When cutting the profile, don't worry about jagged edges. They will subsequently be covered with a sheet of drywall.
  • When working with the material, it should be understood that it can crumble heavily and create dust. Be sure to protect your eyes and respiratory organs.

Cut along straight lines

First you need to lay drywall on a flat horizontal surface and

how to cut drywall
how to cut drywall

mark on both sides of the line along which the cut will be made. After that, a metal ruler is applied to them and pressed by hand. In the other hand, we take the knife and draw it along the line several times to make the cut deeper.

Some people think they can do without a ruler. However, it should not be neglected. It is quite difficult to make an even cut without it. Of course, it is possible, but you will have to spend time to get the edge neat. With a ruler, everything is done much faster.

When the cuts are deep enough, the drywall sheet should be placed on edge and tapped on the back side. Usually, a few weak blows will cause the drywall sheet to break along the line. Now it remains only to cut the cardboard layer with a knife.

Shaped cutting

There are situations when you need not a straight cut, but a curved or round one.

the best way to cut drywall
the best way to cut drywall

For example, if you make an arch or a hole for lighting fixtures. In this case, it is best to use a jigsaw.

They need to work slowly, drawing clearly along the marked lines. The saw should be narrow with small teeth. It must run at high speed. When cut carefully, the edge will be even.

If you don't have a jigsaw, you can use a hacksaw or a construction knife and a hammer. Make deep cuts strictly according to the markup. Lay the drywall on a flat surface with a recess so that it is under the cut hole. Now hit this place with a hammer. After the unwanted part falls off, turn the drywall over and cut off the excess paper.


When the drywall is cut, its edges should be slightly aligned so that there is no

which side to cut drywall
which side to cut drywall

chips and chips. You can do this with sandpaper. Gently go over all the edges until they are smooth.

The final stage of preparing the material includes its fascia. To do this, cut off a few millimeters of gypsum from each edge (about two-thirds of the thickness of the sheet). The chamfer is removed with a planer or knife at an angle of approximatelyat 45 degrees.

After installing drywall, all the gaps between the sheets of material must be puttied. When the seams dry, you can start painting the surface or wallpapering it.

How to cut profile

Gypsum board sheets are attached to a special profile. It is made of metal for maximum structural strength. How to cut a profile for drywall? To cope with this work, you can use:

  • hacksaws;
  • jigsaw;
  • metal shears.

Bulgarian is not recommended to use at home, because it produces a lot of sparks. Metal shears will suffice. They are able to easily cut iron without creating unnecessary debris and chips.

how to cut drywall profile
how to cut drywall profile

Profile can be cut into small pieces. After fixing the drywall, it will not be visible. The main thing is to screw the profile well to the wall or other surface to ensure the strength of the entire structure.

Working with drywall is quite simple. Because of this, it is in great demand for interior decoration. Now that you know how drywall is cut, you can change your apartment beyond recognition without spending money on professional finishers.
