Original do-it-yourself lamps: useful ideas for the home

Original do-it-yourself lamps: useful ideas for the home
Original do-it-yourself lamps: useful ideas for the home

People who create with their own hands pour different ideas into life. Those who have the time and imagination can create many accessories for the home, including original DIY lamps. The main thing is to pre-think over the design and composition that will fit the overall picture of the interior.

Lamps in the form of flowers
Lamps in the form of flowers

Why you should try to make a lamp with your own hands

People with high fantasy should understand what they are wasting their time for. Original DIY lamps are worth making for the following reasons:

  • This will save you money. After all, designer lamps are quite expensive. And by making a lighting device with your own hands, you can use items that have been stored for a long time in the pantry or in the garage.
  • Creating an original lamp with your own hands will help you show your imagination and become the owner of a unique lighting device.
  • The decision to make a lampshade for the lamp yourself will allow you to pour a piece of soul into the interior of the apartment orat home.
  • You can use seemingly unnecessary things, thereby freeing up space from trash.

These are just some of the reasons why you should make unusual and original lamps with your own hands. Every creative person will find their advantages in such a solution.

How to make a lampshade with your own hands
How to make a lampshade with your own hands

What you need to create a lamp

In order for the work process to be unhindered and bring only pleasure, it is necessary to prepare in advance the necessary materials and tools that may come in handy during the work. The standard set of accessories to have on hand is as follows:

  • Main material for lamp shade.
  • The structure on which the created lampshade will be installed.
  • Fasteners.
  • Details for lighting fixture decor.
  • Scissors or utility knife.
  • Scheme of the future lighting device.
  • Ruler or tape measure.
  • Pencil or marker.
  • Glue for fixing decorative elements and connecting parts together.
Growth roses do-it-yourself lamps
Growth roses do-it-yourself lamps

This is a standard set of materials and tools, which may vary depending on which structure will be assembled.

How to prepare for work

To make the process of assembling the lighting fixture easy and without a hitch, follow these steps:

  • Free up space for work so that nothing interferes with what you have planned.
  • Put in close proximity all the necessary materials and tools.

These are the basic preparation requirements. Of course, a person must have a good mood so that the masterpiece for transforming the interior turns out beautiful, and the plan becomes a reality.

Original DIY lamps

There are a lot of options for what shape and what materials lamps can be made of. Often the following raw materials are used for work:

  • Wood.
  • Plastic.
  • Various fabrics.
  • Unnecessary things stale on the shelves of the pantry or garage.
  • Even cardboard can create an unusual and beautiful lamp.

This is not all types of materials that can be used to create a lighting fixture. In fact, it could be anything, even something that no one could have thought of.

As for the shape of lamps, they can be both standard and intricate. That's why they create original lamps with their own hands in order to infuse imagination into the product. In any case, hand-assembled lighting fixtures will delight the owner of the apartment or house.

Lamps made of different materials

Roses, chamomiles, poppies, there are many representatives of the flora on the globe. Lamps in the form of flowers will help create a pleasant atmosphere in the room and provide the owner with an excellent mood. In order for the process of creating such a device to give only pleasure, you should pay attention to the following details:

  • Selection of impressing material.
  • Preparing everyonenecessary tools and parts.
  • Contemplating lamp design.
Hanging ball lamp
Hanging ball lamp

These are the main questions to think about before you start. When all the important nuances are considered, you should act in turn. The sequence for creating a lamp in the form of a flower is as follows:

  1. Cut out chamomile petals from the selected material.
  2. Then we paint them, if provided, and wait for the paint to dry completely.
  3. The next step is very important, you need to correctly connect the elements into the overall composition. For this, bolts or a glue gun are useful. It is necessary to fix each petal around the ceiling in a circle. You need to act slowly and carefully.
  4. When all the petals are in place, it remains to glue the decor elements, install the lamp on the base and enjoy your work.

This daisy will fit perfectly into any design solution and will give a sunny mood even on a cloudy day.

How to make a lighting device from foamiran with your own hands

Needlewomen find a lot of options on how to transform and decorate the space of rooms. Creating a lamp from foamiran is a great idea that will help bring a twist to interior design and create a truly magnificent lighting device. Foamiran is a malleable and easy-to-work material. From it you can make different shapes, making the desired shape with the help of temperature exposure. Flowers made from this fabric look realistic and will easily transform even the most ordinarylampshade.

To make a decoration for a lighting fixture, you need to act in the following sequence:

  1. Choose a material that matches the colors. It is advisable to choose one color, but different shades. This way the flowers will turn out realistic and play on the lighting fixture.
  2. Then you should prepare the elements for the flowers. To do this, cut molds from different colors, each of which is slightly smaller than the previous one. Each size needs to be done in several pieces to make the flower voluminous, realistic.
  3. Then you need to make flowers of a different size, which are slightly smaller than the previous ones, in order to create a beautiful composition from ready-made forms.
  4. The next step to create a foamiran lamp is ironing every detail. To do this, you need to lift the corners of the flower and press down with a heated iron. Thanks to this manipulation, each petal will become voluminous.
  5. Then you need to connect each petal in the middle and let the glue dry.
  6. After you can fix the flowers in random order on the lampshade.
Foamiran lamp
Foamiran lamp

This DIY lamp will create a magical and unusual atmosphere in the room and will be a great interior decoration.

DIY Hanging Ball Light Fixture

The ball hanging lamp looks great in the interior. In addition, its creation does not require expensive materials and special skills. The whole process of creating such a lighting process is elementary and simple.

For work you will need suchmaterials and tools:

  • A balloon of the size you want to make a lampshade.
  • Half a liter of glue to shape the product.
  • Knitting threads in desired color.
  • Cord for hanging lampshade.
  • Rubber gloves to protect hands.
  • Newspapers for the comfort of work and protection of the surface on which the lamp will be created.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

Why you should make a lamp with your own hands
Why you should make a lamp with your own hands
  1. First you need to inflate the balloon to the desired volume.
  2. Then take the thread and fix it on the ball with tape.
  3. The next step is to impregnate the knitting thread with glue. It is important that the fiber is well dipped into the glue to keep the shape and be elastic.
  4. When the thread is saturated with glue, you can start wrapping the ball. You should carefully follow this process to get a beautiful product. Create different patterns, intersections, winding the thread around the balloon.
  5. After completing the main stage, you should inflate the balloon as much as possible, because during the drying of the glue, the latex and rubber may decrease in volume. And this may cause deformation of the product.
  6. The hanging lamp-ball needs to be dried during the day. It is desirable that the room be warm, so the surface will become durable and resistant to various influences.
  7. When the glue is completely dry, remove the ball from the structure. This must be done by carefully piercing the product and removing it from the inner surface of the lampshade.
  8. In the middlea circle of threads in the upper part, you need to cut a small hole into which the lampshade from the light bulb will be inserted in the future. A dense wire should be wound around the ceiling and fixed in the inner side of the lampshade. Thanks to this manipulation, the ceiling will hold firmly in the structure.
  9. Then you need to fix the cord on the ceiling, which will be attached to the ceiling.

This lampshade will create coziness in the room and harmoniously fit into any design solution.

DIY flower-shaped lamps

Unusual original lamps
Unusual original lamps

In creative people, the flight of fancy is quite high. Therefore, they will not stop at banal options. Growth rose lamps with your own hands can be created from different materials. The most popular for this purpose isolon. This material is a thin sheet, which can be from 0.2 millimeters to 1 centimeter in thickness. To make a rose for a growth lamp, a thickness of 2 to 3 millimeters is most suitable. The sequence of work is as follows:

  1. You need to cut out the petals of the selected shape.
  2. Then, under the influence of temperature, give them the desired volume.
  3. After the rose petals are connected together with staples or hot glue.
  4. In the middle of the flower, a ceiling is attached. This can also be done with liquid glue.
  5. After that, the ceiling itself is fixed on a long leg, which you can make yourself or buy a blank.
  6. To complete the composition, you can make petalsthe desired size and fasten them on the leg or spin under the flower.
  7. This lampshade will decorate any room and become a real decoration of the room.

Handmade lamps give a special feeling. Therefore, it is worth taking time for this process and pouring a piece of the soul into the space of your apartment or room. And also such lampshades can be a great gift for any holiday.
