Dishtowels are the most dirty in the house. Washing them in a typewriter or by hand is not so easy. Pollution is so strong that special tools are needed to eliminate them. How to wash kitchen towels with vegetable oil is described in the article.
Washing with vegetable oil has the following advantages:
- The fatty acids that remain in the oil after cleansing dissolve old grease and soften stubborn dirt.
- Oil has a gentle effect of detergents on the material. It makes the fabric fibers more elastic.
- The method does not need boiling, which will save time, effort. Materials are not exposed to the negative effects of powders, bleaches.
- Terry towels and napkins will be soft, fluffy. And colored products have a bright look.
- After washing, the products are easy to iron. You can do without this procedure, just straighten the towels on the clothesline.

Not all housewives are aware of the effectiveness of vegetable oil in washing, as they believe that fat only contaminates the material. But there is an old proverb that testified to the victory of like with like. Therefore, it will be possible to eliminate fatty contaminants with an oily solution. Many stains cannot be removed without this remedy. You can verify the effectiveness by the reviews of the hostesses.
According to reviews, washing towels with vegetable oil is quite effective. However, there are several proven recipes. As housewives know, soaking is often used to eliminate contaminants. To do this, you need:
- Pour hot water (6 l) heated to 60-65 degrees into the basin.
- Pour mustard powder (1 cup), vinegar (1 tbsp.), vegetable oil (2 tbsp.).
- Stir, place towels in a basin. The container is covered with a lid and left overnight.

This recipe for washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is quite effective. It also allows you to bleach products without any extra effort. After bleaching, towels are rinsed in turn in cold and hot water several times.
Heavy pollution
According to the reviews of the hostesses, even severe pollution can be eliminated. The following recipe is suitable for this:
- Add to the bucket: boiling water, washing powder (0.5 cups), dry bleach (3 tablespoons), baking soda, refinedvegetable oil.
- It is advisable to mix the components in a cup, and then place in boiling water and stir.
- Kitchen towels should be left in this solution overnight.
- Should be pulled out, wrung out, washed in the usual way - by hand or in a washing machine.
- Requires thorough rinsing several times.

The solution is suitable for washing towels, napkins, which even have stubborn stains. According to reviews, such a recipe often allows you to clean products from 1 time.
Sometimes you need more than just washing kitchen towels. With vegetable oil, you can also bleach light and white products. You just need to prepare a special solution:
- Laundry soap is finely rubbed. Then it is dissolved in hot water, hydrogen peroxide (6-7 tablets), ammonia (5-10 drops), oil (1 tablespoon) are added.
- The solution must be mixed, place towels, leave to cool the water (about 5-6 hours).
- After bleaching, the products are washed and rinsed.
Using this method, it will be possible to improve the appearance of white products. The recipe allows you to remove even the strongest dirt without spending a lot of money.
For lots of laundry
According to reviews, washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil is done regularly by many housewives. And if you need to wash a lot of laundry, then the following recipe will do:
- Table vinegar (0.5 cups), washing powder (1glass), dry bleach (3 tablespoons), sunflower oil (0.5 cups). Instead of washing powder, you can add grated soap shavings, and instead of dry bleach, you can add baking soda.
- Water should be boiled in boiled water. It is required to add a mixture of powder, vinegar, oil, bleach. You need to mix everything, put the laundry.
- The boil is closed with a lid and left for 10 hours. This recipe helps to wash waffle, linen, terry towels.

Washing towels with sunflower oil is an economical method. Most recipes include simple remedies that are in every home. At the same time, the result is as excellent as from the use of store products.
Colored products
Even if towels, napkins, potholders are not white, but colored, they can be cleaned with vegetable oil. Please note the following rules:
- Composition for washing colored items should not consist of ammonia or hydroperite. You can add bleach for colored items. As a basis, recipe No. 1 and No. 2 from this article are used.
- Products must be soaked in the resulting solution for 2-3 hours. Water should not be hot, 40 degrees will be enough. Before bleaching, you need to check that the material does not shed.
- After soaking, clothes can be washed in the usual way or rinsed in cold water several times.

Washing towels with vegetable oil preventsnot only eliminate impurities, but also refresh colors. This processing method also makes materials soft.
Stubborn stain removal
Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil removes stains from fruit puree, juices, berries, milk, as well as wine, tea, coffee stains, and dried blood. Hydroperite and ammonia are needed to remove old greasy or dirty marks.

When old stains have eaten into the material, laundry soap is needed. Washing kitchen towels with sunflower oil will be effective if you use brown soap (72% fatty acids). Soap with a whitening effect is effective. The following recipes are suitable for this:
- A bar of soap should be rubbed on a fine grater. The chips are stirred with sunflower oil (1 tsp).
- This composition rubs stains, puts dirty items in a closed or plastic bag.
- It is required to leave for a day, and then soak in one of the solutions.
Washing kitchen towels with vegetable oil for stubborn stains can be done as follows:
- It is necessary to prepare a gruel from a grated piece of laundry soap, which is rubbed with water. Liquid ammonia (a few drops) or hydroperite (2 tablets) is added.
- Stir the gruel, add oil (1 tsp), treat stains.
- The product must be rolled up, left for 2-3 hours.
This method is suitable for white materials. If the spots are persistent, old,a mixture of oil (1.5 tablespoons), bleach (3 tablespoons), baking soda (3 tablespoons) is used. Use the product to rub the stains, leave for 5-6 hours, and then wash.
During washing, the following nuances should be taken into account:
- The oil is suitable for washing underwear, bed linen, children's clothes. Soak twice or three times, even worn items will look fresh.
- Washing perfectly washes and bleaches natural cotton materials, while synthetic ones are much worse.
- The oil should be added last to the heated water when the rest of the components have dissolved.
- Use soda instead of bleach is not worth it if there is vinegar in the detergent composition: the reaction between the components will reduce the washing effect, and also forms a lot of foam.
- Only dry products should be placed in the solution, otherwise the breakdown of fats becomes more complicated, and the effect will be much lower.
- It is better to soak things in an enameled bucket with a lid. To keep the water warm longer, the container is wrapped in a blanket or placed in a warm place.

If you follow the following rules, then the products will not fade, they do not need to be washed, bleached and boiled often:
- Must choose multiple sets to always have a shift.
- While dirt is not visible, do not wash it. The towel can be in the kitchen for 2-3 days. If it stays clean for a long time, you should change it once a week.
- After washing requirediron processing. Then the towels will be neat and stay clean longer.
- You need to use napkins and rags to treat contaminated surfaces of the table or stove. They do not need to be laundered as they can be thrown away once soiled.
Terry products should not be used for the kitchen. The material will dry slowly, and harmful microflora develops in the towels. Waffle cotton or linen items are great.
Stubborn dirt is difficult to remove, so towels need to be washed more often. However, this must be done separately from other things. In the kitchen, you can use disposable paper napkins. Then the spots will appear less often. Washing and bleaching with sunflower oil saves time, money and effort. Towels will be clean and tidy, the main thing is to take care of them constantly.