How to choose a floor heating radiator? Tips & Tricks

How to choose a floor heating radiator? Tips & Tricks
How to choose a floor heating radiator? Tips & Tricks

The organization of a home heating system can be done in many ways. In modern apartments, compact and at the same time efficient radiator installations are increasingly being used. They do not take up much space, provide a sufficient amount of heat output and even act as an attractive interior object. But even such designs do not satisfy everyone. People who want to reduce the number of technical objects in the house choose underfloor heating radiators built into the floor of the room. Externally, such systems are almost invisible - only the working surface stands out against the general background of the coating. But this problem can also be solved through design techniques. It is much more important to make the right choice of the convector itself, in terms of the efficiency of its heating function in a particular house.

floor radiator
floor radiator

Features of built-in radiators

Floor-mounted convectors differ not only in design. Although they are similar in design and general principle of operation to traditional wall-mounted counterparts, the placement itself determines their higher productivity. Externally, the system is a rectangular box that is integrated into the floor of the room. ATDuring operation, the floor radiator operates on the principle of air convective heating. The main feature of this heating model is that the air flows, when interacting with the surfaces of the equipment, circulate naturally and more efficiently, rising up and leaving room for the cooled masses.

Thus, a circular process of air heating is realized. Compared to wall-mounted batteries, this principle demonstrates not only high performance, but also savings in terms of energy costs. Another thing is that the floor radiator requires special installation conditions, so the system is not so common.

Select by material

floor heating radiators
floor heating radiators

Modern models of radiators are mostly made of aluminum, copper and steel. Each of these materials is good in one way or another characteristic. Steel elements are distinguished by low inertia, which means that the convector will acquire an optimal working condition in a short period of time. But in terms of thermal conductivity, it is still more profitable to use non-ferrous metals. The aluminum floor radiator demonstrates high heat dissipation due to balanced radiation and copes well with the convention function. Copper structures have similar qualities, but they are more expensive. The best solution would be a bimetallic convector, which contains both steel and aluminum. But, if in wall structures such a solution justifies itself due to the high strength of the steel case, then for floor systems this advantage is notfundamentally.

Power selection

built-in floor radiator
built-in floor radiator

Perhaps, this is one of the key parameters of choice, since the efficiency of the main function, heating, depends on it. The indicator of optimal thermal power will depend on the area of the room, the material from which the walls and ceilings are made, the number of openings and other data that affect the microclimate in the house. Usually, for medium-sized rooms of about 40 m2, it is recommended to purchase models with a heat output of 1.5-2 kW. Also in modern designs it is possible to regulate the fan speed. Thanks to this, the user can adjust the floor radiator to a specific operating mode. If, for example, the rated power of the equipment is 3 kW, then the owner can optimize it for working conditions in a small room. It is important to understand that this function is not necessary for controlling temperature indicators, but for the rational consumption of electricity by the radiator.

Operational requirements - what to consider?

water floor radiator
water floor radiator

Floor-standing models have the disadvantage of special requirements for installation conditions, but operational external factors must be taken into account when purchasing the unit. In particular, the use of a convector in a water heating system is allowed provided that the temperature of the coolant does not exceed 130 ° C - the average value for most modern models. Experts take into account pressure indicators. Operate floorheating radiators are possible in cases where the excess water pressure does not exceed 16 bar. As for external influences, regardless of the characteristics of the body of the equipment, it is desirable to provide a niche for the installation of waterproofers.

Electric models

Such devices work on the principle of convention, and spirals are used as heating elements. An electric base made of metal is placed in an oblong-shaped case, which, under the influence of current, realizes air heating. Classic electric heaters-convectors operate according to a similar scheme, however, the floor-standing built-in radiator in the latest modifications got rid of many negative operating factors. For example, no harmful fumes occur during its operation, since low-temperature heating elements are used. The equipment also includes a heat exchanger that optimally regulates the interaction of air masses with different temperature indicators.

Water convectors

underfloor heating radiators built into the floor
underfloor heating radiators built into the floor

The use of heaters that work by circulating a water coolant is increasingly common in private homes. This is explained by both high safety and relatively low financial costs for the maintenance and operation of equipment. But you can use a floor water radiator if it is possible to connect it to a centralized water supply system. Otherwise, the equipment is completely identical to other types of convectors. They also have modern systemscontrols with thermostats and are compact in size - however, this depends on the way communications are connected to the equipment. The integration of water heating systems into engineering networks is generally a major drawback, which is also confirmed by the example of "warm floors".

Radiator Installation Technique

built-in floor heating radiators
built-in floor heating radiators

The main work relates to the arrangement of an underground niche for the integration of the device. Usually a channel is formed, to which either the electrical infrastructure or water supply is supplied. Next, the block is directly attached - for this, the mounting kits that come with the equipment are intended. You should also consider the external design of the device. The fact is that floor-standing built-in heating radiators are initially calculated for the possibility of operation in residential premises. After the body is immersed in the underground channel, only the grate should remain on the surface, through which air will circulate. If the appearance of this element contrasts with the floor finish, then it is worthwhile to initially consider the use of decorative overlays, not forgetting the strength requirements.


Varmann specializes in the production of such heating systems. The manufacturer's line includes modifications with different dimensions and indicators of thermal power. The cost of such equipment varies on average from 15 to 25 thousand rubles. Similar offers can be found in the range of Exement. Although the choice of suchconvectors are less wide, they are cheaper. Represent built-in floor heating radiators and Russian manufacturers. In particular, under the Breeze brand, affordable models are produced in various designs.


floor mounted heating radiators
floor mounted heating radiators

Many experts are skeptical about the very idea of supplying a house with a separate heating device in the form of a radiator. He is unlikely to be able to fully provide the necessary heat reserves for the entire area, therefore, such an acquisition should only be considered as an auxiliary heating option. And if the lack of free space restrains many homeowners from acquiring traditional structures of this type, then floor heating radiators are free from this drawback. Under the condition of proper installation, the structures organically fit into the communication network, without causing ergonomic difficulties during operation. Actually, it is worth considering such convectors in private houses as an element of an engineering water supply system. For a city apartment, it is desirable to prefer an electric floor radiator, which does not require unnecessary installation operations in order to organize a coolant supply.
