The appearance of bedbugs in the house for some housewives can be a real tragedy. These insects carry dangerous diseases, and their bites cause severe itching. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to remove bedbugs. However, there is no need to despair, of course. Many owners of apartments and country houses have successfully solved the problem of destroying these unpleasant insects by using the Executioner liquid. It is very inexpensive, but the effect of its use can be just excellent. About where to buy the remedy for bedbugs "The Executioner", and how to use it correctly, and we'll talk further.
Composition of the drug
This tool has been produced for more than 30 years according to the same formula and allows you to get rid of bedbugs as soon as possible. It is not worth worrying about the fact that insects have already become accustomed to this drug. One of the advantages of the Executioner insecticide is that it does not cause resistance in bedbugs.
The ingredients in this drug are:
- antioxidants;
- stabilizers;
- perfumes;
- thickeners;
- mineral antifoam;
- colloidal solvent.
The main substance responsible, in fact, for the destruction of insects, is fenthion. Its concentration in the preparation is 25%.
The Executioner is a lemon-colored liquid and is packaged in small bottles that come in batches of several.

Where to buy a remedy for bedbugs "Executioner" inexpensively
You can buy this product at any store specializing in the sale of insecticides. Also, sometimes this tool is sold in ordinary household outlets. If you wish, you can also order "The Executioner" via the Internet in the online store. In any case, this drug will not cost too much.
How not to run into a fake
When buying this product, be sure to verify its authenticity. The drug is very popular, and therefore there are many fakes on the market. First of all, you should carefully inspect the vials. A hologram with the image of a bug should be pasted on them. At a certain angle, the latter transforms into an ant. If there is no hologram or something else is drawn on it, then you have a fake.
What else should I pay attention to when purchasing "Executioner", a remedy for bedbugs? Where to buy it, of course. Before paying for a bottle, you should definitely ask the seller what kind of active substance is included in the composition of the liquid. It must be fenthion that is safe for he alth. Sometimes stores sell "Executioner", in which this substance is replaced by cypermethrin. The latter is also quite effective, but, unfortunately, it can also have a harmful effect on the human body.

Consumer Opinion
Due to its effectiveness, very good remedies for bedbugs ("Executioner") deserve reviews. Where to buy this drug, our reader is now well aware. It is worth buying it already because the bugs really disappear when using it. Of course, the environmental friendliness of this tool is also attributed to its advantages. Absolutely without fear, it can be used not only in the main rooms, but also in the nursery or in the kitchen.
The advantage of the drug "Executioner" is the fact that the bugs do not start again after its use. Numerous reviews speak of this. Low cost is another definite plus of this insecticide. 70 rubles - that's how much the Executioner bedbug remedy usually costs. The price (where to buy the drug, we considered above), this one, of course, is very low.
Some disadvantage of this liquid is only its not too pleasant smell of kerosene. However, firstly, it contributes to the death of bedbugs, causing paralysis in them, and secondly, it quickly disappears, and completely without a trace.

How to use
So, we have found out where to buy the remedy for bedbugs "The Executioner". Now let's find out how to use it. Liquid packaged in vialsconcentrated. To prepare a working solution, it is diluted with water. The proportions in this case depend on the degree of contamination of the room and the air temperature. Most often, 30 ml of the product is diluted in a liter of water. Usually this amount is enough to process 10 m2 of the apartment area.
Actually, the spraying of the premises itself is done as follows:
- The required amount of water is poured into the spray tank.
- Add the "Executioner" tool, mix everything thoroughly.
- The furniture is treated with the resulting solution, paying attention to both the upholstery and the frame. Sofas and beds should be turned over and sprayed, including from below. Cabinets are pushed away from the wall.
- Spraying the floors.
- Treat the ceiling and walls. Even if the latter are wallpapered, they should still be sprayed.

It is necessary to carry out the processing of the apartment without passes. The entire area of the apartment must be sprayed. This is especially true for places such as ventilation grilles, lagging pieces of wallpaper (if any), baseboards, mattresses, etc. The only exceptions are food and medicines that need to be packed in polyethylene. Doors and windows must be tightly closed during processing. It is better for the owners of the apartment to go to the dacha or visit relatives for a while. You can take the cat with you or just kick it out on the balcony.
Open doors and windows for ventilation after processing after 7-9 hours. During this time, all bedbugs and their larvae will be destroyed.

Where can I buy a remedy for bedbugs "The Executioner" - the question, therefore, is not at all complicated. Its use, both when purchased in a regular store and via the Internet, will not cause special expenses, since it is inexpensive. However, for the complete destruction of insects, the owners of the apartment will need to spend a little more money. The fact is that when using this drug, it is necessary to re-treat. Perform this operation in a week. It is necessary because the Executioner drug, like any other, practically does not destroy bedbug eggs. And therefore, after 7 days, new insects hatch from them. Before they have time to lay eggs again, they should be destroyed. Re-processing is carried out according to the same rules as the first.
Helpful advice
In the event that there is no sprinkler in the house, the Executioner can be applied with a brush. However, it is still better to purchase special equipment. It doesn't cost too much. Where to buy a remedy for bedbugs "Executioner", you now know. It often happens that outlets that sell this drug also sell sprayers for it of different capacities, produced by the same manufacturer.

Well, we hope we have fully considered all aspects: the Executioner bedbug remedy, application, where to buy it and what reviews are there about it. As you can see, the drug is really very effective. Because at the same time heit's not too expensive either, trying to kill these nasty insects with it is definitely a must.