Stretch ceiling: reviews of the advantages and disadvantages

Stretch ceiling: reviews of the advantages and disadvantages
Stretch ceiling: reviews of the advantages and disadvantages

Today, stretch ceilings are often used in the process of repairing various premises. They differ in material and design. This is a beautiful type of finish that can fit into almost any interior style.

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages that a stretch ceiling has. Reviews of this finish option should be considered before starting repairs. This will allow you to make the right decision about the possibility of installing this design at home.

General characteristics

Stretch ceilings (reviews and photo options are presented below) are a design that consists of a canvas and special fasteners. Such baguettes are attached around the perimeter of the room. The selected finishing material is fixed on them. The fabrics are stretched to create a perfectly flat surface.

Photo stretch ceiling
Photo stretch ceiling

Different materials are used as canvases. It can be PVC film or fabric. Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to know which ceiling is better to choose for finishing the room.

PVC film is stretchablebetween baguettes and heated. For this, a heat gun is used. It heats the surface of the film up to 60º. When the heat is removed, the material stretches itself as it cools. It turns out a beautiful and even surface of the ceiling. This type of ceiling is most in demand today. Its cost remains acceptable, and its performance fully satisfies consumers.

Fabric ceilings are made from polyester material. It is pre-impregnated with polyurethane. This allows you to give the canvas additional rigidity. The fabric is breathable. This is the difference between the presented type of ceilings and PVC products.

Looking at reviews of stretch ceilings about companies that install them, you can find a lot of both positive and negative statements. If the installation is carried out by professionals, this process does not take more than 3-4 hours. At the same time, the sag in the center of the room will be minimal (no more than 4 mm). However, poor-quality installation significantly degrades the performance of the material. It quickly fails, and also loses its spectacular appearance. It is necessary to trust the installation of a stretch ceiling only to professionals.

PVC ceiling reviews

According to reviews of stretch ceilings (photos of which are presented in the review), positive characteristics are inherent only in high-quality products that have been correctly installed. Therefore, before buying, you should consider customer reviews and experts about such finishing materials.

Stretch ceiling reviews
Stretch ceiling reviews

PVC film sheets today are made by many manufacturers. In our country, products from China are in demand. It has an acceptable cost. Among Chinese-made PVC sheets, there are many really high-quality products. However, there are also fakes. Chinese manufacturers who supply their products to the domestic market, complete with relevant documentation, adhere to standards in their manufacture. These are high-quality products that are completely safe to use and are durable.

However, not all Chinese-made PVC films have such characteristics. This applies not only to products made in this country. European companies also began to reduce the cost of their production. This was reflected in the quality of PVC sheets. Previously, products of the Pongs and Renolit brands were in demand. Today, these companies cannot boast of their former advantages. Their products a few years ago had no smell at all. The surface of the films was smooth and beautiful. Today, these indicators have deteriorated significantly.

Specialists say that PVC films for stretch ceilings manufactured in Belgium, France, Germany are not sold on the Russian market. If the seller claims that the product is made in these countries, then it is a fake. It was made in China, but this product does not meet the requirements of the standards. Documents for it are either missing or fake.

Glossy or matte stretch ceiling, according to customer reviews, differs in quality only whenthe presence of some symptoms. They can be recognized on their own. Quality film is not cheap. After installation, it has no smell at all or it is insignificant, disappears completely after a few days after installation.

According to customer reviews, paintings are on sale that can be harmful to he alth. They emit an unpleasant chemical smell after installation. If it does not weather within a week, this finish will have to be dismantled. Otherwise, this material may cause asthma, allergies, various respiratory diseases.

Reviews on fabric ceilings

A fabric stretch ceiling is also on sale. Reviews about the companies that make it are mostly positive. There are no harmful components in such canvases. At the same time, they are able to "breathe". Fungus does not appear on the surface of the ceiling. At the same time, the fabric is quite rigid. It is hard to damage mechanically.

Fabric stretch ceiling
Fabric stretch ceiling

On sale are fabric ceilings, which are real paintings. They can imitate the sky, galaxies with their appearance, create any images for interior decoration. This finish option is more expensive than PVC films. The canvases, the images on which were created to order, are distinguished by a particularly high cost. But the buyer can choose almost any pattern.

The high cost of fabric ceilings does not reduce the demand for this type of finish. According to experts, this is a better variety of materials. Buy a fakeimpossible. Fabric cloths are necessarily marked. The most famous in our country are the products of the German brand Descor and the French manufacturer Clipso. This is a quality proven product.

A feature of fabric stretch ceilings, according to reviews, is their absolute safety. They emit no odor at all. The composition of the canvases does not include any components harmful to human he alth. Therefore, fabric canvases are allowed to be mounted even in a children's room or bedroom. They will look harmonious in almost any room. However, due to their high cost and less practical maintenance, they are rarely installed in the bathroom and kitchen. If water gets on the fabric ceiling, dirt, stubborn stains will remain on the surface. It will be almost impossible to remove them. Therefore, fabric ceilings are installed mainly in living rooms.

Advantages of stretch ceilings

Considering the features of matte, glossy, satin stretch ceilings, reviews about them, we can note many positive characteristics of this type of finish. They are durable, practical and easy to install. Also, this finish is relatively inexpensive. Each type of canvas has its own characteristics. However, they share many positive qualities.

One of the main advantages of this type of finish is their durability. Any manufacturer gives a guarantee for their products for a period of at least 3 years. This figure may be even longer. There are products with a warranty period of 10-15 years. At the same time, the actual service life of suchthe ceiling, with proper handling of the finish, can be several decades.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC stretch ceiling
Advantages and disadvantages of PVC stretch ceiling

It should be noted that the canvases do not lose their color and shape. They don't need restoration. If, for example, a plasterboard ceiling will have to be tinted after several years of operation, then stretch fabrics require only superficial periodic cleaning.

Also, these products are completely safe. If you purchase canvases from trusted sellers who can provide reliable quality certificates for their products, you can be sure of the quality of these materials. Certified products can be used even in children's institutions. With the right manufacturing technology, even PVC is highly safe, does not cause allergies and other pathologies. Today even toys are made from this material. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the availability of quality certificates. To choose the best stretch ceilings, according to experts, it is necessary to require documentation for the products on sale.

Other benefits

Matte and glossy stretch ceilings, according to customer reviews, have a lot of advantages over other types of finishes. These materials are aesthetic. They allow you to decorate any type of interior. At the same time, if there is an uneven ceiling, you will not need to spend money on the purchase of special materials for its preliminary finishing. It will only be necessary to clean off the old coating of the base so that it does not crumble on the insideside of the canvas.

Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceiling
Advantages and disadvantages of fabric stretch ceiling

Tension structures allow you to create a niche in which you can easily hide communications, ventilation ducts. This greatly improves the appearance of the room. A huge selection of textures, shades provides a wide choice for creating a unique, interesting design of the room. From such materials, you can create both a simple single-level and a complex multi-level ceiling. Using imagination, you can make the ceiling a real decoration of the room.

You can install a similar type of finish in a room where repairs have already been made. After installation, there is practically no construction debris left. Even complex structures are installed no longer than 5 hours.

PVC film is not only waterproof, but can withstand several buckets of spilled liquid. If a neighbor's tap breaks, a flood occurs, the interior decoration in the room will remain intact. The ceiling will stretch, but the water will not pass inside. Fabric canvases cannot boast of this feature. Therefore, they are rarely mounted in the kitchen or bathroom.

Glossy and matte stretch ceilings, according to experts, are practical. When the building shrinks, cracks will not appear on canvases of any type. The material has soundproof properties. They do not accumulate static electricity. For this reason, practically no dust accumulates on the surface. At the same time, the material is not subject to corrosion, decay and other destructive influences.

Disadvantages of stretch fabrics

According to reviews, the disadvantages of stretch ceilings also take place. They need to be considered before buying the presented type of finish. Despite the fact that it is an elastic, durable material, it is easy to pierce with a sharp object. This is especially true for PVC films. Fabric canvases are more rigid.

When moving furniture in a room with stretch fabric ceilings, you need to be careful. You can not touch the surface of the finish. During the holidays, you should be very careful when opening a bottle of champagne. If the PVC ceiling is installed in the children's room, during games, kids can accidentally pierce it with a dart from darts or toy bullets. Therefore, fabric canvases in such rooms are more welcome.

Stretch ceiling features
Stretch ceiling features

It is also worth considering that PVC films are completely hermetic. They do not pass moisture, air. Under them, a closed isolated space is formed, in which its own microclimate can be established. Such materials do not have the ability to "breathe". This leads to the appearance of fungus. It gradually destroys the surface of the base. Therefore, in a room where a PVC ceiling is installed, it is important to provide for the presence of not just good, but very high-quality ventilation. Fabric canvases are devoid of this drawback.

According to reviews, the best stretch ceilings require proper installation. If you install them yourself, you can easily make mistakes. In this case, it can be expected that the ceiling finish will have to be redone soon. Fabric ceilings are disposable. If you need to mount them again,frame will need to be changed. PVC films can be dismantled and reinstalled. But installation requires special equipment (heat gun).

Disadvantages of PVC films

According to reviews, the stretch ceiling in the kitchen, bathroom, hallway or living room can be mounted from PVC film. However, it is worth considering several disadvantages of this material. PVC films should not be stretched with one sheet over long distances. If you need to complete the decoration in the hall or living room, spacious kitchen, you should equip a multi-level structure. In this case, you can reduce the size of the paintings by applying them to a limited area.

PVC stretch ceiling
PVC stretch ceiling

You can not install a large number of recessed fixtures in the PVC foam ceiling. Also, only special lamps are used for them. They shouldn't get hot. Otherwise, the material will deform.

Many owners of apartments and houses who have installed such ceilings in the kitchen complain that the surface is very difficult to clean from soot and grease. Do not use detergents based on alcohol or solvents. PVC sheets are quite thin. When washing, do not apply great efforts, press on the surface. This drawback of the stretch ceiling in the kitchen, according to reviews, is significant.

Another disadvantage of PVC films is their sensitivity to temperature. If for some reason during the winter period the temperature in the room becomes negative, the material will crack. At low temperatures, the film becomes brittle. Such a situation mayoccur if, for example, the air conditioner breaks down or the heating supply stops in frost for a long time.

Also, seams are formed on the canvases during installation. They can be seen by looking closely at the coating. This is especially noticeable if the surface of the canvas is glossy. It should also be noted that the presented type of paintings cannot be installed on plasterboard walls. If this cannot be avoided, the walls need to be further strengthened. Otherwise, the film will not lie on the base as it should.

Disadvantages of fabric ceilings

Considering the reviews about the shortcomings of stretch ceilings, it is necessary to say a few words about fabric varieties. They are devoid of many of the negative characteristics that distinguish PVC film. However, there are also disadvantages to the fabric type of finish. Fabric ceilings reduce the height of the room by at least 25 mm. For PVC film, this figure is from 15 mm.

It is also worth noting that it is impossible to dismantle this type of ceiling and install it again (unlike PVC film). At the same time, the cost of the presented type of finish is quite high. It is an order of magnitude higher than that of PVC films.

Fabric ceilings are not able to contain the flow of water that can spill from above when a neighbor's tap breaks. When moisture gets on their surface, stains appear. They cannot be removed. Therefore, such canvases must be completely replaced. This is also a significant drawback.

If you install a fabric ceiling in the kitchen, it will be even more difficult to clean than PVC. Therefore, which stretch ceiling is better according to customer reviews,hard to say. Experts do not recommend installing this type of finish in the kitchen. Fabric canvases are also not acceptable to mount in the bathroom. Drops of water falling on the canvas, condensate, can spoil the appearance of the coating. They are installed only in dry rooms.

Doctors' opinion about stretch ceilings

When considering reviews of stretch ceilings, you should also pay attention to the opinion of doctors and representatives of sanitary services about the type of finish presented. They claim that the modern materials that are used today in construction work fully comply with all requirements and standards.

PVC films and fabric sheets can be installed in almost all rooms. They are completely safe for human he alth, have an anti-allergic effect, do not accumulate dust on the surface. However, this is only true for quality products.

Expert reviews

According to reviews, stretch ceilings must have special quality certificates. In order not to purchase a fake, experts recommend purchasing products from trusted sellers. At the same time, it can be expected that even PVC film will be completely safe for he alth.

If the polymer material is of poor quality, it will have an unpleasant chemical smell. They are distinguished by phenol. That ingredient is toxic. It cannot be used in the manufacture of PVC films or other products. However, unscrupulous manufacturers who do not certify their products include it in the polymer.

Phenol causes disruption of manyinternal organs (heart, kidneys, liver, etc.). Also, this material affects the nervous system. The use of such material in the decoration of the premises is unacceptable.

After considering the features of stretch ceilings, reviews of customers and specialists, you can choose the best option for finishing the room.
