Grape Julian - a delicious hybrid variety

Grape Julian - a delicious hybrid variety
Grape Julian - a delicious hybrid variety

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to choose a grape variety for successful cultivation in the garden, as different types require certain care. Plus, the plant must meet certain requirements - this is resistance to disease and frost, speed of ripening, taste. So, for example, the Julian grape is not only tasty, but also a fertile variety.


It is a hybrid table form of early ripening grapes obtained by Kapelyushin V. U. by crossing Kesh and Rizomat varieties. Julian is quite enough 95-105 days for the full ripening of the grains. The vine ripens well, more than ¾ of the length. Flowers bisexual.

The grape variety Julian has very large cylindrical-conical clusters of medium density. Each brush can weigh between 800 grams and two kilograms.

julian grapes
julian grapes

The load of plants with eyes is 40-50, pruning of fruit-bearing vines is carried out at 8-10peepholes. Julian grapes are quite resistant to mildew (7 points), oidium (7 points), berry rot (6-7 points). It also withstands frosts down to -24 degrees Celsius. The cuttings of this variety take root very well, and the seedlings themselves have a powerful root system. This grape is often found on sale, as it retains its presentation for a long time and has a high transportability.

Grapes Julian: description of berries and taste

The berries themselves have a soft pink color, play with highlights against the sun. The size of each is from 42x26 mm. The shape of the berries is oval or oblong nipple. This variety perfectly accumulates sugar, but wasps do not touch it. When ripe, the berries do not have the ability to burst. The peel of grapes is soft, you do not feel it while eating, the flesh is dense and crispy. Julian grapes, the photo of which is presented below, has a very pleasant and harmonious taste (with light notes of nutmeg).

Julian grape variety
Julian grape variety

Choosing a site and preparing the soil for landing

The Julian grape variety is very fond of the sun's rays, so it is recommended to plant it in a place near the southern wall of the house, barn, fence or hedge. Also, the site must be protected from the winds, since the vines are very afraid of drafts. Otherwise, it is recommended to put a protective "screen" of film on the east and north sides of the seedlings.

If the soil in the area allotted for planting contains too much moisture, then drainage should be laid. 2-3 weeks before planting, the ground must be dug up with a bunkdigging. If the soil is too acidic, then a little lime should be added to it (200 grams per 1 sq. M). To increase soil fertility, it is necessary to fertilize it with manure or compost, as well as apply complex mineral fertilizers.

After preparing the ground, you need to build a support system from horizontally stretched wire. To do this, you need to dig wooden posts 2 meters high into the ground to a depth of 60 cm. The distance between adjacent columns should be 2-3 meters. The very first, as well as the final column, must be strengthened with supports to make the structure more stable. The bottom row of wire is pulled at a distance of 40 cm from the soil surface, after which several more rows are pulled at an interval of 30 cm.

Julian grapes description
Julian grapes description

Grape Julian: planting

In the southern regions, this variety is planted in the ground from October to March. In other areas, with a colder climate, the vine is planted in the spring, before the buds open. When the buds begin to bloom, cuttings can be planted in the ground, while the temperature of the soil at the depth of the roots should be at least +10 degrees Celsius.

Pruning and maintenance

The Julian grape needs annual pruning. It is necessary to leave only three main stems. Moreover, two shoots are left for fruiting, and one is cut so that next year it can provide replacement stems. Fruiting branches should be tied up at a short distance from the ground, which will give the grapes their warmth.

Also annually you need to contribute tosoil complex mineral fertilizers. In the spring, mulching is usually carried out with a layer of rotted compost with a layer of up to 4 cm. Since the plant is quite sensitive to a lack of magnesium in the ground, it is necessary to spray the grapes with magnesium sulfate diluted in a proportion of 250 grams of the substance per 10 liters of water every two weeks. Top dressing is carried out during the entire growing season until the period of ripening berries. A vine growing against a wall needs constant watering.

How to keep the ground warm

There are several options to keep the heat received by the soil during the day:

- turfing of the land allotted for the vineyard;

- mulching the topsoil under the bush with plant residues, black film;

- laying under the racks of a slide made of bricks or stones;

- you can place water containers around the vineyard.

julian grape photo
julian grape photo

Constant monitoring of the weather

To prevent the vine from freezing, you need to constantly monitor the weather - then frosts will not come as a surprise. So, for example, if a north wind appeared at night, the air is dry, and the sky is dotted with bright stars, then the temperature is likely to drop. In this case, in the evening it is necessary to water the soil of the vineyard and place plastic barrels of water on it (it keeps heat longer). If the temperature begins to drop below the mark of 0 degrees Celsius, then you need to urgently thoroughly spray all the grape bushes with water until a thin ice appears on the leaves.crust. In the morning the sun will rise, melt the ice, and the vine will be saved. Such a procedure will protect the grapes from spring frosts.
