A room decorated with voluminous inscriptions, letters or numbers will always look very stylish and impressive. It can be a love confession for the second half, a decor element for a wedding photo shoot, a solemn date or the age of a birthday boy.
Many novice masters have a question: how to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard? There are many different ways to make this accessory.

The first way to make the base
First of all, you need to prepare a stencil of the selected number, letter or entire inscription. You can take it ready-made from the Internet, or you can draw it yourself. For beginners in this business, it is recommended to use the simplest template without curls - it will be much easier to work this way.
As for the size of volumetric letters made of cardboard, they can be very different. These can be quite miniature elements or large ones that can be mounted on a wall or placed on the floor. The most popular size is about half a meter high.
After the stencil is ready, it is transferred to the cardboard, and then carefully cut out along the contour. The material for the base is recommended to take the most dense. For example, you can use an unnecessary box from household appliances.
Then you need to take the threads of bright colors and wrap them around the craft very tightly. Experienced craftswomen recommend taking threads from synthetics. It will be much easier and more pleasant for a beginner to work with such material.
The basis for a three-dimensional letter or number is ready, it remains only to decorate it. Here the fantasy of the master is limitless.

Second way
There is a more complex version of the manufacture of this accessory. To work, you will need the following materials and tools:
- Cardboard (appliance packaging or regular corrugated cardboard).
- Double-sided tape.
- Adhesive tape.
- Sharp knife.
- Ruler and pencil.
Before you make volumetric letters from cardboard, you should prepare a template. Having decided on the desired style and size, the letters should be drawn on cardboard, and then cut along the contour with a sharp knife. It is worth remembering that for work you will need two blanks for each letter.
The next step is to measure the length of each side of the perimeter piece. Now make the sides. For example, if you intend to make a blankseven centimeters thick, then you need to cut a strip nine centimeters wide from cardboard, leaving some distance for bending. Passes must be carefully bent and glued to the workpiece with adhesive tape. Thus, a three-dimensional letter or number is formed. To make the parts more resistant to external influences, it is recommended to carefully glue them with adhesive tape.
Third way
The most common way to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard is to make them using paper rings. To do this, prepare the following:
- Thick cardboard.
- Toilet paper or paper towel roll.
- Pencil.
- Scissors.
- Paper.
- Glue.
First of all, the conceived letter or number must be transferred to the cardboard. If you can’t draw the blank, it’s okay, you can use a ready-made stencil. Below are examples of do-it-yourself volumetric letter templates made of cardboard.

You just need to print the stencil you like, transfer it to cardboard in duplicate and carefully cut it out.
Then you should think about how big the letter will be. If it is supposed to make a workpiece with a volume of three centimeters, then rings of the appropriate thickness must be cut out of the sleeve. There should be about seven such details. The wider the thickness of the rings, the larger the letter will be.
Details need to be placed on one letter and secured with glue. When everything is ready, you need to lubricate the other with glueedge of the rings and glue them to the second part of the letter. The resulting workpiece should be left for several hours until completely dry.
The next step is to tear the paper into small pieces and mix with glue. Paste the entire letter with such a mass. Thus, the product will become more durable and hard.
The do-it-yourself volumetric letter made of cardboard is ready, it remains only to decorate it.
Craft decoration options
There are many ways to decorate volumetric numbers and letters. Considering the general style of decoration of the celebration, you can choose the most suitable decoration option:
- Twine.
- Colored paper.
- Floral foil.
- Colorful napkins.
Twine decoration
Eco-style - interior design, which involves the use of natural materials. Such a stylish decor item will be a three-dimensional inscription, decorated with twine. It will not be difficult to make it, just have a bit of patience.
To begin with, the cardboard blank must be smeared with glue, and then carefully wrap the outline of each letter with twine. The material can be left unpainted or painted in any color you like. And it is also allowed to decorate with any small things at hand: buttons, beads, beads or decorative feathers.
Paper roses
Flowers made of corrugated paper look very elegant and delicate. Decorations made of paper with the effect of mother-of-pearl or metallic are especially impressive.
To create a buda square piece with a side of approximately seven centimeters should be cut out of paper. Then draw a spiral inside this blank and cut it along the contour. Do not be afraid to make small irregularities, this will give the flower splendor and originality.
The edges of the resulting spiral must be connected by first placing any solid object on them. When the bud folds, this item will be in the middle. The bottom edge of the workpiece should be fixed with glue so that the flower does not fall apart. Other flowers are made according to the same principle.
One letter will need about 65 of these buds. When everything is ready, grease the cardboard base with glue and decorate with the resulting paper roses.
Flowers from floral film
Many people ask the question: how to make three-dimensional letters from cardboard with pounds? Such a product looks very beautiful, elegant and elegant - everything you need for a memorable holiday.
Funtiki can be easily made from floral film. To do this, the material should be cut into several square blanks. The parts should be folded unevenly in half, and then in half again and again unevenly. You should get a part with protruding edges on the sides.
The resulting pound must be fixed with glue or a stapler exactly in the middle. By the same principle, you can make other parts, and then glue the letters or numbers on the cardboard base.
Flowers from napkins

3D letters made of cardboard and napkins are perfect asdecor at the wedding photo shoot.

Such decorations always look very gentle and airy.

To make a fluffy flower, you need to fold the napkin in four. The resulting workpiece must be fixed in the center with glue. Then cut the part so that you get a circle. Carefully cut through the edges, not reaching the center. Twist the leaves of the flower a little and lift up. In this way, airy flowers are created, with which you can then decorate the letters with glue.
Crafts made from this material are very beautiful and unusual. Photos of volumetric letters made of cardboard and napkins are given in this article.