Soft and fluffy terry cloth is an indispensable element that adds coziness to the house. Terry towels are especially loved by hostesses. They are so soft, so fluffy, and so absorbent.
But why, after a couple of washes, they become rough to the touch, hard, the pile of the towel sticks together and is pressed down? How to avoid this, how to properly wash terrycloths and, if so, how to make towels soft and fluffy and how to return them to their original appearance? Gotta figure it out.
We have found the answers to these questions and will definitely share with you ways to make towels soft again, but first, let's look at the reasons in order to avoid such unpleasant consequences in the future.

Reasons why towels deteriorate
There are severalreasons why terryclothing can become rough, unpleasant to the touch both in machine wash and in hand wash. Naturally, when washing in a machine, it is much easier to ruin a towel - after all, washing by hand cleans the material more carefully, and the delicate skin of the hands will not allow using too hot water and coarse powder in the process.
Reasons why terry towels can become unusable:
- Hard water. In most regions of the country, water contains a large amount of lime s alts. They adversely affect the quality of the material, settling in the fibers. Therefore, when washing, any water must be softened.
- Quality of detergents. Of course, terry cloth is a capricious material, and when washing terry things, it is necessary to select powders and other means for it wisely. In general, such material prefers water procedures not with powders, but with liquid laundry detergents.
- Modes. Modern washing machines have several modes with different washing temperatures. The reason why terry cloth deteriorates can be too hot water. Often rinsing or an incorrectly selected spin mode is harmful.
- Handling the towel. Some housewives prefer to boil their terry towels the old fashioned way to remove stains. Some people like to iron without a steamer, which is definitely not possible.

What to do?
So what to do to make terry towels soft and fluffy? The answer is simple: follow the instructions on the label, whenwashing, consider the indicated degrees, washing mode. To prevent terry cloth from spoiling due to water hardness or coarse, low-quality powder, use emollients, conditioners and fabric softeners, instead of powders - gentle liquid products. Read the information on the packaging carefully.
How to wash towels so they stay soft?
A little later, we will definitely tell you how to make towels soft and fluffy, but first, let's look at the features of washing terry clothes in order not to repeat the mistakes in the future.
Terry towels, sweaters, favorite soft bathrobes need delicate washing, choosing the right modes, detergents and conditioners, you will extend the life of your favorite things, and even after several dozen washes they will remain as soft, fluffy, warm.

Washing rules
To make towels soft and fluffy, you need to follow a few rules:
- To wash terrycloth clothes, use only high-quality products. As mentioned above, terry products do not tolerate powder. It is better to use liquid detergent. In addition, in order for the terry to remain as soft, it is recommended to carefully read the composition of the purchased products, avoiding those that contain chlorine and phosphates. Look out for detergents labeled "Eco-friendly".
- If you still use powders, then use the extra rinse function. Powders are terribly corrosive, and in order to get rid ofthem on terry clothes, it is advisable to rinse the product 3-4 times. This will ensure that the product is washed out of the lint and rid of the settled chemicals.
- Use bleach only on light-colored items and only when necessary. It is better to bleach products separately before or after washing.
- Perform water tests, if the water in your area is hard, it is advisable to soften it. Ordinary table vinegar will help with this. Pour 200 ml of vinegar into 10 liters of water into the machine. You can pour it into the conditioner compartment, so you soften the water when rinsing.
- Wash terrycloth items separately on gentle cycle. The optimum temperature for such a fabric is 40 ° C. Set a minimum wash time, as towels are not as dirty as, for example, outerwear, so a quick spin will suffice.
- Fill the washing machine drum up to 2/3 maximum.
- Do not use conventional fabric softeners to wash terrycloth products. It is better to use silicone-based rinses or baby laundry detergents for this. Don't go overboard with the first option, as it can reduce the absorbency of the towel.
By following these rules, you won't have to wonder how to make terry towels soft and fluffy again.

How to get rid of a stain on a towel?
As we have already said, often, in order to remove a stain from a towel or any other thing, hostesses prefer to boil them. It is absolutely impossible to get rid of stains in this way, this is an effective way, but it is definitelyspoil the thing. Better soak the towel in warm water diluted with twice the amount of detergent. Leave the product to soak for several hours, and preferably overnight. In the morning, wash the towel on a delicate wash.
Proper drying of terry towels is equally important. Here are some tips we highly recommend following:
- Before drying the towel, give it a good shake to remove excess droplets and straighten the fluff.
- Terry products would be good to dry in the fresh air, so if possible, hang them on the street or balcony. They will not only remain soft, but will also be saturated with fresh air.
- You can dry the terry cloth in electric dryers, on the contrary, it will give the product softness. By the way, this is another way to make towels soft and fluffy.
- Do not overdry towels. Once dry, shake them again and put them on the shelf.

How to restore a towel?
Finally, let's talk about how to make a towel soft at home, how to restore the pile and return the product to its original appearance. It is easy to spoil the mahr, how can it be returned to its former form? We have several recipes.
If your towel has been damaged by harsh laundry detergent, we know how to fix it. Just soak it in cold water overnight. Then rinse well and hang to dry. Water will wash away chemical residues from the villi, restoring their softness.
And how to make an old towel soft? Forrecovery, soak it after washing in a s alt solution for 20-30 minutes. S alt also eats away the remnants of the powder, while softening the caked villi. Table s alt can also be added during rinsing, 1-2 tbsp. l. for 4-5 kg of laundry.

A few tips
And at the end of our informative article, I would like to give some tips for caring for terry towels:
- Do not throw dirty towels in the general basket. There they can soak up the unpleasant odors of dirty clothes.
- Wash wet towels immediately or let them dry on a line before throwing them in the basket.
- Do not wash towels with items with metal clasps or other metal items. They can leave puffs on towels - not critical, but to maintain an aesthetic appearance, it is advisable to use a separate laundry bag.
- In order not to spoil the terry products, buy plastic balls in the household chemicals store, which are placed in the drum along with the products. In the process of washing, they break down the fibers, restoring softness and tenderness to things.

Now you know how to wash terrycloth products and how to make towels soft and fluffy. We are sure you will find our helpful tips useful. A terry towel is not such a whimsical product, but still requires attention if you want to use it longer. Follow our rules, and terry clothes will definitely serve you for several years.