Since ancient times, engineers have proposed using the forces of nature as alternative energy sources. According to ancient masters, they could provide for human needs for free. More than one century has passed since then, but free energy as an idea does not cease to be relevant.
Humanity has masterfully mastered the technique of extracting natural energy from wind, sun, ocean, rivers, earth. Each of them, with the help of precise movements of scientists, has become "home" and helps a person in everyday life and industry.

What causes this
Hydrocarbon and other types of raw materials are not restored. Prices for electricity and fuel are increasing every year. Resources are not eternal, and it may happen that they disappear altogether. Scientists have come up with easy-to-use and environmentally friendly solutions to the problem. Demanded and energy-efficient free energy sources created by one's own hands are wind turbines. Their work is ensured by the movement of air masses. There are several classifications:
- vertical and horizontal windmillsturbines;
- household, the power of which is up to 100 kW;
- industrial with power over 100 kW.

Horizontal wind turbines are more popular as free energy (you can construct them with your own hands). This is explained quite simply: they have high power and a high utility factor. The vertical wind generator has several advantages. They consist in the absence of the need to orient in the direction of the wind and insignificant gyroscopic loads on the turbine elements.
Wind turbines - the ability to use exclusively free wind energy for the needs of mankind. They are a generator of free energy. It is quite possible to create such a device with your own hands. However, their work is significantly limited by the nature and design features.
What is a wind turbine
This device is equipped with the following components: turbine, generator, battery pack, automatic control system, mast, movable platform, comprehensive protection. The domestic wind turbine is no exception.
Wind turbine - DIY free energy. It is a device that rotates due to the movement of air masses. The power of the wind generator is determined by the number, shape and size of the blades, which are the main component of the entire mechanism. They are attached to the rotor shaft.

How to ensuremaximum parameters
To achieve the maximum efficiency of the device, it is necessary that the rotor of the installation is oriented against the direction of the wind. This is ensured by equipping the wind turbine with a rotary mechanism. Electrical energy is generated by a DC generator, the voltage of which must be a multiple of 12 V. It is connected by a gearbox to the turbine and placed on the same platform.
The turbine has other components that are located either in the house or in the household building closest to it. The electricity generated by the wind generator is stored in the battery pack. There it is converted into a convenient for use. A power inverter helps to accomplish this.
The entire wind turbine automatic control system is implemented on the software logic controller. It is he who receives all the values \u200b\u200bnecessary for work:
- Amount of current used;
- wind speed and direction;
- voltage at the terminals of the battery pack.
The operation of the wind turbine is regulated taking into account all the above parameters.

Work of the wind turbine
This appliance operates quite quietly. Noise during operation is negligible, especially if the device is located at a distance from the residential area.
Wind turbine installation is safe. The operation of these devices does not pose any danger to people and animals.
The appearance of the wind turbine can bevaried. The operation of wind turbines is more efficient than other similar devices. This is how you get free energy with your own hands. Meer's system is one of the most effective.
Wind generator and its elements
If you know the principle of operation of this device, it will not be difficult to select components for its assembly.
In order to evaluate system parameters, you need to have knowledge of three of its values:
- average daily wind speed in the selected geographic area;
- daily electricity consumption;
- peak load.
To determine the average daily wind speed in the area where it is planned to design a wind turbine, it is enough to use the data of meteorological centers. The second valid option would be to use a digital anemometer.

To determine the consumption of electrical energy per day by the residential complex where the wind generator is being designed, it is enough to use the readings of the corresponding meter. The maximum peak load value is determined by the number of kilowatts converted by the installed power inverter at each moment of time.
The price of installing a wind turbine is quite high. It is determined by calculating the cost of each device separately, as well as the costs of the work necessary for the organization of wind turbines. On average, the installation costs 1.5 million rubles (provided that the power is notwill exceed 10 kW).
Exploitation does not carry any financial burden. The main disadvantage of using such devices is the dependence on wind speed. A constant increase in battery capacity will not bring the desired effect. It would be advisable to use a wind generator in conjunction with solar panels, which will allow you to constantly use electricity obtained naturally.
How else do you get free energy with your own hands? Kashkarov, for example, offered to receive it using various simple devices, but that's a completely different story…