Indoor plants have been decorating the home since ancient times. Green tenants most often stand on the windowsills. Large representatives of indoor flora take pride of place in pots on the floor. Many greenery lovers equip a loggia and balconies for greenhouses. But many plants delight us not only with their beauty. Some representatives of the room flora are used in traditional medicine recipes. For example, the aloe vera plant is used to heal wounds or treat viral diseases. There are several ways to grow aloe at home.

A bit of history
How to grow aloe, they knew in ancient Egypt. The pharaohs believed that this plant preserves beauty and youth, prolongs life for many years. At the burial of a person, aloe vera was a traditional attribute, as it symbolized new life. plantedalong the road and around the pyramid, the plant accompanied the pharaoh to the afterlife. Over time, aloe bloomed, which symbolized the end of the road. The flowering of aloe indicated that the deceased was in a good and calm place. Also, aloe vera was an integral part of the embalming fluid.
In every country people knew how to grow aloe vera. Each civilization had its own reasons for growing this plant. The healing properties of aloe vera are to blame.

Who will settle on the windowsill?
Before talking about how to grow aloe at home, you need to decide on the type of plant that you want to see at home. You can choose from those that are used for treatment and recovery. This is:
- Tree-like, or homemade. In the people it is also called "agave". It grows as a shrub, the height of which can reach 4 meters. The leaves are xiphoid in shape, strewn with small needles along the edges. It blooms with red or yellow flowers. This type of aloe is the most common.
- Aloe awesome. This plant can reach 3 m in height with one central shoot. The leaves are deep green with red needles. At certain air temperature and humidity, the leaves may turn red.
- Aloe Barbados. Succulents have a short stem. The rosette has solid leaves 60 cm long. In everyday life, this type is called aloe vera.
When you decide on the type of aloe, you can proceed to planting the plant.

Propagation by cuttings
Many inhabitants are interested in how to grow aloe at home. This plant is one of the easiest to grow. It does not require much effort in the care, and grows quickly enough. But, despite all this, certain conditions are necessary for the favorable growth of the plant.
Aloe can be propagated by cuttings, which are easy to obtain even from a young plant. Such cuttings grow at the base and are very similar to a separate plant. There is no special soil for aloe. But you can buy special land for cacti. If you decide to make the soil mixture yourself, then give up peat, as the root system of the agave does not like it. You can take two parts of sod land and add coarse sand. Charcoal is very useful for plants. To make the ground looser, you need to add some broken crushed brick.
It is better to choose a pot from clay. In such a container, the flower will breathe, and excess moisture will not linger. Drainage should be poured into the container, then the earth and the cutting should be planted. Water a little and choose the right place where the aloe will grow. For him, a window that faces south is well suited. Aloe loves light and warmth.
Now you know how to grow aloe from the root. But this is only one of the flower propagation options.

Propagation by cuttings
Let's consider how to grow aloe from a shoot without roots. At first glance, this may seem like a laborious process. Actually thisnot this way. For this method of planting, you can use the top or side processes. The landing algorithm is as follows:
Cut the top about 10 cm long together with the sheets. The cut itself must be sprinkled with charcoal and the shoot placed in a cold place for one day. Pour wet sand into the container and add a little soil. Dip the cutting into the ground to a depth of 3 cm and monitor the soil moisture. The earth should be constantly moistened until the stalk takes root.
If it is a lateral process, then the planting procedure is slightly different. You need to dry it, wrap it in paper and place it in the refrigerator for 4-6 days. After the time has elapsed, land in the previously described way. If you think about how to grow aloe, then this will be the most reliable and practical way.

Reproduction by leaf
Many think about how to grow aloe from a leaf. Indeed, very often at a party someone tears off a leaf, and already at home he thinks about how to plant it. Aloe can be propagated by a torn leaf. You need to put it in a dark place until the damaged area dries. Further, deepen the leaf by 3 cm into the prepared soil. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture until the leaf takes root.
Reproduction by babies
Many people prefer to plant the plant in this way. Young shoots, formed at the base of the shoots, easily take root in a new place. It is important to follow some guidelines. First of all, it is necessary that the stalk is slightly wilted. To do this, it must be placed in a dark place for a while. Then you can deepen it into the ground a few centimeters and install a support.

Seed propagation
The optimal time for landing is the end of February or the beginning of March. Aloe seeds are best planted in a shallow container. It is advisable to prepare the ground in advance - the soil should be slightly moist. Don't forget drainage. Seeds should not be deeply buried in the ground. It is enough to put them on the surface and lightly sprinkle with soil.
It is important to remember to water your plants regularly. As soon as the first cuttings appear, it is necessary to spray the plant with a sprayer. It is good at this time to place the young seedlings in a warm place. If 3-4 full-fledged leaves begin to look out of the ground, you can transplant aloe into small pots. A young plant will be able to move to a permanent place of residence only after a year. By then, it will be strong enough.
Water and fertilize plants
Agave is considered a convenient and practical plant. But, like any living creature, it requires compliance with special rules of care and maintenance. There are special recommendations that allow you to learn how to properly grow aloe. They relate to watering and the degree of illumination. Plant nutrition is also important. After the young plant has received a new home, it should be watered no more than two to three times a week. After the plant takes root and gets stronger, watering should be reduced. In spring and summer, the agave grows more actively, and it should be watered twice.once a week. But autumn and winter are the time of rest. The plant falls asleep, so you should water only when the ground dries well.
Brown or pale spots on the leaves indicate an excess of moisture. In the hot season, the plant should be watered at least once a week. In winter, you can safely forget about the room healer for a couple of weeks.
As for plant nutrition, it is carried out only in the active phase of growth. On sale there are no fertilizers that are designed for aloe, so you can buy top dressing for cacti and succulents. You can also use ground coffee or tea leaves. Before using improvised means, you should dry them thoroughly.
Care Tips
To grow a beautiful and he althy plant, you need to follow some guidelines.
Many people make the same mistake when putting the cutting into the water. Aloe is a succulent, so its leaves contain a lot of moisture. The separated stalk must be placed in a dry place. The same should be done with a separate leaf. But aloe babies should be immediately planted in the ground. Ordinary soil is quite suitable for a medicinal plant. But it is better to take care of a special soil for succulents. In addition, the agave does not tolerate a large amount of clay. Under natural conditions, aloe grows in dry places with loose soil. This can be adopted. Air baths have a beneficial effect on flower growth. In the warm season, it is advisable to take aloe to the balcony or courtyard.
Don't forget about temperature and levelindoor air humidity.

Where to place the plant in the house?
Growing aloe at home is not that difficult. Now you need to find a place where the plant will be comfortable. Aloe is unpretentious in care, but there are still some nuances. The flower does not tolerate darkness and cold. Based on this, we can conclude that it is better to put the pot on the south side of the house. Direct sunlight can also harm the plant. On the windowsill, it is advisable to cover the aloe with curtains. On a glazed balcony, the pot will be fine on the floor.
The agave needs to be transplanted at regular intervals, because the root system develops very quickly, and over time it no longer has enough space in the pot. Many are interested in how to grow a large aloe. If you want the flower to increase in growth, you need to change the pot every year for the first five years. After that, you can only do it once every two years. The most suitable period for transplantation is spring. At this time, the plant can endure any manipulation without damage.

Diseases and pests
There are certain factors that can reduce effort to zero. Here are just a few:
- Root rot can kill the plant, so don't over water it. Water the plant only when necessary. If, nevertheless, the roots began to rot and the leaves became soft, you should immediately remove the plant from the ground, remove the affected roots, sprinkle them with ashes andtransplant into new soil.
- Spider mites are also bad for aloe. It covers the leaves of the plant with cobwebs. You need to fight such a pest with the help of garlic tincture. You can also wipe the leaves with soapy water.
- Scutellum, which appeared on the leaves, can destroy plants. To protect aloe from such a parasite, you should wipe the leaves with a cloth soaked in alcohol or vinegar. After that, treat everything with insecticide, which can be purchased at special flower shops.
- Mealybug. This disease affects many plants, but its pathogens are afraid of moisture, so you should wash the leaves well and treat with alcohol or vinegar.
After all the procedures, the room where the plant is located should be ventilated.
Healing properties of aloe
It is not for nothing that people call aloe agave. After all, this plant very often appears in the recipes of traditional medicine. The chemical composition of aloe has a positive effect on almost all human organs. Plant components have the following beneficial properties:
- Antifungal and antiviral action.
- Reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
- Increasing the tone of the body.
- Cleansing the body of toxins.
Growing aloe vera at home is possible and necessary. After all, the agave does not need painstaking care and constant attention. And there are a lot of benefits from it.