The main purpose of the drug against domestic pests is to ensure the safety of a person's home, to prevent the penetration of various kinds of pests into it and their further reproduction. In order for these conditions to be achieved, it is necessary to purchase a proven and effective remedy. The few fairly effective drugs include the Raptor cockroach trap.
Some information about the brand "Raptor"

Raptor is a very popular company that produces poisonous substances designed to exterminate domestic insects. It is one of the leading enterprises, which legitimately took the first place among other insecticide manufacturers. The Raptor cockroach trap of increased efficiency also has good safety and reliability indicators. It is these criteria that have made it popular and well-known among Russian consumers.
Manufacture of household pest control products under this brand began in 1996. Scientists from Japan and Italy were engaged in production. They managed to achieve high levels of drug activity in pest control and complete safety for humans and pets.
This brand produces a wide variety of products: aerosols, sprays, fumigators, gels and traps. Why can you trust the Raptor brand?
There are several reasons:
- Safety. Expertise is obtained from the NIID of Rosportebnadzor and the world's leading laboratories.
- Efficiency of products. When developing products, the creators cooperate with leading European manufacturers and specialists, use highly effective active ingredients that have been repeatedly tested.
Which products are more profitable to buy?

Having tried many drugs in the fight against uninvited guests, people prefer Raptor traps. This is due to the high level of efficiency in use due to the content of organophosphorus compounds in the composition. It is they who have an effect on insects, destroying them.
The Raptor trap is a ste althy way to fight

Reviews about the Raptor cockroach trap are quite positive. Their use is very common in people's homes due to their invisibility and the complete absence of substances toxic to humans. To make insect control more effective, traps are used in conjunction with others.drugs. The very effect of destruction is achieved through a chain reaction. That is, an insect that has consumed poisoned food becomes a carrier of poison, which, when in contact with other insects, gives the same effect. This is what allows you to completely get rid of the cockroach family.
Such traps have their own varieties:
- Designed to fight food moths. The use of this method of struggle does not poison human food, but completely rids the dwelling of the insect itself and its clutches. Its application is carried out in places intended for the storage of food supplies.
- Directly a remedy for cockroaches - "Raptor" (trap).
What is a trap
It looks like plastic discs or washers. Traps from cockroaches "Raptor" for 6 pcs. packaged. They are equipped with special holes through which insects penetrate for the bait. As mentioned earlier, infection occurs according to the principle of a chain reaction. They are completely safe for humans and pets.

The active substance that has a detrimental effect on insects is chlorpyrifos. Once in the body of an insect, it causes the development of viral microflora in the intestines, clogs the pores and destroys the respiratory system, which causes death within half an hour after eating the bait. Those insects that managed to come into contact with the infected are paralyzed by the nervous system, slowly dying.
To achieve maximum results, you need to carefullycontrol the state of the bait. If it began to dry out, the traps need to be replaced with new ones. Otherwise, insects may develop resistance to the active ingredient. If everything is done correctly, the death of the species will be achieved within 1-3 weeks. You can buy this product at a hardware store or a home improvement outlet.
How to purchase the original
In order not to be a victim of scammers, drugs from well-known manufacturers should be bought only in trusted stores. To make sure that the purchased product meets the requirements, you need to study the reviews about the Raptor cockroach traps sold in this particular store, and also ask to see a certificate for the product being sold. A fake has the same appearance as the original. But you can only tell it apart when you use it.
Positive aspects of using this machine

Let's consider what properties the Raptor traps have:
- Small size and weight make it easy to use the product in any place where uninvited guests gather.
- Device installation and cockroach raids do not pollute placements.
- The substance contained inside is absolutely inaccessible to children and pets.
- Have the maximum effect on parasites.
- Use can be long term.
- Available to the consumer at any point of sale.
Cons of using traps
Among the disadvantages of such fundscockroach control is worth noting the following:

- Need a large number of traps if the apartment has several rooms.
- Not effective if there are too many insects.
- Used in conjunction with other drugs for maximum results.
Instructions for the Raptor cockroach trap contains important information:
- To ensure that insects approach the traps, it is necessary to eliminate places of pollution and accumulation of crumbs and other food particles. It is especially important that insects do not have access to water - without it, they are easier to deal with. To do this, the room must be carefully cleaned.
- After all the rubbish is collected, it is necessary to place washers in those places where cockroaches accumulate in large numbers, forming groups. The area, approximately ten square meters, must contain at least two traps. For a small one-room apartment, 6 Raptor cockroach traps will be enough.
But this method will only work if there are few cockroaches in the room. If there are too many insects, then more radical methods of dealing with them should be used.
Replacement of devices should be done once every two to three months, as the scent that attracts insects tends to fade and weaken. It is allowed to use other drugs to fight, except for aerosols, which, on the contrary, scare cockroaches away from the bait.
Reviews about the Raptor cockroach trap
Many use traps beforeperforming repairs in the apartment and note that after that the insects no longer appear. Many are satisfied with the long service life - the device is active for 6 months.
Reviews of the Raptor cockroach trap note such features of the product that it has an undoubtedly effective effect on insects, completely destroying them. It also says that the device is easy to use.

Consumers also note that the traps have an aroma of vanilla and apricot. In the case of odor evaporation, such a trap is not at all difficult to obtain at insecticide sales points.
Reviews of the Raptor cockroach trap (6 pcs per pack) indicate that this amount is enough to protect a small room.
Getting rid of household pests is time consuming and costly, especially cockroaches. Having started the fight against them, you should not stop there until you are sure that the cockroach family is finished. If at least a few individuals remain in the room, they will again fill the entire space. The use of various substances should be accompanied by the maintenance of cleanliness in the house, then the result will not be long in coming.