Tart taste and spicy aroma. Anyone who has tried ginger at least once knows that this plant cannot be confused with any other. It is not only very useful, but also delicious. So that ginger is always at hand at the right time, you can grow it right on your home windowsill. This article will tell you how to grow ginger at home.
Where is ginger used?

Ginger root has been successfully used in cooking for more than a decade. Real gourmets are able to appreciate how a dish changes its taste when ginger is present in it. The dried root of this plant is added to various pastries, from ordinary bread to confectionery. For example, in winter, ordinary gingerbread cookies create a certain holiday atmosphere. Chefs of the highest cuisine, and even ordinary housewives, add ginger to various dishes to give a spicy touch. Freshly squeezed juice from this plant is included in various sauces. Even ginger is added to drinks, whether it is plain water ormulled wine.
Marinated root as a separate appetizer can decorate any table. But the range of application of this plant is much wider. Medicine has long noted its medicinal properties. It not only improves immunity and strengthens the body, but also treats various diseases. With systematic use, ginger root thins the blood. This improves blood circulation throughout the body. More oxygen enters the brain cells. Ginger is used in the treatment of the stomach, as well as in liver diseases. The root of the plant helps to increase potency in men, and induces women to passion. In addition, ginger is a natural sedative. Can you grow ginger yourself? The answer to this question is in this article.
Popular varieties
Ginger has been cultivated for a long time. The first experiments were carried out at the beginning of the 15th century. All this time, breeders are trying to develop a universal variety. It should be juicy and rich in flavor. Ginger roots are different from each other. Their flesh is greenish, brown, yellow, interspersed with blue. The smell is predominantly citrus or herbal. However, there are also varieties whose roots do not smell as pleasant as all the others. For example, kerosene. But the spicy taste and fragrant aroma is present in everyone, regardless of the variety. Barbados black and Bengal white ginger are the most common and popular varieties. They differ from each other only in the brightness of taste: black is the most intense and burning.
Conditions for breeding

For successful cultivation of ginger, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for it. It is worth remembering that this plant grows in the tropics. It has a hot and humid climate. If you follow the following parameters, then growing ginger will not cause trouble:
- Optimal temperature for growing - from 15 to 32 degrees. If the temperature is lower, then the ginger, instead of sprouting, will simply hibernate.
- Humidity should be high. You can support it in two ways: watering and spraying.
- Lighting. The light must be bright, but diffused. If your windows do not give such illumination, then you can resort to artificial lighting with lamps.
- Soil acidity does not exceed 6 pH. You can check the acidity with ordinary vinegar. Take a teaspoon of earth and pour some vinegar into it. If the reaction with foaming has begun, then the acidity of the soil is neutral. And it is acceptable for planting ginger.
Technology for growing ginger at home

How to grow ginger at home on the windowsill? It's not that hard to do. It is enough to choose a good, without unnecessary growths and darkening, a smooth root in the store. At home, divide it into several parts. It is necessary to do this so that each of them has kidneys or, as they are also called, “eyes”. They are very similar to potatoes. How to grow ginger from the root? Before planting ginger in the soil, soak the rhizome pieces in warm water. Enough 2-4 hours. This activates the kidneys.and start growing. After soaking, let the ginger pieces dry out a bit. Do not forget that cut places must be treated with potassium permanganate or an antifungal agent. Ordinary activated charcoal can also be used. Simply crush it into crumbs and coat the slices.

Ginger is planted in separate pots with drainage holes. In addition, they should be wide and shallow so that the ginger can grow more. The bottom of the pot must be additionally drained. To do this, sand, leaf humus and soddy soil are mixed in equal proportions. The soil itself should consist of clay and peat in a ratio of 1: 3. Soil for vegetables has the same composition. The cut and processed parts of the root must be placed 1 cm into the soil. The kidney must be at the top. Pour the earth abundantly with settled water and cover the pot with plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. You can use part of a plastic bottle. We put the containers in a bright and warm place. Next, we maintain soil moisture by watering. After about a month, small sprouts will appear. The film or bottle must be removed immediately. But don't forget to stay hydrated.
From a sprout to a full-fledged root tuber

The active growth stage of ginger begins in spring and summer. For successful cultivation, it is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient diffused light. To do this, you can place pots of ginger on a windowsill with a south-facingwest or southeast side. In summer, ginger can be taken outside. At this time, the sprouts must be fertilized and watered with settled water. Drying out of the soil is highly unacceptable. Watering should be carried out strictly according to a certain schedule: we pour water from above for a day, pour water into the pan for a day. You can get a special notebook with a schedule so as not to get confused. It is also necessary to give the root to "breathe". Loosening the earth will favorably affect the growth of the whole plant. Watering is carried out moderately, otherwise the root may rot in waterlogged soil. Soil saturation with water is the main criterion for increasing the yield of ginger. Phosphate fertilizers must be added to the soil 1-2 times a month. The plant is periodically sprayed when it is in the shade. This maintains the required moisture. It is forbidden to do this in the sun, otherwise the ginger may get burned from water drops.
Pest control
With the help of spraying, the air is humidified, and it is also a good prevention of the appearance of spider mites. The spider mite is a parasite that feeds on plant sap through the leaves. If it is wound up, then it will be problematic to remove it. Therefore, when spraying, you should carefully examine the leaves. And if the web is visible, then the tick is already killing the plant. If the ginger becomes pale, yellowish-brown spots appear on the leaves, increasing in size, then this also indicates the presence of a spider mite on the plant. Spraying the plant with special solutions and maintaining high humidity will help get rid of the parasite. At the end of summer, watering is gradually suspended, and by Octoberit must stop altogether. At this time, the tuber ripens. In autumn, the leaves should begin to wither and turn yellow. This means it's time to harvest. If the grown ginger is not intended for human consumption, then it is transferred to a cool place with an air temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius. Watering is necessary occasionally. At this time, the plant goes into hibernation. But with the beginning of the new season, you can gradually resume watering, as well as make various top dressings with potassium.
Growing ginger outdoors

How to grow ginger in the country? Ginger can be grown in the ground. But this is possible only in summer, when the air temperature at night does not fall below 15 degrees. To grow ginger outdoors, you must first germinate a few tubers in pots, and then plant them in open ground. If you follow the basic rules below, then ginger will please you with a good harvest.
Disembarkation rules:
- Choose a landing site with good lighting.
- Normalize soil composition and acidity.
- Ensure temperature and humidity.
- Fertilize as needed.
Conditions for good growth. Reviews
How to grow ginger in the country? What conditions are necessary for growing this wonderful plant in the open field? If you believe the reviews, it is better to plant the plant in greenhouses. These will be the optimal conditions for ginger. He will not be under the scorching sun during the day and cool at night. In addition, the greenhouse perfectly holds moisture. It is necessary to ensure that the soil is loose and without lumps. If water stagnates in the soil, then the root tuber can rot, so the holes are drained with sand, gravel or pebbles before planting. Before the shoots appear, ginger is rarely watered, and in the active growth phase of the plant, watering is increased. Between waterings, it is necessary to periodically let the earth dry out, but it must not be overdried. Once a week, the bed is weeded from weeds. Ginger can be used both roots and leaves. But keep in mind that cutting off the ground part will slow down the growth of the tuber.
Where is ginger grown?

The plant grows well in Asia. China, India, and Indonesia are considered to be the birthplace of ginger. You can find this plant in Australia, and even in South Africa. Ginger blooms rarely in our conditions. This plant came to us from warm countries. And has not yet adapted to our conditions. But if you create a climate close to tropical, then the ground part of ginger will please with its decorative effect both in the home interior and in landscape design. Therefore, if you want to bring the energy of the East into your home, you should figure out how to grow ginger on the windowsill.