How to get rid of wasps in the house? Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house

How to get rid of wasps in the house? Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house
How to get rid of wasps in the house? Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house

Residents of megacities and large cities have to fight against wasps and other insects quite rarely. But summer residents and residents of country houses know firsthand what wasps are, they have experienced all the methods of dealing with insects that love to arrange their nests on balconies, under the roof of the house and in other places. In general, wasps are useful, it is they who destroy small garden pests, but for a person they become a real punishment, causing a lot of pain and discomfort with their bites. That is why, within the framework of this material, we will try to talk about how to get rid of wasps in the house. In addition, we will determine the main reasons for the appearance of uninvited insects.

How to get rid of wasps in the house
How to get rid of wasps in the house

About the reasons

In order to find out how to get rid of wasps in the house, first of all, you need to determine the main reasons for their appearance. Knowing them, you can prevent the appearance of uninvited guests on your site or in the house.

The reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house may be different. But we want to highlight the most common of them:

  • meat, fish, sweets left unattended in the open, attracting insects;
  • warm and drya place ideal for building a home;
  • nesting for overwintering - it is often in autumn that owners of private houses experience wasp attacks, it is at this time that insects are busy looking for a great place to overwinter;
  • accident - Quite often, wasps enter the house quite by accident, say, in search of water or food.
Delta Zone
Delta Zone

Worth the fight

For some, the appearance of wasp nests under the roof of a barn seems completely harmless. Indeed, it is possible to exist all summer in the conditions of proximity to wasps without entering into open conflict with them. But the difficulty lies primarily in the fact that one can never be sure how the wasps will react to the appearance and presence of a person. It is not excluded the situation when the wasps can defend their home, feeling a real danger and threat, and attack a person with a whole swarm. Just imagine that a small child walking on the site could be attacked by them.

In rare cases, destroying wasp nests is a last resort. If you are the owner of a huge plot and do not intersect with dangerous insects in any way, then you can allow them to continue to coexist with you, nest and fight other insects on your site.

Caution is paramount

You should remember the main rule: wherever there is a hornet's nest, a person is in danger. He can be bitten for no apparent reason, completely groundless. At best, it will be a small bite, at worst, multiple bites with an allergic reaction andedema. In order to get rid of wasps once and for all, it is not enough just to find a nest and eliminate it, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of uninvited insects on your site. Of course, you can brush off a couple of winged insects with the help of an ordinary fly swatter. But in the event that they have already built a nest on your territory, this is absolutely not enough - you should move on to more serious events.

Aktara price
Aktara price

Looking for a nest

How to get rid of wasps in the house? First, go in search of a nest. And here it is important to get acquainted with insects and what they are guided by in choosing a place for their home. So, they choose hard-to-reach and hidden areas. In wildlife, these requirements are perfectly met by hollows, a dense crown of trees. If your site has such old powerful trees, start with them. If we talk about traditional buildings, then they become an ideal place for arranging wasp nests. We recommend during the inspection to pay attention to the following places:

  • rarely used household and utility rooms, sheds, garages - pay attention to areas right under the ceiling;
  • slate niches;
  • crevices and places where the sheathing from old age has moved away from the walls themselves;
  • verandas, balconies;
  • thickets of shrubs and the so-called hedge.
Wasps in the wall of the house
Wasps in the wall of the house

Of course, it is very problematic to go around all the suitable areas, look into every crack, the search can drag on indefinitely. That is why we recommend using a little trick: put a piece of fish or meat in an open place. If wasps have settled on your site, they will gladly begin to flock to the delicacy. Your task is to trace the route and their original point of destination.

Starting to deduce

Destruction of wasp nests only at first glance seems to be a simple task, but you must be extremely careful and attentive so as not to become the subject of revenge of angry winged ones. It doesn’t matter if insects are bred in a summer cottage or in a city apartment - they should be removed by the same means. Before proceeding with the operation, please read some precautions:

  • It is unacceptable, it is strictly forbidden to use direct fire to burn out the nest, especially when it comes to trees and residential buildings. Of course, this is a very effective remedy against wasps, but the flames of fire, especially in dry windy weather, can easily spread to residential facilities - it is better to abandon this method.
  • Considering the type of enemy you have to fight, make sure you wear protective clothing in advance to help prevent bites.
  • Be sure to notify your neighbors that you are going to start getting rid of wasps - during this period it is advisable to stop all work on the street, close doors and windows tightly.
Wasp Remedy
Wasp Remedy

Nest burning

Want to know how to get rid of wasps in the house once and for all? To date, no more efficient method has been devised.than burning. Wasps make their home from the bark of trees. In turn, it is identical in structure to ordinary cardboard - it will take a few seconds to burn it to the ground. All that is required from you is to douse the hive with gasoline and set it on fire. At first glance, everything is extremely simple, but only at first glance.

We have already mentioned that it is strictly forbidden to use open fire - the probability of ignition is too high in this case. This method is definitely not suitable for those cases when the hive is located in the casing of the house, under the slate or in the cracks formed. Use it only when there are no flammable objects nearby.


If you do not know how to get rid of a swarm of wasps in the house most effectively and safely, pay attention to the universal method. It is based on the use of insecticides. Currently, they are in sufficient assortment and abundance in hardware stores. You can choose any of the following:

  • "Delta Zone";
  • "Executioner";
  • "Karbofos";
  • "Diazinon";
  • "Tetrix".

These are time-tested, affordable drugs. Recently, more and more often, a drug such as "Aktara" is used to combat uninvited insects. Its price is slightly higher than the cost of the closest analogues (100 rubles per pack of 4 g). But the efficiency is at the highest level. Of course, events require some preparation, primarily informative.

"Delta Zone" and all of the above drugs are available in water-soluble form. All that is required of you is to strictly follow the instructions on the package. After the miracle remedy has been prepared, prepare a tight plastic bag, making sure there are no cuts or holes. The package size must be identical to the size of the hive. Pour 200 ml of the solution diluted in the indicated proportion into the bag.

And finally, the most serious and crucial moment - the bag with the solution must be put on the nest as soon as possible, and at the same time, be careful to put it on the nest, and in such a way that the possibility of wasps to get out was excluded. If the home of the wasps is under a roof, then it is better to glue the neck of the bag to it with adhesive tape, thereby ensuring better fixation. The package with the hive and all its inhabitants can only be removed after a few days. In no case do not try to do this right away - then you will have to look for the answer to the question of how to get rid of a swarm of wasps in the house, which will start attacking all your household members.

How to get rid of wasps in house upholstery
How to get rid of wasps in house upholstery

To be sure, before removing the bag, move it - if the characteristic buzzing does not come, then the wasps are dead, and your goal has been achieved.

Special occasions

Not always everything is so simple. How to get rid of wasps in the cracks of the house or in its lining? Often you have to fight with a swarm that settled in the hollow of a tree. In this case, putting on a package with the drug certainly will not work. The same "Aktara" will help you, the price of whichvery democratic. Can't find this product? Use any of the list. Your task is to try to pour the drug onto the hive, and in such a way that it gets inside it. It is important at this point to block the exit. This can be done with a thick cloth soaked in an insecticide solution.

Water use

If you can't burn the hive or use special chemicals, still worried about how to get rid of wasps in the house as quickly as possible, water is your salvation.

Wasp nest destruction
Wasp nest destruction

It's no secret that wasps are afraid of water in all its manifestations. If the hornet's nest hangs right under the roof of the house, for example in the attic, you will have to be dexterous. The essence of the method is to immerse the hornet's nest in water - for this it is better to arm yourself with a plastic bucket. Moreover, the edges of the bucket must be pressed tightly against the ceiling, thereby blocking the exit of insects. Moreover, the bottom of the bucket must be propped up with a heavy weighty object, otherwise you will have to stand in this position for at least a day.

The complexity of the implementation of this method lies in the instability and unreliability of the entire structure.

Using bait

There are cases when it is not possible to find a nest. In fact, it can be in cracks, sheathing, under the roof itself - those places where you simply cannot crawl. If you don’t know how to get rid of a swarm of wasps in the house that bother and threaten all household members, resort to the help of one of the safest and simplest for the performance of ways - the use of bait.

The primary task is to prepare the very bait. For wasps, beer with sugar or sour jam is the most delicious treat - such a bait will gather all the winged inhabitants of your house. But the secret lies in the addition of a few grams of insecticidal preparations, such as "Delta Zone". Bait with a deadly wasp agent is best placed in an open area, providing unhindered access.

Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house
Reasons for the appearance of wasp nests in a private house

Important point: warn all household members, limit access to the place of bait for pets, so as not to harm them. The use of bait is also a godsend for those who do not know how to get rid of wasps in the sheathing of the house. This is a proven method, and completely safe.

Special services

Perhaps the most effective and safe way, without requiring any labor from homeowners, is to call a pest control service. Professionals with protective clothing and all the necessary tools will perform the work quickly and efficiently.

The cost of the service for the destruction of wasps in an apartment starts from 1500 rubles, in a summer cottage - from 2500 rubles. If you are not ready to embark on a personal struggle with winged and still quite dangerous insects, wasps in the wall of the house, and it is impossible to get to them on your own, pay special attention to this option.

Summing up

We tried to answer the question of how to get rid of wasps in the house as detailed and detailed as possible, shared secrets andin ways that maximize efficiency. We hope they will help you not only get rid of uninvited guests, but also prevent the appearance of such dangerous insects.
