Cold fog generators are designed to treat rooms with special solutions. They provide the finest atomization of products, while their temperature corresponds to the environment, which is why the devices have acquired the name “cold”.

Spray droplet size is in the range of 10-70 microns. The aerosol remains in the air for a long time, penetrates furniture and gaps invisible to the eye. Devices form a powerful air flow, which ensures intensive distribution of the working composition, it can travel a distance of 10-15 meters in a split second. The weight of the devices is about 6 kg, they are equipped with a 220 V motor.
Cold Disinfection Fog Generator provides uniform and effective distribution of a special solution over rooms of any size, so it is optimally suited for warehouse and industrial warehouses, public transport, private properties, cinemas,hostels. The smallest sprayed particles settle on the floor, furniture, tools, walls, and also penetrate into ventilation ducts and hard-to-reach places that cannot be treated with a conventional generator.
Devices are divided by purpose into two categories:
- household, used in residential areas;
- professional, which are present in the equipment of disinfection services and are suitable for processing large areas, greenhouses and warehouses.

Working principle
Cold fog generators are based on the dispersive mechanism of aerosol formation. The composition placed in the tank of the device is mixed with air. The solution is affected by aerodynamic force and surface tension.
The mechanism of action in all units is identical, regardless of their type. The drive motor draws in air and turns on a special compressor. The latter is a two-stage, its principle of operation is similar to a pump with a side channel. In addition, some devices are equipped with centrifugal multi-stage compressors. Thanks to the geometry of the atomized particles and the characteristics of the device, a high level of compression is achieved with a minimum air consumption.
The atomizer nozzle adopts a two-stage design: the liquid flow at the first stage is broken by air supplied at high speed with noticeable swirl, at which time the two structures collide. Next, the compressed air flow opens,which is distinguished by swirls opposite to the first stage, that is, a cluster of average emission is formed. The dosing nozzles provide a uniform flow, so that the amount of liquid is always constant and under control.

Processing with a cold fog generator allows you to solve the set tasks regarding the processing of premises, and has the following advantages:
- The size of the spray nozzles can be adjusted, so during the distribution process, you can change the density of the formed layer on the surfaces and select the desired flow rate.
- Unlike low-pressure pump devices, cold fog generators can significantly reduce processing time and disinfect large areas within a few minutes.
- The spraying mechanism occurs in such a way that a uniform thin layer of the substance is formed on all surfaces, including wall structures, it is also possible to apply it to the ceiling.

Application features
Despite its many benefits, the cold spray technique has some challenges:
- Before carrying out work, appropriate preparation should be carried out, which consists in preserving objects that can absorb liquid, while taking care to prevent the possibility of even a smallthe amount of aerosol particles.
- Due to the fact that the working composition penetrates the ventilation system, it may end up in neighboring rooms that cannot be processed.
- Difficulties may arise with various sensors, including firemen. Some devices are highly sensitive and can react to spraying, this is complicated by the fact that the aerosol cold fog generator sprays particles up to 15 meters away.
- Strengthening the smell of the active substance. Most products used to control pests and insects have a strong odor that increases noticeably and stays in the room longer as the size of the spray particles decreases. That is, when processed with a generator and a conventional device in the first version, the smell will always be noticeably stronger.
- Efficiency is reduced to a minimum in the presence of air currents that disperse the aerosol. For example, after switching on the ventilation system with mechanical stimulation, even a smell may not remain from the product for several minutes. Therefore, the devices are not suitable for use in ventilated areas.

Cold and hot foggers: differences
Both techniques are based on the formation of tiny droplets. The hot apparatus produces an aerosol with a size of about 20 microns, while the particles of the other type of device are slightly larger. Generators that heat the working composition effectively eliminate insects and minimize the likelihood oftheir appearance, but they are large and belong to the category of professional devices.
What you need to know
The cold fog generator, reviews of which are mostly positive, must be used correctly. They can reliably and quickly process a large room; in the process, the composition covers all surfaces, including the space behind furniture and various equipment. There is also no need to rearrange items, which significantly reduces time costs. But because of this, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties associated with fire detectors and the ventilation system. At the same time, today the cold spray technique is becoming increasingly popular and is used to treat residential and industrial facilities.

The IGEBA Nebulo cold fog generators, judging by the feedback from the owners, are easy to use and light in weight. Many note their versatility, that is, they are suitable for both disinfection of the premises and for the destruction of insects.
There are various reviews about the Hurricane device. Its main advantage is the ability to use the working composition on any basis, as it works equally effectively with water and oil preparations.
Bure SM B100 is a cold fog generator from South Korea, equipped with a powerful engine that allows processing in the shortest possible time. In its price segment, it occupies a leading position, which is often noted by the people who purchased it. Also, according to the owners, it has smooth power control, a long network cable that simplifies connection, and light weight.