How to get rid of wasps? Causes of wasp nests

How to get rid of wasps? Causes of wasp nests
How to get rid of wasps? Causes of wasp nests

Summer brings us generous gifts in the form of a gentle sun and an abundance of vegetables and fruits. Children have holidays and they can enjoy free time in the country. Butterflies fly, striped bees buzz on flowers. And a child friend runs home crying and complains that he was bitten by a wasp. This is a reason to conduct an immediate investigation. These creatures rarely attack in foreign territory. Perhaps they have already built a nest and now they do not let them near “their” apple tree or the wall of the barn.


First signs

Usually the garden becomes quiet as evening falls. But the bustle continues near the hornet's nest. If you see wasps scurrying, then you can be sure - they decided to firmly settle here. The second sign is a lot of insects flying into your house. Rest assured, they did not just fly by, but live in close proximity. For now, seriously think about how to get rid of wasps.

Neighbourhood reasons

Of course, you did not choose such neighbors for yourself. But for them, your site turned out to be very suitable. How do they choose a nest site?

Squads of wasps choose cozy loopholes, sheltered from prying eyes and the wind. At the same time, they are not too hardworking, so they are always ready to make their task easier by choosing a cozy place under the roof. There is no rain and wind here, you can safely breed. The reasons for the appearance of wasps are also food, which is in abundance next to human habitation. Of course, this applies to the dacha and the private sector. As you can see, they have every reason not to fly by.

how to get rid of wasps in the country
how to get rid of wasps in the country

Peaceful coexistence

Many people associate wasps with industrious bees. Therefore, instead of thinking about how to get rid of wasps, a person imagines that they will catch flies and be useful. Yes, they eat flies, but they will "graze" in the garden with great pleasure.

Immediately erase thoughts of peaceful coexistence from your head. These are not the same insects. They are dangerous for a number of reasons. Even if you notice that single insects have begun to visit your site, take measures to catch and destroy them. This is fairly easy to implement with hooks. And even more so, it's time to ask an edge the question "how to get rid of wasps" if they made a nest near your house.

Reason for immediate withdrawal

There are a number of objective reasons why you shouldn't feel sorry for wasps:

  • They are destroying the crop. Even a few adults whohave chosen your garden, can cause significant damage to ripe bunches of grapes. They are happy to gnaw on apples and pears, they can cripple a raspberry or gooseberry bush. Imagine what will be left for you if a whole family swoops in. Most likely, they simply will not let you get close to the vine for ripe gronks.
  • Infection carriers. It is generally accepted that only flies sin with this. But these striped raiders do not disdain to search for sugary products in the garbage, they will not refuse to feast on a fly or a bee. After that, they fly into your house and sit on the table, on the edge of the sugar bowl.
  • This is an extremely aggressive insect. This must be taken into account when you choose a way to get rid of wasps. Each individual is able to bite more than 5 times in a row. They become especially angry if they approach the nest. Therefore, you need to think carefully about the means of protection.
how to get rid of wasps under the roof
how to get rid of wasps under the roof

Where to look for the nest

It happens that a large number of insects are circling the site, and a person is well aware that there is a nest somewhere nearby. But it is not possible to detect it, and the capture of individual individuals does not give any effect. Then you need to methodically examine all the corners that are convenient for building a hornet's nest. Often they build their houses in the hollows of trees, under the protection of dense foliage. Sometimes you can find them in the grass or even in a hole. But on the territory of a private house or cottage, the favorite places of wasps are:

  • wooden sheds, toilets and other buildings where they can feel insecurity;
  • roof niches (under slate);
  • loggias, balconies and terraces;
  • drainpipes;
  • heaped boards and other rubbish;
  • wide gaps between wall and cladding.

If you are sure that there is a hornet's nest on the territory, but you can't find it, it is recommended to resort to the following method. Spread a few pieces of meat in the shade of fruit trees and watch. The flow of insects from the nest to the bait will give away its location.

wasp fighting
wasp fighting

Insect breeding rules

We must not forget about the rules of personal safety. If the insects notice you, they will attack. They do not leave a sting under the skin and can strike again and again. In rare cases, such meetings end in death. Wasp stings are especially dangerous for children and people allergic to wasp venom. Make sure there are no pets or children around. For the fight you will need:

  • bag;
  • stairs;
  • pulverizer;
  • insect repellent.

Since getting rid of wasps in the country is quite difficult without close contact, it is necessary to wear protective clothing, a mask on your head, gloves. Smokers help to scare away insects. Do not forget that it is very difficult to deal with wasps. If individuals survived, then the striped family will soon grow again. Therefore, your main task is to destroy dwellings. Carefully explore all nooks and crannies. It is possible that another small nest was hidden in the attic above the barn. In this casewill soon have to start all over again.

anti-wasp agent
anti-wasp agent

Different ways of fighting

If you want to get rid of insects forever, then you need to think over your actions. Most effective ways:

  • burning out the nest;
  • use of insecticides;
  • use of poisoned baits;
  • traps set.

Before you move on to action, you need to think carefully and weigh the pros and cons. In particular, assess the location of the nest. Burning is prohibited if it is attached to a wooden structure. It is important to warn all neighbors to close their windows. An angry swarm can behave unpredictably.

Using insecticides

How to get rid of wasps under the roof? A very effective way would be to use special insecticides. They can be purchased in specialized stores. Most of them are produced in the form of concentrated solutions. They must be diluted with water before use.

Now estimate the size of the nest and pick up a large plastic bag. It should completely fit the dwelling of uninvited neighbors. At the bottom you need to pour about a glass of solution. Now you need to quickly throw the bag over the nest and fix it with tape on the surface of the wall or ceiling. If possible, tightly tighten the neck, preventing insects from flying out. Now you just have to wait 2-3 days. To understand whether the insects died or not, tap on the bag. If there is no buzzing, then everything is in order. Otherwise, make a small hole in the bagfor spray gun. Work well with the valve so that the jet from the head is distributed inside the bag. Now tie up the hole and wait a few more days.

Jet from wasps
Jet from wasps

Which remedy against wasps is the most effective

There is no lack of them today. Any store will offer a dozen drugs that will quickly destroy the colony. The most popular and effective are Get total, "Lambda zone", "Executioner", "Kukaracha" and others. Working with them requires compliance with safety precautions, so read the instructions on the package.

There are special insecticidal gels, but they only work if the wasps have eaten the bait smeared with these products. These are preparations "Absolut", "Adamant", which must be applied to pieces of sweet watermelon and left near the nest. The disadvantage is that the fight is against individuals, not the nest as a whole.

Using bait

If there are a lot of wasps flying near the house, and the nest itself cannot be found, then you can solve the problem at the local level. For this, baits are used. The manufacturers listed above offer consumers special poisons that can be diluted in sour jam and placed in saucers around the house. Do not use honey, as this will attract bees, whose death will be in vain.

If you notice a nest, then not far from it, on a hill, place a saucer with such a bait. The next day, you will find a huge number of dead wasps next to him. Upgrade the bait until you notice that it is untouched. Periodically exposing them around your home, you will provide protection from wasps.

causes of wasps
causes of wasps

Caring for the environment

These methods involve the use of chemicals that can be eaten by pets or beneficial insects. Therefore, it is best to avoid using them. Alternatively, simple traps can be suggested. For them, you will need to take a plastic bottle, cut it off and turn it over to make a funnel. Fill the bottom with water and add syrup. It is recommended to arrange near the nest. It will not work to destroy the entire population in this way, but it is quite possible to reduce it.

wasp protection
wasp protection

Drown insects

This is quite an eco-friendly way of fighting, but it involves some peculiarities in the placement of the nest. If it is attached to the ceiling, then you can try. To do this, collect a full bucket of water and take a stepladder. The bucket must be brought from below to the dwelling of the wasps and supported by a ladder so that the nest remains immersed in water. You can remove the bucket in a day. After that, you can remove the dwelling of the wasps and burn it along with the dead inhabitants. But to implement this method of destruction of insects is not possible everywhere. Just pouring water on the nest won't do you much good.

Prevention measures

Wasp control during the peak of the summer season can be tough and challenging. It is not recommended to destroy found nests during the day, as insects scatter in search ofprey, and only the larvae will die. When they return and do not find their home, they will not only start building a new one, but will also actively attack anyone who is nearby.

Therefore, it is important to destroy the nest along with its inhabitants. This means that you need to go to work late in the evening, at night or early in the morning, while the inhabitants have not yet woken up. In order for the wasps to be less tempted to settle near you, check the entire territory in early spring and late autumn, carefully remove and burn the found nests. At this time of the year, they are empty, so there will be no one to resist.

If you are busy with major repairs or just building a new house, then take all measures to ensure that wasps never settle near you. They love hard-to-reach places under panels and boxes. Treat all wooden structures with special chemicals. In this case, the wasps will never decide to settle there.

Instead of a conclusion

We looked at the main ways to get rid of wasps in a private home. Depending on the location of the nest, you can use one or more of them. Don't forget to take precautions. You can approach the nest only by wearing special protective clothing, gloves, a mask on your head and face. All exposed parts of the body must be protected from bites. After the destruction of insects, the nest itself must be removed and burned.