Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? Zamioculcas: the birthplace of the plant, the secrets of care

Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? Zamioculcas: the birthplace of the plant, the secrets of care
Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? Zamioculcas: the birthplace of the plant, the secrets of care

Among the usual indoor plants, exotic representatives are often found. Overseas inhabitants are loved by many flower growers. Among them is Zamioculcas. Its branches are covered with fleshy leaves, making the plant popular. Flower growers primarily appreciate it for its decorative effect. However, it often happens that culture loses its appeal. Very often, readers are interested in why the leaves of the dollar tree turn yellow and what kind of care it needs. This is what will be discussed in our article.

A little about culture

Zamioculcas is often called the dollar tree. Now it can be found everywhere in offices, schools and apartments. We started to cultivate the plant relatively recently. However, it has already managed to fall in love with many. The homeland of the Zamioculcas plant is Tanzania, on the territory of which the culturegrows in dry regions. In addition, it is also found in South America.

Zamioculcas homeland of the plant
Zamioculcas homeland of the plant

At home, the Zamioculcas plant blooms. It produces cobs of light pink or yellow color. These are the flowers of culture, which do not differ in special beauty. At home, the plant does not produce inflorescences. For flower growers, the most interesting is the decorative look of the dollar tree. The plant is considered unpretentious. Very often, the leaves of the dollar tree dry and turn yellow. Flower growers say that all the problems that arise with the culture are the result of errors in care.

Zamioculcas: care secrets

Dollar tree feels good only in good lighting conditions. The culture is light-loving. However, you should not place it in direct sunlight, as burns may appear on the foliage.

In the summer, the tree can be taken out into the open air. But in winter, the plant is best placed in a cool place. It is very important that Zamioculcas is not near heaters and batteries.

Dollar tree leaves turn yellow and dry
Dollar tree leaves turn yellow and dry

It is best to put a flower on the south window. But it can also exist in the north. True, the leaves in this case will be a little smaller. The plant is undemanding to maintain a certain level of humidity. It can be periodically sprayed, as well as wipe the foliage with a damp cloth. The plant tolerates drought well. If you forget to water it, then nothing bad will happen. TuberousThe root system accumulates moisture in itself, so the tree is not afraid of drought. Often watering the culture should not be done so that the roots do not rot. Moisten the soil with warm settled water.

Why do leaves turn yellow?

Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? If you notice that something is wrong with the plant, you should understand the reason why the culture is losing its decorative appearance. Do not be too upset at the first sign of yellowing foliage. First, remember how long the plant has been growing in your house. Like any other culture, Zamioculcas periodically sheds old foliage.

Dollar tree leaves turn yellow and dry
Dollar tree leaves turn yellow and dry

Therefore, a slight yellowing of some lower leaves is a completely normal, physiological process. In this case, there is no need to take any action. Your pet is fine.

Wrong watering

Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? If you notice that the whole plant is changing color or young shoots are drying, it is worth reconsidering care. Most often, the reason lies in improper watering. The culture tolerates drought very well. This is due to the fact that its homeland is arid regions. But excessive soil moisture has a detrimental effect on the dollar tree. It is the stagnant moisture that causes yellowing of the foliage. In wet soil, tubers begin to rot very quickly. In this case, the leaves of the dollar tree turn yellow. What to do if a similar trouble happened to your plant?

dollar tree turn yellowleaves cause
dollar tree turn yellowleaves cause

Flower growers recommend urgently transplanting a bush into a new soil, removing all rotten parts of the roots. Only in this case you can prevent the process of further withering. It is very important to remember that the plant needs to be watered very rarely. The signal for moisture is completely dry soil. It is better to dry the soil than to water it too much.

However, everything should be in moderation. It is also not necessary to overdry the earthen ball. Otherwise, you will notice that the leaves on the dollar tree turn yellow. The reason may be a lack of moisture.

Illumination of the plant

Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow? Another reason could be insufficient lighting. It is no secret that the culture is photophilous. Florists note that the plant feels great on almost any window. However, in the back of the room, away from light sources, the dollar tree may suffer from a lack of lighting. In this case, the foliage may turn yellow.

The leaves of a dollar tree in a pot are turning yellow
The leaves of a dollar tree in a pot are turning yellow

At the same time, an excess of sun can also negatively affect the foliage. Direct rays can leave burns on greenery. Most often, this phenomenon can be observed in the summer, if the plant is located on the south window.

In this case, it is urgent to shade the culture or move it to a less lit place. Gradually, the tree will regain its former beauty.

Overabundance of fertilizers

Why do dollar tree leaves turn yellow in a pot? One of the possible reasonsmay be an overabundance of fertilizers. Zamioculcas grow very slowly, so often housewives begin to over-fertilize their wards, dreaming of quickly getting a beautiful tree. Therein lies the error. An overabundance of top dressing negatively affects the development of culture.

Wrong temperature conditions

Zamioculcas is considered an unpretentious plant. And yet the air temperature in the room should not be below +18 degrees. Otherwise, the leaves may begin to turn yellow, especially if the pot is in a draft.

No less harmful to the culture and high temperatures and dry air. The plant should not be placed near radiators and heaters. Hot and dry air causes yellowing and leaf fall.

Replanting the dollar tree

For any plant, transplanting is a real stress, which sometimes leads to yellowing of the foliage. For the least traumatization of the culture, it is recommended to replant it by the transshipment method. The cause of yellowing can also be an overly large pot. Culture does not like too large containers. After planting a dollar tree in a spacious container, yellowing of the shoots and rotting of the roots may be observed. When transplanting, care must be taken not to damage the roots. Even a small wound causes rotting and further wilting of foliage.

Dangerous pests

Despite the fact that Zamioculcas is considered an unpretentious plant, it is sometimes attacked by pests. In general, the culture is not prone to diseases, since its foliage has a very thick shell. Therefore, pestsit is difficult to bite through it to eat juices. But still, with improper care, insects sometimes settle on a plant. The following representatives pose the greatest danger:

Zamioculcas dollar tree care secrets
Zamioculcas dollar tree care secrets
  1. Spider mite. A small pest settles on the lower part of the leaves. Its appearance can be judged by the sticky web that appears between the leaves and shoots. Insects are so small that they are almost invisible. They look like small black or red dots on the back of the sheet.
  2. No less dangerous is the scale insect. Its appearance is indicated by light or brown plaques on plants. Very often, the pest is not detected immediately, because it is invisible.
  3. Aphids. Insects can have different colors. They usually settle on foliage or stems, and multiply at a high rate.
  4. Root bug is the most dangerous pest, because it settles on the roots of Zamiokulkas. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is extremely difficult to detect a pest. You can do this only if you remove the earthen ball from the pot. If there are cottony formations on the tuber, this indicates that a worm has settled on it.
How to revive a dollar tree if the leaves turn yellow
How to revive a dollar tree if the leaves turn yellow

All pests cause yellowing and drying of foliage. As insect control measures, it is necessary to use insecticides: Aktelik, Fitoverm and others.


Yellowing of foliage can be caused by stem or root rot. These problems are caused exclusivelyerrors in care, which we mentioned earlier. You also need to pay attention to the soil that you use for transplanting. It is better to purchase a special substrate in stores. It is safe for plants and maximally adapted for them.

Measures against yellowing foliage

Many readers are interested in the question of how to reanimate a dollar tree if the leaves turn yellow. First of all, you need to find out the reason for what is happening. Only by eliminating it, you can deal with the consequences. We have listed all possible options in our article.

Zamioculcas homeland of the plant
Zamioculcas homeland of the plant

If your plant is attacked by parasites, then you cannot do without special preparations. In all other cases, it is necessary to establish proper care. In case of root rot, a transplant is required with a complete replacement of the soil.

Even if your dollar tree is badly damaged, don't worry. Culture has one very important feature. It can be restored from any surviving part. Therefore, the chances of saving the plant are very high.

Although with all the recommendations, Zamioculcas feels great in any apartment and grows well.

The hardest thing to deal with harmful insects. At first, when there are still a few of them, the bushes can be treated with soapy water. If a lot of pests have already bred, you will have to use insecticides. Most often, multiple treatments are required.

Instead of afterword

We hope that our article will help you understand the reasons for the yellowing of Zamioculcas foliage. Now you know,how to avoid such a problem and what to do if your pet has lost its beauty.
