Felines are harmful and capricious animals, but at the same time they are affectionate and obedient. The art of origami is a fascinating and interesting activity. This article will step by step describe how to make a cat out of paper - the cutest creature.
What do you need to make?
To make, you will need a sheet of paper with a ratio of length and width of 1 to 3. The most preferred size is 6 by 18 centimeters.
How to make a cat out of paper. Step by step instructions
The reference will be the drawings and drawn on them:
- lines are concave curves;
- dot-dash - bulges.
1. It is necessary to fold a strip of paper in half.

2. Each side needs to be folded in half in order to outline future folds. Then they need to be deployed so that the wrong side is on top. After that, you need to outline the folds along the left edge to make the cat's face. Basting means bending and unfolding the paper with a return to its original state. First you need to bend the left corner to the right side. Then similar actionsheld with the right.

3. After all the folds are outlined, the workpiece must be unfolded completely. The middle longitudinal fold should be concave, and 2 bulges should form on the left and right sides, resembling a cat's ears. Next, you need to rotate the sheet of paper 90 degrees and form bulges and indentations.

4. Then you need to fold each diagonal of the bulge and lift them up, while simultaneously pressing on the middle of the head. Previously created folds form a dip. Scissors are not required. It is necessary to move down, forming a body to make a paper cat. Be sure to control the correctness of the creation of bulges and depressions.

5. Based on the image, it is necessary to form a chin so that the do-it-yourself paper cat turns out to be more cute and interesting. The figure shows a green triangle, it must be found along the marked folds on the workpiece and, squeezing the fingers from the inside, form a muzzle. Compliance with the rule that the upper corners that form the chin must move down is mandatory.

6. When the chin is ready, pay attention to the result from the inside, based on the drawing. Next are the ears. To do this, bend each to the cent and, stepping back a little, bend back. Look at the drawing. Press harder. Press inside the crease in the middle of the head so that the cat's forehead is slightly rounded. Pay attention to the reverse side, it must match the image.

7. After the muzzle, head and ears have been formed, it is necessary to create a tail. First you need to form the outline of the fold line of the tail.

8. After basting, you need to create two diagonal bends. They serve to stabilize the body of the cat. Diagonal arches form corners on both sides.

9. Further, on a plane perpendicular to the body, it is necessary to form a tail. Both sides of the lower part are thinned diagonally by bending the corners inward. With these steps, the tail of the cat will look more proportional.

10. The final step of the step-by-step instruction "How to make a cat out of paper" is twisting and arching the tail. With proper formation, it is this part of the figure that affects its stability and serves as support and support.

The article describes one of the simple options for solving the question: "How to make a cat out of paper?" Even a child can cope with this task. In addition to being interesting, this activity is also educational. Try it yourself - you will succeed!