Why is the fire bucket shaped like a cone? Multiple Answer Options

Why is the fire bucket shaped like a cone? Multiple Answer Options
Why is the fire bucket shaped like a cone? Multiple Answer Options

While walking past fire safety points, most people don't even think about the supplies and tools in the glassed-in red box with the fire department's telephone number. The standard set includes a hose, an axe, a conical bucket, a shovel, and sometimes a container of sand. Looking at these attributes, people pass by, and only the most curious wonder why the fire bucket is shaped like a cone.

Why is the fire bucket shaped like a cone?
Why is the fire bucket shaped like a cone?

This is a really interesting question with many possible answers. But at the same time, each of them takes place for one simple reason - they are all relevant today. With a rough classification, all answers can be divided into the following types: explanations related to fire safety, with the production component and everyday reality.

Fire safety

There are usually three reasons for this criterion, due towhich the fire bucket is made in a conical shape. Firstly, this shape of the bucket eliminates the possibility of splashing water. Thanks to this design feature, water flows in a targeted stream, which is an important and sometimes decisive factor when extinguishing a fire. With a regular bucket, this result cannot be achieved.

The second criterion for the implementation of fire buckets in this form is the possibility of their non-targeted, but auxiliary use when extinguishing fires in the winter season. The pointed conical shape allows you to punch a hole in the ice that has formed on the pond. The use of a fire bucket for such purposes is due to the fact that a tap with water or a well can be at a much more remote distance from a fire than a reservoir, and when neutralizing a fire, time is a determining factor.

fire bucket
fire bucket

Thirdly, drawing water from a well or reservoir with a conical bucket is much easier and faster, since it does not hit the bottom of the water, but immediately drowns. It is also more convenient to collect sand in such a container, because. thanks to its shape, it is more firmly held in the hands and does not slip out. These are the reasons why the fire bucket is shaped like a cone, in terms of requirements and ease of use when fighting a fire.

Everyday reality

A fire bucket made in a conical form cannot be placed on the surface, it can only be laid on its side, and, therefore, few people need such design features on the farm, since it is easy to store something in themimpossible. And this means that no one will steal such a product for their own needs. This indicator, although it looks unlikely, is quite relevant in the realities of our life, so it can also be attributed to the reasons why the fire bucket has the shape of a cone.

Production component

conical bucket
conical bucket

This reason sounds trite, but the policy of reducing production costs forces us to look for optimal solutions. The production of conical buckets is less financially costly and less labor intensive than the production of conventional containers. And in combination with domestic reasons and those related to the operational characteristics of products, the manufacture of conical buckets looks in all respects the simplest, most reliable, economical and functional. This is the third reason why a fire bucket is shaped like a cone.

If you do not go into the dense jungle and distant times, then all the reasons look quite plausible even today. Some may disagree with the arguments presented here, but the reality is that it must be reckoned with in all matters, including those related to the fire bucket.
