How to restore softness to terry towels after washing at home

How to restore softness to terry towels after washing at home
How to restore softness to terry towels after washing at home

During operation, any terry towel, even the highest quality, may lose its softness. The reasons can be different, up to improper care. But do not despair, as there are several ways to help restore softness to a terry towel.

Reasons for toughness

There can be several reasons for the decrease in the softness of a terry towel:

  • wash in hot water, boil, boil (even white terry products are not recommended to be bleached in this way);
  • use of unsuitable washing powders (its particles are poorly washed, due to which the fibers of the fabric are clogged and the properties of the material deteriorate);
  • insufficient rinsing;
  • high speed spin;
  • dry ironing (too high iron temperature can damage the structure of the fibers), as well as drying near heaters, including electric ones;
  • poor quality of water used in washing (if appliedunfiltered water, this may lead to a loss of color, acceptable physical properties, since it contains impurities that can settle on the fibers of the product);
  • poor-quality towel material (such products may lose their appearance after the first wash, even if all requirements are met).

Knowing the main reasons for the deterioration of the structure of the material, you do not have to think about how to restore softness to terry towels.

How to restore softness to terry towels
How to restore softness to terry towels

How to restore rough fabric?

Most often, housewives try to soften such products with industrial means, but in their absence, familiar products, such as s alt, soda or plain water, will always come to the rescue.

Immediately after deciding how to restore softness to terry towels, after washing, the product must be rinsed again with plenty of water. And it is better to pre-soak for 6-10 hours so that all the remnants of the washing powder dissolve completely. After this time, the towel can be rinsed in running water, and then taken outside to dry. This will wash out any remaining synthetic powder particles, making the fabric softer.

There is another extreme way to restore the structure of a terry product - cooling. Low temperatures allow you to restore (partially) the structure of the fibers, which will make the towel softer and more attractive. Before returning softness to terry towels, you need to prepare cold water. Faucet will not work. The effect will onlywhen using spring water. You will also need snow.

To restore softness, the towel must first be washed in cold water, and then placed in the snow for several hours. After this time, rinse and dry the product.

S alt softening

S alt is one of the most affordable ways to combat stiffness in fabrics. Consider how to restore softness to terry towels. S alt water needs to be prepared. To do this, in 1 liter of filtered water, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. table s alt. Soak the product in this liquid for 40 - 45 minutes. After that, remove the towel and rinse in running water. Dry such a product in the fresh air, but in the absence of direct sunlight.

How to restore softness to terry towels after washing
How to restore softness to terry towels after washing

Copes well with the task and sea s alt. It must be added to the washing powder for re-washing. The proportions are arbitrary. But before you can restore softness to terry towels at home with sea s alt, you need to grind it.

Using baking soda

Soda has not only softening, but also whitening properties. Therefore, its use for colored products should be as accurate as possible. Soda can be added either when washing, mixing with washing powder, or used when rinsing. In the first case, its amount should be small (about 5 g per 100 g of powder), in the second it can be increased (3 - 4 tablespoons per 5 liters of water).

How to return terry towels to their former softness
How to return terry towels to their former softness

How to soften a terry towel with vinegar?

To restore softness to a terry towel, the best way is to use vinegar. This tool allows you to cope with the problem even if very hard water was used during washing. For rinsing, you need to prepare water. In it (per 10 liters) you need to add 150 ml of table vinegar. The rinse water must be cold.

In case of severe loss of softness, it is recommended to repeat this procedure several times.

The best way to restore softness to terry towels
The best way to restore softness to terry towels

You can enhance the effect of vinegar with soda. Before returning softness to terry towels, you need to take vinegar and soda in a 2: 1 ratio. During washing, pour vinegar into the conditioner compartment, set the mode that does not require rinsing and spinning, the temperature should be maximum. After a beep, pour soda into the air conditioner compartment, turn on the machine again, but with the rinse and spin mode.

Industrial facilities

Not knowing how to restore softness to terry towels (user reviews only confirm this), you can always use industrial conditioners or rinses (the former are preferable). These products will not only give the products a delicate aroma, but also fluff the terry. But for such products, not all air conditioners can be used. Experienced housewives recommend giving preference to those that are specifically designed for such products. The most popular and effective are:

  • “Rosehip” from the Frosch brand is suitable for all typesfabrics, including those for terry products, do not have a strong odor, are sold at an affordable price, there are no preservatives in the composition, which means that allergic reactions are excluded.
  • "Klyaksa" - conditioner for baby clothes, also suitable for terry products, it does not contain aggressive substances, dyes, without a sharp aroma.
  • Royal Powder is a concentrated conditioner designed for manual rinsing, hypoallergenic, suitable for all types of fabrics.

How to dry properly?

There are two ideal ways to dry terry towels:

  • in automatic mode in the washing machine, if there is such a function;
  • outdoors or in a well-ventilated room.
How to return softness to terry towels reviews
How to return softness to terry towels reviews

It is strictly forbidden to iron such products, as high temperature can damage the structure of the villi.

Prevention measures

In addition to following the rules of washing, you can use some tricks that will not force you to think about how to return terry towels to their former softness in the future. These tricks include the following:

  • add a few tablespoons of table s alt to the conditioner compartment;
  • wash terry towels in plenty of water;
  • when washing in a washing machine, choose a spin at high speeds and a more thorough rinse (if possible, turn on an extra rinse);
  • optimum water temperature - 40 - 60 ° C (more accurate information is usually indicated onlabel);
  • can be washed in a special bag or with plastic balls so that the towel hits the walls of the drum as little as possible;
  • choose gel detergents.
How to restore softness to terry towels
How to restore softness to terry towels

Frequent washing of terry towels can lead to loss of attractiveness of appearance. But with a little effort, you can return to its former softness.
