Few gardeners can boast of having such a miracle bush on their site as yellow raspberries. This plant gained fame at the beginning of the last century, breeders and just lovers of this berry grew a large number of varieties. Among them there were both light yellow and yellow-orange raspberries. Over the past hundred years, the shrub has not become widespread, although its berries have a wonderful taste, and the plant itself is unpretentious in growing and withstands the harshest winters.

Remontant yellow raspberry differs from red not only in the color of berries, but also in taste and biochemical composition. Its fruits contain a lot of sugars and a small amount of acids, making them very tender and sweet. The low amount of anthocyanins make the berries useful for allergy sufferers, children and pregnant women. The fruits contain vitamin B9 and folic acid, these components accelerate the metabolism and synthesis of compounds.
Yellow raspberry has not so many varieties, the most famous of them: Fugitive, Yellow Giant,Cornish Victoria, Amber, White Spirin. All of them differ in fruit color and ripening period. Yellow raspberries make delicious preserves and jams with a very beautiful golden color. Children are happy to eat sweet berries, which also ripen gradually, allowing you to prolong the pleasure.

Yellow raspberry belongs to frost-resistant plants, but it does not tolerate drought, it is also undesirable to plant it in open areas where it is not protected from the wind. This berry crop originally grew in forests, where moisture is always preserved, and the soil is nutritious and loose. If the top layer of the earth dries up, then the plant stops fruiting and growing, since the surface root system does not reach the water. Therefore, you need to try to create at home the conditions for the growth of shrubs as similar as possible to the natural environment.
All well lit, drained, fertilized and not waterlogged soils can grow yellow raspberries. A photo of the fruits of this shrub encourages many gardeners to purchase such a beautiful plant. Although it is not common in our country, not a single person has yet regretted purchasing such a variety of raspberries. Before planting, the earth must be loosened, add manure, peat, sand. The distance between the rows should be about 2 m, and in the row the bushes are planted every 80 cm. Raspberries should be immediately tied to stakes or poles.

Caring for shrubs is practically no different from caring for ordinary red andblackberry varieties. Yellow raspberries require regular watering in the summer during severe droughts. In order for the moisture to linger longer, it is necessary to mulch the plantings, and adding a hydrogel under the bush will also help. As a fertilizer, you can use ash, manure, lime or weed infusion. Raspberries are very fond of nitrogen, so the soil should be kept as moist as possible, and at the beginning of summer it is recommended to fill it with slurry or weed infusion, then the harvest will please more than one year.