Custom-made furniture or buying ready-made? Before such a choice is any person who decides to update the interior of the house. Each of these options has both advantages and disadvantages.
Purchase of finished furniture
This option is familiar to many in Soviet times. Its advantages are obvious.
- Low price. Custom furniture usually costs more.
- Confidence in the result. You can see what exactly you are buying, you can make sure that the quality of the goods suits you.
The minus is also obvious. Finished furniture is always a compromise between what you have and what you want. Wrong color, wrong shape, wrong arrangement of drawers… You can put up with minor flaws, but you still want them to be gone.
Custom-made furniture
Developing an individual project has many advantages:

- You choose the design yourself. Thinking throughall the nuances, take into account both the layout of the room and your everyday habits. Do you need a drawer or shelf? Swing doors or sliding doors? Or maybe a retractable board for kneading dough? Making custom-made furniture allows you to use the space of the room as efficiently as possible, making it truly comfortable.
- You choose the materials yourself. Natural wood, veneer, plastic or MDF - you are only limited by the available budget. The problem of “as we would like the same wardrobe, but cheaper” does not exist.
- You are budgeting. Choose furniture design and materials so that the purchase is not too expensive. If you don't need expensive handles on cabinet doors, you simply don't order them. But choose a solid reliable countertop.
- You can consult professionals. If you have an idea, but you don't know how to bring it to life, the company's employees will offer you all possible solutions. You only have to choose.
But custom-made furniture has a significant drawback. This is the price. It is usually quite high.
Pleasant exceptions
Inexpensive and high quality - this is a very real option, if you approach the choice responsibly and study all the offers on the market. Some of them are very attractive. Consider one of them.
Cheap Furniture Company was founded in 1998. The experience of its employees does not occupy. The company's specialists constantly undergo training in the best European furniture companies. The industrial equipment of "Cheap Furniture" cannot be called cheap. It's twolarge production centers engaged in the manufacture and assembly of products "from and to". The company has a department dealing with wholesale deliveries and a retail store. This is the secret of low prices.

"Cheap Furniture" does not cooperate with intermediaries at any stage of production and sale of products. The company works directly with manufacturers of materials, and modern production allows organizing the production of custom-made furniture as efficiently as possible. The company does not need to pay for the services of carriers and distributors. And our own logistics department offers the most economical options for transporting and storing finished products.
- The company takes on the most difficult and unusual projects. The company's specialists are always ready to offer original solutions to the problem. And on modern milling machines, you can create a complex and openwork design, observing an error of up to 1 mm.
- You won't have to wait long for your order. As soon as the project is approved, the company starts manufacturing furniture.
- The company's products meet all the requirements of GOSTs. This is confirmed by EAC TP TC certificates. And "Cheap Furniture" gives a 5-year warranty on all manufactured products.
- A designer comes to your house for free. He will listen to your wishes and offer his own options, help bring your ideas to life.
- You will know the cost of furniture immediately - as soon as the draft design project is ready.
The company offers and bonuses:the countertop in the kitchen set does not need to be paid separately. It is already included in the price, as well as reliable elite fittings. In addition, the company periodically holds promotions. At such moments, it is even more profitable to order custom-made furniture.