Hot glue (gun): how to choose? Tips & Tricks

Hot glue (gun): how to choose? Tips & Tricks
Hot glue (gun): how to choose? Tips & Tricks

If you still don't have a glue gun, then maybe you should consider getting one. This tool can be called quite a useful thing, but before making a purchase, you need to understand the technical characteristics of this equipment, as well as decide on the main selection criteria. The described instrument, without exaggeration and reservations, can be called folk. If you need to use hot glue, you can purchase a gun for it, it does not need advertising, you do not need to campaign for it, many home craftsmen and professional builders have already managed to appreciate its advantages by prescribing this device in their arsenal.

A glue gun is not essential equipment, but it is very useful to have one. Among the additional advantages, one should highlight the simplicity of design, low cost, as well as the ability to perform a wide range of tasks. If necessary, it will be difficult to replace it with something else, it can be used to strengthen engineering communications, glue parts to each other, fill the seams, and also seal.

Need to use

hot gluegun
hot gluegun

Allows you to instantly fix various elements of hot glue, the gun heats the composition to a certain temperature, after which the mass can harden in 3 minutes or less. After that, the formed seam acquires almost maximum strength, and there is no need to wait several hours for setting, as, for example, when working with liquid nails. The melt has an excellent effect on many materials, among them: plastic, glass, leather, wood, metal, rubber, textiles, and PVC. But do not try to glue mineral bases like plaster or concrete with a gun. Some difficulties may arise with polyethylene parts. As with other adhesives, before starting to apply the mixture from a thermal gun, the surface must be cleaned of dirt and moisture, stains, and degreased.

If there is a need to use hot glue, you will have to purchase a gun for it, with it you will be able to get a very strong connection that is not inferior in quality to a mechanical fastener. If dismantling is necessary, the composition must be heated, and on many surfaces the mixture will not leave marks after removal. If we compare with other sealants, then the described composition, even with impressive layers, is able to harden completely, to the full depth, and it will take only 15 minutes. Even when hot, the glue from the heat gun is non-toxic, but you should beware of burns and damage to heat-sensitive materials. After drying, the seam will resist moisture, andreplacement rods can be stored without loss of performance. When gluing, you will find that working with a heat gun is very economical, as spare parts are inexpensive, up to 70% less than adhesives of a comparable volume. It is possible to dose the mass as accurately as possible, while the waste will be minimal. The tool is safe, ergonomic and easy to operate, suitable for children's creativity.

Glue gun tips

hot glue gun bison
hot glue gun bison

Before you purchase a hot melt gun, you must disassemble the gun according to its technical characteristics, among them you should pay attention to power. The more watts, the faster the adhesive mass will melt, speed is the main performance factor. Experts advise to pay attention also to the capacity of the melting tank. If the heater provides the desired operating temperature, and the thermal chamber contains the required amount of glue, then the issue of power can not be considered.

The power of 300 watts and more is capable of producing pro-class pistols, but for amateur tasks, from 30 to 150 watts is enough. If the maximum power is not enough, then the master will be forced to pause for the preparation of the melt. Since it is impossible to immediately understand whether there is enough power to perform certain tasks, experts advise choosing a tool based on performance.

What else you need to know about power

gun hotmelt stayer
gun hotmelt stayer

Some companies offerto sale tools that allow you to adjust the power automatically. Thus, for the initial melting, the tool will consume 200 watts, after which it will switch to the standard operating power, which is 40 watts. In standby mode, the equipment will consume 14 to 16 watts.

Melt temperature

how to use hot glue gun
how to use hot glue gun

Not all materials can handle high temperatures, as some are quite sensitive. For example, to work with some types of polymers, paper or textiles, low-temperature glue sticks are used, their melting point reaches 105 degrees. For them, you should purchase special pistols that work in this mode. However, you can buy temperature controlled equipment. On sale you can find the Dremel 920 model, which has just such a level of heating. Whereas another version of this manufacturer - Dremel 930 - is able to work in one of two modes: the first produces 105 degrees, and the second - 165. If you purchase an average gun, it will heat the mixture up to 200 degrees.

Characteristics of the pistol brand "Zubr Master" 06850-20-08_z01

35 hot glue gun
35 hot glue gun

The Zubr hot-melt adhesive gun of the mentioned model costs 500 rubles, it is a universal device designed for gluing synthetic and natural materials. Its power is 20 watts, and its weight is only0.22 kilograms. This network device does not have electronic temperature control, which is sometimes a very important feature. The heating time is 5 minutes, among other things, the equipment is equipped with protection against drops. As practice shows, the control is very clear, the gun has a mechanical system for supplying and dispensing the composition.

Additional benefits

gun bison expert hot-melt adhesive
gun bison expert hot-melt adhesive

It is very easy to store the equipment, as it is provided with a support surface, which allows it to be installed in a stationary position. The tip of the gun has a valve that makes it easier to work during breaks, while the glue does not flow and does not stain clothes, as well as the work surface.

Characteristics of the pistol "Zubr Expert" 06851-80-12_z01

Hot glue gun 11 mm
Hot glue gun 11 mm

Gun "Zubr Expert" hot-melt adhesive costs 1000 rubles. and is an equipment in a shock-resistant plastic case. The tool is equipped with a valve to prevent leakage, as well as a trigger with a comfortable shape. The housing is designed to reduce operator fatigue as much as possible, as well as to ensure high-quality bonding of various materials. Its power is 80 watts, but the unit is devoid of electronic temperature control. Its weight is 0.4 kilograms, and the length of the glue stick is equivalent to 300 millimeters. The composition heats up in 4 minutes, among the additional benefits is protection against drops.

Recommendations on whether to buy a glue gun brand "Stayer"0680-11

Hot-melt gun Stayer costs 300 rubles, its power is 50 watts. The equipment is not equipped with protection against drops, and the temperature regime is 180 degrees. For precise application of the composition, special nozzles are used. Among the advantages of the device are versatility, a short heating time for the glue, as well as the use of heat-resistant plastic at the base of the case.

Yato pistol specifications 11 mm 35(400) W

If you need a device with a power of 35, Yato brand hot melt glue gun is for you, it is designed for professional use, so it is of the highest quality. This model is an excellent choice for those who are accustomed to doing large amounts of work. As practice shows, the equipment is convenient for long-term use, and also allows you to refill various hot melt adhesives. To work, you will need glue sticks, the diameter of which is 11.2 millimeters.

Cost of rods

By visiting the store, you can purchase hot glue for the 11 mm gun. The price will depend on the manufacturer. For example, Hummer glue costs 239 rubles, while KWB 5393-06 rods will cost the consumer 144 rubles. A similar product under the DEXX brand costs 669 rubles

Recommendations for use

How to use hot glue with a gun, you should know before starting work. The first step is to connect the device, install the glue stick. Only then can the surfaces to be glued be prepared. To supply the composition, the master presses the trigger, and then the connectedsurfaces are attached to each other. When the glue stick ends, a new one is installed, it is necessary to press on it, advancing the previous one.
