Choose your white flower

Choose your white flower
Choose your white flower

Perhaps, in every garden and in any summer cottage, some kind of white flower grows. In a similar shade range, nature has produced a whole variety of plants: large and small, annuals and centenarians, high and low. Therefore, choosing the right decoration for your garden, which will harmonize directly with the exterior of your home and the landscaping of the site, is as easy as shelling pears. And now we will consider the main types and characteristics that white flowers have. The names of such representatives of the flora, it is worth noting, may vary depending on the region, but the qualities remain the same. Therefore, let's look at the most popular of them and choose what will decorate your site.

white flower
white flower

The most beautiful white flower revered by all nations is the rose. As a rule, garden white roses grow in shrubs, in a semi-shady area. They need regular watering, constant feeding and spraying. The rose fades easily ifshould not take care of her. Its petals are turning yellow, falling off, and the leaves are curling.

Refined, refined and very delicate white flower - garden lily. This plant blooms several times a year and at the same time tolerates even the most frosty winters. Despite the fact that the lily is considered a real aristocrat among all garden representatives of the flora, it is unpretentious. Such a flower needs only regular watering and feeding.

white flowers photo
white flowers photo

Relatives of lilies are snow-white callas - also one of the most delicate plants. Their white color, combined with large and dark leaves, will be a great addition to a flower bed with other flowers and to the garden. By the way, when planting callas on your site, try to place them in a place where direct sunlight does not fall, but it should not be too dark either.

The stunning white flower is the hibiscus, or Chinese rose. This is an evergreen plant that has dark wide leaves and can reach a height of 3 meters. The diameter of hibiscus flowers varies from 8 to 16 centimeters, but at the same time their very structure remains delicate and retains a strikingly regular shape and shape.

white flowers names
white flowers names

If your garden is equipped with a decorative pond, be it a pond or a small waterfall, then a snow-white water lily will fit perfectly into this landscape. Keep in mind that the roots of such plants should reach the bottom, and the flower itself, as a rule, is located on a heart-shaped dark green leaf. The only thing you have toto keep the water lily beautiful and he althy is to keep the water clean.

White covers any area in the spring. Like snow, the branches of fruit trees (apricot, apple, pear) are covered, fragrant plumeria bloom - one of the most exquisite plants. And at the very beginning of spring, even when the snow has not completely left the ground, snowdrops show their white heads from under it. They are the very first and most delicate white flowers.

Photos of a plot decorated with white plants are presented in the article. Based on them, you can come up with your own version of landscape design, which will complement the exterior of the house and make the garden inimitable and unique.
