Cold fog from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

Cold fog from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness
Cold fog from bedbugs: reviews, instructions for use and effectiveness

People use various methods to get rid of bedbugs. Each of them has its own characteristics, pros and cons. According to reviews, cold fog from bedbugs is an effective way to kill insects. It works much better than traditional atomizers. The features of cold fog from bedbugs are described in the article.

Signs of bedbugs in the house

Many people notice the signs of the appearance of bedbugs, but do not know what these phenomena signal. But how to determine that these insects are wound up at home, and quickly respond to the problem? Signs include:

  1. Bites. If, after sleep, bites are noticed on which there is a red dot, then this is the main sign of the habitat of these pests. Vinegars are unpleasant and painful, making them hard to spot.
  2. Black dots on bedding. This is the waste products of parasites.
  3. Shells. Bed bugs have a molting time. If black shells are visible on the bed, then this means that the bugs are losing their outer shell.
  4. Larvae and insects. If the pest is found by its own person or a place of deposition of eggs and larvae was found, then this is the main sign of the settlement of insects in the house.
cold fog from bedbugs
cold fog from bedbugs

There are many chemicals to get rid of these pests. Hot and cold mist from bedbugs are effective. Reviews indicate that it is better to entrust this to specialists, since they know all the subtleties of these procedures.

What is this?

Bedbugs usually live in secluded, hard-to-reach areas of apartments. Processing housing with classical means does not always lead to a positive result. Sprayers and atomizers do not provide complete coverage of the insect habitat. Some of the pests die, and some individuals hide under the wallpaper, in the cracks where the poison particles do not enter.

According to reviews, cold fog from bedbugs is an effective way. With it, the room is filled with small drops of insecticides. To apply the active substance, special devices are used - generators. The temperature of the spray cloud is the same as in the apartment, so the technology is called "cold".

cold fog from bedbugs reviews
cold fog from bedbugs reviews

Drops of insecticidal fog during the operation of the generator are 10-80 microns. The airflow provided by the device distributes the working solution in seconds over 30-10 m. The indicators are determined by the class of the generator.

In addition to the cold mist from bedbugs, there is a hot method. Methods differ in the type of appliedgenerator:

  1. The design for the cold method has a pump that heats the air stream, as well as a chemical solution injection system. The insecticide is fed to the nozzle from a separate container. Due to air pressure, a drop of the drug is divided into a fine aerosol.
  2. The hot mist design functions on the same principle. The difference is the additional heating of the liquid. The temperature reaches 70-80 degrees, and the particles will be 0.5-5 microns in size.

Method difference

During the treatment with heated steam, the level of penetration of the active ingredients is higher, so the effect is stronger. The advantage of the hot method is the slow settling of water dust. Processing with a "hot" cloud is best done at an increased concentration of bloodsuckers or in large rooms. Hot process generating sets are used only by trained personnel of special companies.

From cold steam devices there are devices for home use. But the effect of the procedure is determined by the device, the nuances that are not always taken into account by non-professionals. Is hot mist or cold mist better to use to kill bed bugs? A specialist can assess the infection of the method. Based on this, he will tell you which way is best.

Cold Mist Action

What is the effect of cold mist bed bug treatment? A cloud with an active component after spraying is in the air for up to an hour and a half. Small particles of poison spread through housing, get into ventilation, cracks in ceilings. The aerosol will be on the walls, floor.

bedbug poisoning with cold fog
bedbug poisoning with cold fog

Toxic agent after contact with insects is the cause of their death. The effect is determined by the type of pesticide used. For 1 procedure, arthropod bloodsuckers are removed. Cockroaches, ants, and other insects are also being eliminated.

According to consumer feedback, cold fog from bedbugs brings excellent results. Although the effect may be different, it all depends on the type of insecticide. It is important that pesticides meet the following requirements:

  1. Efficiency. Pests are able to get used to negative conditions, and surviving individuals may not respond to the same toxins. The secondary procedure requires the selection of a new agent.
  2. Safety. It is necessary to verify the certificate that there is no harmful effect on people.
  3. No strong smell. Some products emit "aromas" that last for several months.
  4. Spectrum of action. Not all bed bug products are suitable for killing bed bug eggs.

Before treating bedbugs with cold fog, you need to choose a quality product. It is advisable to entrust this to specialists who are able to select an effective poison. The specialist takes into account the number of pests, the time of their appearance, the type of housing, the past method of control, as well as other factors.


As evidenced by the reviews, before treating the apartment from bedbugs with cold fog, they set 2 goals:

  • safety for occupants;
  • gaining mist access to furniture backs, corners and underskirting boards.

Quality preparation is needed, which consists of doing the following:

  1. Residents and pets must leave the premises. The aquarium should be isolated, covered with a tight lid and the compressor turned off. Better yet, move out of your home for a while.
  2. Products must be removed from the refrigerator, sealed or taken out. Personal hygiene products are placed and tied in bags.
  3. It is important to prepare the living space: remove bed linen, move furniture, remove mattresses, fold carpets, lay out pillows. Requires access to skirting boards. Toys endure everything.
  4. Bed linen, clothes are washed at high temperature, dried, packed and taken out of the apartment.
  5. Windows, front door and hood close tightly.
cold mist treatment
cold mist treatment

If the house is an apartment building, you must notify the neighbors about the procedure. It would be better if they temporarily blocked the ventilation. After preparing the room, you need to perform a wet cleaning. Due to the absence of dust, the effect of the procedure is improved. Active substances are not retained by dirt particles. Indoor flowers can not be taken out. Cold fog is considered an excellent prevention against ticks, scale insects and whiteflies.


According to reviews, it is advisable to entrust the persecution of bedbugs with cold fog to special companies. You can find out the number of services at the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station. They will also tell you how much it costs to call the SES. Usually the cost of the service is 900-2500 rubles.

If there is a household generator andall the nuances are known, processing can be performed independently. Bedbug poisoning with cold fog is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. It is necessary to dilute the pesticide according to the rules specified by the manufacturer. There should be a solution. The cold method uses concentrated bed bug liquids.
  2. The generator tank is filled with the mixture, the device is connected to the mains.
  3. The room is being processed. Particular attention should be paid to skirting boards, corners, wallpaper joints. The whole room is filled with fog - the insecticide penetrates into the cracks between the sofa cushions and under the furniture.
  4. We must wait for the fog to settle. This usually takes 40-90 minutes.
  5. Windows must be opened to allow cross-ventilation. The duration of intensive air circulation is at least 60 minutes.
  6. Carry out wet cleaning using a soda-soap solution. The resulting composition is used to wipe the door, furniture, handles - furniture that is often touched by residents.

This completes the procedure. It is important to follow all steps of the procedure as they affect the result.


According to reviews, cold fog from bedbugs should be used only with safety in mind. Specialists have suitable equipment: overalls, respirator or gas mask, gloves. If there is no personal protection, then the risk of poisoning and allergies increases.

If there is an independent destruction of bedbugs with cold fogs, then preparation is required:

  • high-quality respirator - insecticidal substancesthe clouds are very small, so the classic cotton-gauze bandage does not protect the airways;
  • plastic glasses;
  • tight closed clothes, shoes;
  • gloves.

After finishing work, clothes should be washed. Even with a slight malaise, nausea, you should leave the room, wash your hands, face, rinse your mouth. Activated charcoal is effective. If these measures do not work, you should go to the hospital.

Then what?

With high-quality processing, the bugs die after a cold fog. After returning to the housing, it is necessary to carry out a partial wet cleaning. It requires rinsing dishes, wiping furniture and appliances. To reduce the chances of survival, the floors are not washed for 1.5 weeks, and the walls must be wiped with a damp cloth after 3 weeks.

bed bugs hot mist or cold
bed bugs hot mist or cold

The backs of furniture, corners and baseboards also do not need to be washed for a long time. The chemical must remain longer - insects, hidden far away, come into contact with the poison when they exit. In such areas, the eggs of females are usually hidden.

Reviews confirm that the cold mist bed bug method can be repeated if the insect population is large or there are large cracks in the house. The procedure must be performed after 2 weeks. Some companies recommend double fumigation to ensure long lasting positive results.

Advantages and disadvantages

According to reviews, the destruction of bedbugs with cold fog has its own characteristics. Benefits include:

  1. Efficiency. The toxic substance enters the habitats of insects. The effectiveness of the method has been proven in practice - the population dies in a few hours.
  2. High processing speed. Devices in a few minutes are able to fill the entire dwelling with a fine aerosol.
  3. Versatility. Compared to the hot method, the cold method can be used in different rooms. With "thermal" spraying, the humidity and temperature rise dramatically, negatively affecting items in the home.
  4. Broad action. The method is effective for bedbugs, as well as all household pests.
  5. Safety for items. After processing there will be no streaks and stains. But from the premises it is preferable to take out furniture and interior items that react to high humidity.
  6. Accessibility. The work of specialists is paid at loyal prices. It is more profitable to contact a company than to buy a generator and carry out the procedure on your own.

But processing also has disadvantages:

  1. We need careful preparation and "preservation" of things.
  2. Strong smell lasts for a long time.
  3. Bug eggs are not completely destroyed - it is preferable to repeat the procedure.

During disinfestation, sensors, for example, a fire alarm, can work. Therefore, it is preferable to turn off the system for the period of processing.

The method is not effective enough in the formation of air currents that blow off the aerosol. Mechanical ventilation must be turned off. In ventilated, open areas, the method is preferably notapply.

Procedure guarantee

According to reviews, treatment with cold fog from bedbugs is performed if necessary. If insects reappear after the procedure, the procedure is carried out after 2-3 weeks. Perform processing of areas of probable habitat of various pests.

Guarantee companies can be up to six months. The procedure is performed by highly qualified specialists. You just need to choose a trusted company.

Order the work of specialists

Insecticides that poison a person should not be used in residential premises. But often chemical components that are harmful to humans effectively act on parasites. During the spraying of such substances through the generator, risks appear: the poison is in the room for a long time, remains after ventilation. In the future, particles may enter the body and lead to poisoning.

Toxins spread throughout the dwelling, not just 1 room. Therefore, particles can get into the eyes, into food. During processing, for a better effect, professionals increase the concentration of the working substance sprayed into the air, which increases the above risks. Therefore, you need to familiarize yourself with these nuances, check quality and safety certificates, and only then you can order services and conclude contracts.


As evidenced by the reviews, cold fog from bedbugs is performed using various toxic agents. The following drugs are often used:

  1. Get.
  2. Minap-22.
  3. "Delta Zone".
  4. "Lambda Zone".

Suchsubstances are considered safe for living beings. They have no contraindications for use.

Chemistry used by specialists

As can be seen from the reviews, cold fog treatment from bedbugs with the help of specialists is the most effective. Professionals use special tools that are important to handle properly so as not to harm he alth. The best drugs include:

  1. Microphos. The product has a wide action, it can be stored for a long time. It is a professional insecticide, it contains the main component - chlorpyrifos. The drug has low toxicity, odorless, is considered safe for humans, birds, animals.
  2. "Fufanon". This is a professional tool, so you should not use it yourself. Its toxicity class is 3. It contains an organophosphorus substance called melathion. The product kills bees and fish. Therefore, it cannot be used around these living beings. After the procedure, you need high-quality wet cleaning and airing for several hours.
  3. K-Otrin. The drug has a broad effect, is available in the form of granules, which should be dissolved in water. The tool has a high stability, efficiency. It leaves no trace. The active substance is deltamethrin. Its percentage is indicated on the package - the higher the concentration, the more effective the remedy.
treatment with cold fog from bedbugs reviews
treatment with cold fog from bedbugs reviews

Bug bite symptoms

The bites of these insects are easy to identify because they have striking characteristics. They usually attack at night or aftersleep. Bite is identified by:

  • itch;
  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • a lot of bites;
  • the presence of bites on open areas of the body: face, neck, hands.

If bedbugs have started up at home, then you should urgently start to destroy them. With timely processing, it will be possible to protect yourself from the harm that insects can cause to a person.

Effects of bites

The bite itself is unpleasant, but still more negative consequences from it. This is usually followed by an allergic reaction. It is especially difficult for children to bear this. Allergies are identified by:

  • redness;
  • rashes;
  • itchy skin;
  • burning wounds;
  • suffocation;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • runny nose.
bed bugs after cold fog
bed bugs after cold fog

If you do not respond to irritation in a timely manner, then anaphylactic shock is likely. In addition, when combing the wounds, purulent processes and inflammation appear. This increases the risk of various infections.

Due to regular bites, hemoglobin in the blood can even decrease. This is especially true for small children. Of the unpleasant consequences, psychological problems are distinguished. They appear as:

  • fear and disgust of insects;
  • fear of being bitten;
  • dislike yourself with bites;
  • intolerance to bite symptoms;
  • obsessive thoughts about insects in bed.

These problems cause panic attacks, nervous tics, breakdowns,insomnia, fatigue, decreased concentration. Working capacity also decreases, nightmares appear.

Infections and diseases

For a long time, people believed that bed bugs didn't do much harm to he alth. They leave painful bites and disturb peaceful sleep. But gradually, scientists discovered that bedbugs are carriers of diseases and infections transmitted to humans.

Because of them there is a risk of infection:

  • relapsing fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • syphilis;
  • yellow fever;
  • hepatitis B;
  • tularemia;
  • typhoid;
  • pox;
  • anthrax;
  • leprosy;
  • Ku fever.

Thus, bedbugs are a danger to humans. Therefore, when they are found in a home, it is urgent to get rid of them. Such an effective method as cold fog is able to quickly and destroy pests. And if necessary, reprocessing is performed.
