Laying paving slabs with your own hands: schemes, materials and tools

Laying paving slabs with your own hands: schemes, materials and tools
Laying paving slabs with your own hands: schemes, materials and tools

Laying paving slabs with your own hands is a great option for arranging a private yard. This method will not require too much material resources. However, in return, you will have to spend a certain amount of time. The process itself is simple, but first you still have to figure out all the instructions and recommendations.

Why tiles?

Why do many people choose paving stones? In fact, everything is quite simple. This material performs two very important functions at once. The first is aesthetic, the second is utilitarian. Since it seems to many that this work is very responsible, they trust its specialists. However, is it true that the owner of the house will not be able to carry out all the work himself so that the tiles are laid well? In fact, the implementation of this work is a fairly simple process. The most important thing is to read the instructions for laying paving slabs.

Paving stone laying process
Paving stone laying process

Preparatory work

The first step on thisstage is site planning. It is worth saying here that many people decide to lay out only the paths to the most important buildings, and not completely block the entire yard. The option with paths is also good because it will remain possible to plant a beautiful lawn or flowers on the sides of the path. Thus, the first step is to clearly plan where and how the paths will pass.

The second step at this stage is the choice of material. Paving slabs, the laying of which is carried out independently, has recently become more and more popular. The reason for this is that it is very easy to work with it, it is possible to quickly dismantle it if necessary, it does not “float” like asph alt from exposure to high temperatures. In addition, if you purchase a special type of tile, you can avoid cracking even in severe frost. Also, paving stones do not require special care. Another important feature is that the track made of such material allows moisture to pass through, since there are seams in the texture, which means that the soil under the tile will not deteriorate.

The third and final step is choosing the view. Paving slabs can be laid using two types of materials - vibrocast or vibropressed. The difference between them lies in the thickness, shape and color. In addition, vibrocast tiles can be made independently, while vibropressed tiles are produced only at industrial enterprises. It is also important to note that the foundation that will have to be laid will also depend on the choice of the type of paving stones. This means that the choicethe type of material determines the technology of its installation.

Tamping tiles
Tamping tiles

Recommended settings

In order to successfully lay paving slabs with your own hands, you need to know the following few characteristics. If it is planned to install only a walkway made of vibrocast paving stones, then you can choose a sand cushion as the base, the thickness of the tile itself should be from 25 to 40 mm.

If it is necessary to equip a path for an entrance or parking of a car, then a vibrocast tile with a thickness of 45–60 mm is selected. As a base, you must choose a more durable option - a cement-sand cushion.

The last option, which is practically not used in private areas, but still has a place to be, is an industrial track. Here you will have to use already vibropressed paving stones with a thickness of 60-80 mm. As a pillow, either a sand or a concrete pillow is selected.

Another very important point to consider when laying paving slabs with your own hands is the type of soil. If the soil is characterized by high mobility, then you will have to equip a concrete base even for an ordinary footpath. If the ground is dense enough, then the usual cement-sand is suitable even for the passage of cars.

Laying tiles in molds
Laying tiles in molds

Moisture drains

A very important point in self-laying, which many people forget, is the arrangement of water drains. It is important to note here that if laying onsand base, then the sand itself will become the drainage layer, but if a concrete base is used, then a certain slope is required. This will solve the problem that moisture will collect between the tiles. This eliminates such an unpleasant possibility as swelling of the coating. The optimal slope is 1 cm per meter of track.

Geometric tiling
Geometric tiling

General styling tips

The ratio between tile size and track size. Here we are talking about the fact that you should not choose too small paving stones if the path is very large and vice versa. However, there is one caveat here, which is the weight of the material. The weight of one 40x40 cm tile is about 15-16 kg. This means that you will have to move rather heavy tiles all the time, and this will require more effort and time.

Laying communications. Naturally, it is best to lay such things before work begins on laying paving slabs on the base. However, it happens that there is still no need for communications, and the track is needed now. In such cases, experts recommend that in those places that are considered the most likely for laying pipes, lay plastic hollow round sections with a diameter of 50 mm. This operation allows you to mark the territory, so that in the future it will be easier to lay real pipes.

Shaping paving stones
Shaping paving stones

Analysis of the base for the track

Since the track is laid on the ground, it is possible for grass to grow in the gap between the tiles or subsidence of the soil. In order toto avoid two disadvantages at once, you can put a layer of geotextile between the ground and the base for paving stones.

It is very important to ensure that the laying of paving slabs on sand or any other base is not carried out immediately after the rain or during the precipitation itself. The soil, like the pillow, must be dry - this will ensure that the coating does not spread over time. An important point that many people miss is the absence of impurities in the sand cushion. Laying paving slabs on sand is carried out only if the raw materials are not mixed with clay, earth and others. In addition, the base must be perfectly level.

There is one more point that is optional, but affects the aesthetic component. This is the choice of the optimal track width. To calculate this parameter, you must be based on the width of the tile itself and the width of the gap between it. This will help avoid unnecessary cutting of the material.

Tile area
Tile area

Geometric styling

Before starting work, it is recommended to create a scheme for laying paving slabs on a sheet of paper. This will help not to make mistakes during the work itself, and it will also be possible to improve the visualization.

The easiest way to improve the appearance is geometric styling. With the help of multi-colored tiles, it becomes possible to lay out both simple shapes, such as a rhombus, square, etc., as well as more complex patterns such as checkerboards, fans, butterflies, etc.

Geometric view of laying
Geometric view of laying

Variety of styles

One ofcommon options is the 3D illusion. In this version, tiles with a 3D effect are used. The laid paving stone has a pattern that creates a three-dimensional stereoscopic image, this technology is an optical illusion.

There is a styling style called chaotic. The peculiarity is that there is no specific plan here, the paving stones are laid in complete disorder. The only thing that is important to note is that if the tile is monophonic, then it is necessary to change the shape of the paving stones, and if it is multi-colored, then, of course, the color.

laying patterns
laying patterns

The last option is called artistic styling. There is nothing unusual in this method. Material of various colors is used and with its help a wide variety of drawings are laid out.

Getting Started

From the materials you will need the following four elements: sand, cement, tile, border. Also, for laying paving slabs in the courtyard of the house, you will need the following tools: thread, pegs, rubber mallet, level, rammer, trowel, broom. If it happens that the tile does not fit in width, then you will need a grinder with a circle for cutting concrete. One of the rather convenient devices is knee pads, since most of the work will take place with an emphasis on the knees. However, this is of course optional.

Next comes the moment when you need to use the level to mark the outline of the track. To mark the boundaries of the coating, pegs are used that are driven into the ground, and a nylon is stretched between them.a thread. It must be pulled strictly according to the level.

Next, you need to start arranging the foundation. To do this, remove the top layer of sod, water the soil and tamp. If the soil is sufficiently dense, then the tamping stage can be skipped and go straight to the base. Laying paving slabs in the country requires filling the resulting pit with crushed stone or gravel. The height of the carrier layer should be 150-200 mm if it is a pedestrian pavement and 400 mm if it is a parking lot. To increase strength and durability, it is recommended to lay geotextiles under the rubble and on top. To level the base, you need to pour another 20 mm of sand on top of the carrier. Thus, paving slabs will be laid on the sand.

Masonry process

It's worth starting with laying the curb. This part is necessary not only in order to mark the boundaries of the path, but also in order to avoid such a defect as the spreading of paving stones. However, some experts do without a border at all.

You can install the curb only on a perfectly flat base. To increase its reliability, it is best to always lay it on a concrete base. Some people install a plastic type of tile border to make the whole installation process easier. There are two options for laying the curb - flush with paving stones or slightly lower. In the second option, the tile has a height of about 5 cm higher than the curb. This is the error of soil shrinkage under the track.

If sand is chosen as the base, the layer thickness should be from 50 to 60 mm. Also it is necessarypour water and let dry a little, after which it is tamped. Tiling is carried out on a wet, but not wet, sandy layer.

If you need to use a cement-sand mixture, then on the base, which was described earlier, not 20 mm of sand, but 30-40 mm are laid. A reinforcing mesh is placed on top of this layer, which is covered with a mortar of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 4.

Tile laying rules

There are several recommendations that will help in laying paving slabs with your own hands.

Firstly, you need to lay the paving stones from the bottom point of the cover upwards. Secondly, laying is carried out from oneself. In other words, the master moves to the place where the material has already been laid. If the tile is laid in a circular pattern, then you need to start from the center. To firmly install the tile, you need to use a hammer with a rubberized impact part. You need to beat very carefully, as the paving stones are quite fragile and can easily crack. If we talk about the gaps, then only 2-3 mm will be enough so that the water can easily leave.
