Today, most often in residential, industrial and office premises, the installation of stairs on bowstrings is practiced. These are high-strength structures that also have an aesthetic appearance. They are metal or wood. With the help of them you can transform any interior of the room. One of the main elements of this design is the string for the stairs. Read more about this below.

Design features
Often the bowstring for stairs is made with dimensions of 50 mm in thickness, 300 mm in width and a length of 2 to 5.5 m. These structures are fastened in a special way - each step is inserted into the groove of the carrier beam. She is called a bowstring. On the reverse side, the steps are attached to the wall. There is a closed and open type of such structures. In the first case, the presence of risers is mandatory, which are absent in the second form. Most often, in this design, steps are mademortise.

For this, a bowstring for the stairs is taken, and holes are made in it, the size of which is 15-20 mm deep. These cutouts include risers and treads. And in order for them to fit snugly, the depth of the grooves must be the same. In this design, the lowest step, which is larger than the rest, gives beauty and convenience. It has elegant carved railings. Also, the expressiveness of the staircase is added by a skillfully executed fence. If there are any flaws on the steps, then they can easily be hidden by the path. Forged metal fences look very nice on these structures.

If the size of the room allows, then you can install a two-flight staircase. However, most often these structures are mounted with a straight span, since they are the simplest. For small spaces, a spiral staircase with bowstrings is perfect.

Calculation of the string of the stairs
This product, if desired, can be built from wood or metal. The correct calculation of the bowstring parameters is very important. For example, with a thickness of 50 mm, the size of its overall width will be 300 mm, and the depth of the cut for the step must be made up to 30 mm. To calculate the length of the bowstring, the length of the march should be taken into account. The width of the slots and the distances between them are the main ones.characteristics of the stairs, thanks to which it is possible to determine the height of the step, the width of the tread and the angle of inclination. Depending on the required design of the stairs, as well as taking into account the technical capabilities of the room (interfloor distance, march width, etc.), various bowstrings are made. If a spiral staircase is installed, then for it the specified product is calculated and made directly at the facility or in the factory.
Product material

Currently, a considerable range of these products is available on the construction markets. The variety of necessary materials and the development of new technologies make it possible to manufacture various types of components for this design. No exception is such a detail as a bowstring for stairs. Everyone can choose a product to their liking. It is possible to buy modern stairs on bowstrings in many specialized stores. Although many craftsmen purchase component materials and make them on their own. Currently, larch and pine are mainly used for the production of such stairs. These materials are widely distributed in this field.
- Larch is easy to process, quite durable and looks beautiful in the finished product. It is perfect for rooms where there is high humidity.
- Pine is a hard and durable material. It can withstand significant loads and is also resistant to humid air, as it has a resinous character. It is the string forPine stairs are in high demand.
Analyzing the above, we can say with confidence that the specified product can be installed by everyone. There would be a desire. However, it is better to turn to professionals in this field, who will perfectly prepare the necessary calculation of the bowstring of the stairs and the product as a whole, and then effectively mount the specified structure.