Anemones are spread all over the globe. There are more than 150 species of these plants in nature. But today we will talk about buttercup anemone, a yellow decorative honey plant.

Classification of plants
Ranunculus anemone has several equivalent names. Often this plant is called buttercup anemone or ranunculus anemone. In Latin, the name sounds like Anémone ranunculoides. Anemones belong to the class Dicotyledons. The next step in classification is to determine the order of the plant. In this case, we are talking about the Ranunculaceae order, which includes the Ranunculaceae family. The type anemone buttercup is a representative of the extensive genus Anemone.

The most suitable place
Most often this type of plant can be found in deciduous forests. Such an ecosystem is most suitable for this species. Somewhat less often buttercups-flowers come across in mixed spruce-deciduous forests. If desired, you can try to plant a buttercup anemone in a garden plot. This shade-loving plant makes a wonderful spring decoration.
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The distribution zone of anemone luteus covers not onlythe European part of Russia, but also the Ciscaucasia, that is, the flat territories north of the foothills of the Caucasus, South Siberia, Central Europe, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and even the British Isles. True, in the latter case, the territory cannot be called a natural habitat, the ranunculus anemone was resettled to the British Isles by accident, but it took root here perfectly.

Description of the plant. Sprout
Ranunculus anemone sprout appears very early. This happens at the very beginning of spring, when the earth is still dormant under a layer of last year's grass and snow. Each sprout is a stem with three underdeveloped leaves at the top. Initially, the stem is crocheted, and the leaves folded together point downwards. Interestingly, the sprout begins to break through not with the upper end and not with leaves, but with a hook-shaped bend, this helps to overcome the layer of forest litter.
Roots and leaves
Yellow anemone buttercup refers to perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants. On average, its height is about 30 cm. The rhizome is located superficially. It is of a creeping type, so it can be quite long. The root is bead-like, fleshy and elastic. Outwardly, it looks like a brown knot with special constrictions. On the fault, the white inner part is clearly visible, in which reserves of starch and other nutrients are stored. Several thin roots descend from the surface rhizome.
Ranunculus anemone has no basal leaves. But sometimes it gives one basal leaf of a palmately dissected shape on a long petiole. Likeall anemones, the buttercup species has 3 leaves at the top of a thin stem. They are directed in different directions and are located in a horizontal plane, forming a green tier. Each leaf is cut into separate lobes and has a short petiole.

Flowers and fruits
People often confuse garden ranunculus, photos of which can be found in special magazines, and ranunculus anemone. In fact, these flowers are very similar. You can only notice the differences with a very careful examination. So, the buttercup flower has a double perianth with sepals and petals. Anemone - the owner of a simple perianth, consisting only of petals, and no sepals. So the name "flower buttercups" can only be applied to anemone as a joke.
As you already understood, the flowers of this type of anemone have a rich yellow-golden color. Their diameter is about 3 cm. There are 5 petals in a bud, peduncles are always single. On one plant they can be from 2 to 5 units. The flower appears in mid-April and lasts up to 20 days. Then the petals fall to the ground. A cluster of small fruits remains on the peduncle.
During flowering anemone ranunculus, there are almost no other plants. It belongs to primroses. It is light in the forest at this time, nothing obscures it. Garden buttercups, the photos of which we have already discussed, bloom much later - closer to June. So it is quite difficult to confuse these species.

After flowering, the leaves of anemone buttercup gradually turn yellow. By the end of spring, the forest is dressed in foliage,other plants gradually appear and the anemone becomes dark. The yellowed ranunculus anemone lies on the ground and dries up. At the beginning of summer, there is no trace of it, but the surface rhizome is alive. It will wait for next spring to please the world with a modest yellow flower. For a special life schedule, the anemone is included in the list of oak ephemeroids.
Who are oak ephemeroids?
This is a special ecological group, which includes herbaceous perennials, which have a too short growing season. The development of ephemeroids can fall on different periods. For example, the following types of ephemeroids are typical for spring: tulips, crocuses, snowdrops, anemones, corydalis and goose onions. And in the fall, the fleeting vegetation of the colchicum passes.
Perennial ephemeroids are often confused with annual ephemera. The growing season of ephemers is also fleeting. But in the first case, the ground part of the plant completely dies off after the growing season, but the underground organs (rhizome or bulb) are preserved. In the second case, the plant bears fruit and dies off completely.

Honey qualities
Ranunculus anemone has good honey qualities. As soon as it blooms in the forest, industrious bees can begin the laborious process. The bright yellow flowers attract insects, but unfortunately fade quickly. This type of plant is characterized by group growth, so they are easy to find in forest glades. In bad weather and at night, the flowers are closed to preserve their valuablecontent.
How to plant buttercup anemone
Planting buttercups, or rather buttercup anemone, with seeds will require certain skills. Seeds are difficult to collect, and after collection must be sown immediately. Otherwise, they will lose their viability. It is better to sow in boxes with a loose nutrient mixture of soils. Then bury the boxes and cover with mulch. The next year, about 25% of the seeds will sprout. Seedlings need to be well moistened, and they will begin to bloom in 2-3 years.

It is much easier to do vegetative propagation. The long branching rhizome is easily divided into separate fragments. They are shallowly buried with earth, and soon a bud is laid on each, and adventitious roots are formed. By the end of summer, all the organs necessary for the independent existence of the anemone luteus will be formed. The next spring, the plant will produce an early flower. In a few years, the anemone will grow and form plump shrubs that need to be occasionally weeded and mulched. In the spring, complex fertilizers can be applied. This way you can get your own primroses in the garden.