Looking at the author's speech therapy manuals, you understand that you can make many games for your children on your own. To do this, you do not need to have any special talents or skills of the artist. The main thing is to know the principle of working with this material. Pictures for him can be cut out of old children's books or magazines, use improvised and junk material.
In the article, we will look at examples of making a speech therapy manual with our own hands, tell you how to work with such material, what exercises will help children pronounce sounds correctly and learn to determine their place in a word.
Speech therapy games will also help kindergarten teachers. They can be used in different classes, for example, on the development of speech, when getting acquainted with the outside world. You can play a word game with children on a walk or after a nap. They contribute to the development of correct articulation, the development of a clear pronunciation of sounds in words, phonemic perception, the ability to identifyplace of sound in a word, etc.
Breathing exercises
To correct the pronunciation of sounds, speech therapists practice breathing exercises. Exercises allow you to strengthen the air stream, direct the force of air to the right place, and increase the duration of blowing. At first, the exercises are performed simply with the lips, without puffing out the cheeks. You need to try to get a stream of air on the tongue. This is necessary when working on hissing and whistling sounds - w, w, w, h, s, h.
These exercises are designed to increase air ventilation in the lungs, so be sure to ventilate the room before starting classes or do them in the fresh air. Deep breathing can make your child dizzy with repetitions, so take breaks between exercises to rest. The duration of breathing exercises should be increased gradually, starting with short exercises.

For such classes, do-it-yourself speech therapy aids are easy to make. In addition to blowing air through a straw or inflating a balloon, you can make a bright toy for your child using a cardboard tube from toilet paper, strips of colored paper or satin ribbons. From such materials, you can easily make an octopus with pom-pom eyes. For beauty, cover the tube with colored paper. When blowing air, strips of paper or tape will develop in the air, which will be very liked by the child. You can attach them with a regular stationery stapler.
Sound chains
It is very difficult for children to distinguish between paired sounds (deaf andvoiced), for example, s - s or w - f. To facilitate this process, you can make a speech therapy manual with your own hands, as in the photo below. Two bunnies of different sizes are depicted on a large sheet of cardboard. One collects words that begin with voiced sounds, the other - with deaf ones. You can attach the necessary pairs of letters with buttons or make a transparent pocket to insert them there.

Children are given a set of picture cards. All objects begin with these sounds. The child in turn takes a card and says aloud the name of the depicted object. Having correctly identified the first sound, he looks for the corresponding letter and strings the picture onto a string that stretches from it. So you need to distribute all the pictures in chains, laying them next to each other.
Developing articulation
It is difficult for preschool children to pronounce sounds correctly due to the underdevelopment of the speech apparatus. The muscles are still weak, the tongue is poorly obeyed and does not have the necessary flexibility. If you do not deal with the baby, everything will end in tears. The child will not be able to speak correctly for a long time, which at the senior preschool age will cause ridicule from classmates. The articulatory apparatus can be trained from the age of 2 or 3. This includes the larynx, jaw, lips and tongue.

There are a lot of exercises to develop the muscles of this system. Mom or teacher shows them to the child, and the baby repeats. It is advisable to do them in front of a mirror so that the location of the lips andlanguage setting. When working on certain sounds, you can make speech therapy aids for articulatory gymnastics.
This is an image of the whole face or only the mouth, where the lips are drawn in the correct position when pronouncing the sound. Visualization will help the child to repeat the movement independently. Drawing such a manual is easy, you can use your favorite emoticons.
Funny alphabet
Such a manual is useful for speech therapy work, and for the study of letters. On a sheet of cardboard on top, write large and small letters in large print. In our example, this is "D". Then select pictures with the image of objects for a given sound and stick them on the surface of the card.

You can do an allowance with the children so that the child comes up with words that begin with this letter. If you don’t find the picture you need, you can always use the Internet and print its contours on the printer. The kid will help to color it with colored pencils. Thus, all the letters of the alphabet are drawn up. You can do a speech therapy game with your own hands not all at once, but as you study this letter. It will be easier for the child to remember it. In the next lesson, you can repeat the previous letter and work on the next one.
Creation of tongue twisters
These aids are often used by speech therapists and kindergarten teachers to practice the correct pronunciation of a certain sound. This special exercise consists of two parts and is a short rhyme. The first line isfrom a three-fold repetition of a syllable or two letters, the first is a vowel, and the second is a consonant. This is a speech therapy exercise for developing articulation, automating the pronunciation of sounds. The second part is represented by a rhyming phrase that contains a given syllable or combination of letters.

To make it easier for a child to remember tongue twisters and pronounce them faster, you can make a speech therapy game in the form of cards with your own hands. They can be small in the form of a table, as in the sample in the article, or you can place each tongue twister separately on a large sheet of cardboard. This will be a demonstration material for group work. Print the text below to help guide the children if anyone forgets it.
Patters in pictures
These are great exercises for developing speech sounds. They are a small rhythmic text, usually with funny content. Since ancient times, they have been used for fun, as well as to improve the mobility of the organs of articulation. In addition to speech, tongue twisters improve attention, develop memory.
The sample speech therapy manual for children presented below allows not only to pronounce a tongue twister, but also develops thinking and visual perception. Such tables can be drawn for each phrase. They are suitable for older preschool children.

Each picture corresponds to one word of the tongue twister. The first step in learning a phrase is to pronounce it clearly at a slow pace. Byas you memorize, the phrase is pronounced faster and faster. The main thing is to monitor the clarity and intelligibility of the pronunciation of sounds in words. Funny pictures will help the children remember the text more quickly, as visual memory helps them in this. Draw tables schematically. You need to have the talent of an artist to make such a speech therapy manual with your own hands.
Guess the sound in the word
The following educational material is intended for children of the senior group of kindergarten. The child, looking at the first picture, must name the letter with which the word begins. This is followed by a row of three images of objects. Having said their names aloud, the child must determine the presence of this sound in these words.

On the manual, under each picture, there is an empty circle where a tick is placed if the given sound is present in the word. This exercise is very useful not only for developing pronunciation, but also for developing phonemic hearing and attention. You can draw pictures yourself or cut them out of old books.
Listen and choose right
In this speech therapy game, children learn to clearly distinguish by ear sounds in the names of objects depicted in the manual. There are a number of words that differ in only one letter. Children often cannot distinguish them by sound.

The table data, which can be easily done on your own, will help the baby understand the correct choice, listen more carefully to the spoken word, learnit in the pictures.
Sound Clock
The next game is very similar to the previous version. The task is the same. Children must find paired words that differ in only one sound. The manual looks like a clock with hands mounted on a large cardboard circle. You can make a game out of plywood, then pasting it with a sheet of colored paper. Pictures of pairs of words are selected, for example, cancer - poppy, meadow - onion, T-shirt - nut, seagull - T-shirt, rose - goat, s alt - mole, etc.
Child should arrange the arrows so that they point to a couple of similar words. You can make the manual double-sided by adding pictures and arrows to the back of the circle as well.
Read the intended word
The task of the child in this game, naming the first letters of the pictures in a row, is to compose the intended word. This is an interesting game that is easy to make yourself.

While preparing for the production of this manual, you need to act in the opposite direction, that is, first think of a short word, and then pick up pictures that begin with its first letters. It remains only to place them on the same line in a row. The photo above shows words consisting of five letters. If it is difficult for a child to master this game the first time, you can start by thinking of shorter words, for example, "wasp", "cancer", "nose".
The article gives samples of speech therapy games and manuals that can be done at home. To Work withthey are fun and quick and easy to do.