Saffron or crocus is a perennial plant belonging to the iris family. Origin leads from Asia Minor. More than 300 varieties of saffron are now known. None of them grow wild. The saffron flower can be white, golden, yellow, purple or variegated. Some plants bloom in spring, while others bloom in autumn. Spring bloomers bloom very early. Before the snow melts, saffron flowers are already appearing. The photo shows these beautiful primroses.

Saffron care
This plant is unpretentious and does not require special care. Crocus loves sunny places, although it can live in partial shade. The plant does not tolerate an excess of moisture, but it can easily survive drought. It is frost-resistant: it can withstand up to 18 degrees below zero.

Propagation of saffron
Propagated using saffron bulbs. Seeds that are in boxes are not used for propagation. For planting choose he althy intact bulbs. Saffron reproduces quickly: one bulb per season produces up to 5 children. But once every few years, plants need to be a new place, as over time the soil loses nutrients, and the saffron flower becomes small. Spring-blooming crocuses are planted in September or October, and autumn-blooming crocuses are planted in July or September.
Saffron forcing
Saffron is often used for forcing to produce flowers for the winter holidays. In order to grow a saffron flower indoors, spring-blooming Dutch crocuses are best suited. Bulbs dug out in August or September are kept for two weeks at a temperature of 24 0C in a room that is well ventilated. Then they are put away for storage. Store at a temperature of 5 - 9 degrees Celsius. 3 months before the required date, saffron bulbs are planted in bowls, which are taken out to a cool room. After 2 months, when sprouts appear, the plant is transferred to a bright place. With insufficient lighting, the plant will stretch out, and the saffron flower will be weak. Maintain temperature 10 - 15 0С. At higher temperatures, the flowers will bloom earlier than they should. If the necessary conditions are met, after two weeks you can see a saffron flower. Flowering lasts approximately 2 weeks.

Saffron in cooking
Saffron seasoning is made from the plant. But only one variety of crocus is suitable for her - sowing crocus. It blooms in autumn. For the preparation of spices, the stigmas of the plant are used. They are plucked by hand only in dry weather from 10 am to 11 am. The stigmas are dried at room temperature. Saffron is considered the king of spices and is veryhigh cost. To get 1 kilogram of spice, you need to pick 80,900 plants. Saffron has a strong odor and a bitter-spicy taste. It is added as an aromatic and coloring agent to oriental dishes: stuffed fish, soup, dough, pilaf. Also put saffron in confectionery: buns, muffins, cookies. It is also used to color butter, cheeses, liquor and some soft drinks.

Saffron in medicine
Saffron is a very valuable medicine. It is used to treat the cardiovascular system, digestive tract, liver, kidneys and urinary tract. It is also used to increase potency. Saffron is consumed in very small doses: 1 gram is enough for a year's treatment.