Dracaena fragrans: features of cultivation and care

Dracaena fragrans: features of cultivation and care
Dracaena fragrans: features of cultivation and care

Dracaena is loved by many connoisseurs of indoor plants. More than a hundred of its species forms are distinguished, differing from each other in shape, color of leaves and flowers. Among them is dracaena fragrans.

Dracaena fragrans
Dracaena fragrans

Basic information about the plant

Dracaena is truly awarded the title of one of the most spectacular ornamental foliage plants. The homeland of dracaena is the tropical and subtropical zone of Africa and the islands of Southeast Asia, where almost all species forms of this plant are found.

Translated from Latin, the name of this houseplant sounds like "female dragon", hence the derivative names: dragon or dragon tree.

Dracaena fragrans belongs to the asparagus family.

Dracaena fragrans home care
Dracaena fragrans home care

The main differences between dracaena and cordilina

It is often possible to hear the following wording: dracaena is a false palm tree. All due to the fact that this plant is often confused with mini-palms, yucca, the plant is mistakenly attributed to the genus Cordylin, etc.

Systematic scientists, after conducting a special investigation, managed to find out that dracaena fragrans and cordilina occupy a completely different position in decorative floriculture, and the simplestthe way to tell them apart is to look at the roots of the plants.

How to distinguish dracaena from cordilina: basic rules

First of all, pay attention to the root system. Dracaena is identified by orange-yellow smooth roots, and cordilina by a thicker white rhizome.

According to the shape of the leaves sitting on the stem: there are no cuttings in the leaves of the dracaena. The leaf shape is linear, the structure is sinewy, with a thick skin.

Depending on the subspecies of the plant, the leaves are collected in small rosettes and form bunches closer to the top of the stem (dracaena marginata) in some, in others they are located along the entire length of the stem in whorls or spirals (dracaena fragrans Lemon lime).

Dracaena fragrans lemon lime
Dracaena fragrans lemon lime

Caring for dracaena correctly

The plant is unpretentious. But, as in the care of any indoor plants, certain rules are required.

Dracaena fragrans differs in endurance in comparison with other relatives and perfectly transfers a lack of light. Subspecies with solid dark green leaves show excellent growth in the shade, but variegated forms quickly lose their bright color. Bright, evenly diffused light from windows on the south or east side is considered optimal.

Dracaena fragrans compacta
Dracaena fragrans compacta

Important! From frequent contact with unscattered sunlight, dracaena leaves turn yellow, and the color becomes paler.

Don't forget to dust the plant. Do this periodically throughout the year: wipe the leaves with a damp sponge, sometimesgive the dracaena a warm shower. Leaf polishing agents are not recommended, as plants of this species do not respond well to chemistry. Instead of purchased products, you can use folk remedies: alcohol, diluted citric acid, glycerin, but process the plant no more than 1-2 times a month.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to polish young, growing plants.

Choose a place for the plant

Most of the plant species are endowed by nature with variegated leaves. Such species must be kept in a warm, bright place, providing open access to sunlight, otherwise the plant will become pale. Green-leaved monochromatic dracaena are located in a place where light and heat enter, but open sunlight does not pass through.

Dracaena fragrans massangeana
Dracaena fragrans massangeana

Most gardeners believe that Dracaena fragrans Compacta is a shade-loving plant, but in fact it is not. Deprive a flower of the sun and it will begin to wither. Moderate diffused sunlight contributes to good growth and development of plants. Therefore, it is so important to move the dracaena closer to the window in winter so that it receives as much light energy as possible.

We select the optimal temperature regime

The air temperature in the room where you keep the plant should be moderate. Dracaena fragrans Massangeana feels comfortable at +15 in summer and tolerates wintering well at +10-13 degrees Celsius. The optimum temperature is considered to be 20-25 degrees (this is the average value). Hardy dracaena species, such as dragon tree, fragrant, hooker dracaena, can begrow in cold greenhouses. They are not afraid of drafts or cold (they can even overwinter at a temperature of +7 degrees Celsius).

Water the plants

Keep the potting soil constant, but don't over-moisten it: this can lead to root rot and the development of pathogenic bacteria. Try not to let the earthen clod dry out. When keeping dracaena in moderate conditions, keep watering to a minimum, alternating it with soil drainage. When temperatures rise, spray the plant with water once a day, try to maintain a humid warm indoor climate.

Dracaena fragrans reproduction
Dracaena fragrans reproduction

Frequent spraying not only helps to nourish the plant with water and useful minerals, but also has a kind of preventive effect against spider mites.

When making a warm shower for a plant, do not forget to cover the pot itself, this will help to avoid waterlogging the substrate.

Fertilizing indoor plants

When dracaena fragrans Janet is actively growing (from April to August), she is fed. Do this systematically, every 14 days, using special complex fertilizers for feeding. In the cold season, fertilization is carried out 2 times a month.

We transplant dracaena

As the plant grows, it is transplanted once every 1-2 years, in the spring. For transplanting use a large pot. At the bottom of the tank, an artificial drainage is formed from small pebbles or shards, over which an earthen or peat mixture is poured. For transplantdracaena recommended to use this mixture:

  • turf land - ¼;
  • leaf land - ¼;
  • humus – ¼;
  • peat or sand - ¼.

Pruning the plant

Pruning dracaena helps to form a lush crown of the plant. Almost the entire top is cut off, leaving 4-5 leaves on the trunk.

Dracaena fragrans janet
Dracaena fragrans janet

Important! To stimulate the growth of side shoots, the cut point can be wrapped with polyethylene.

Propagate dracaena

A plant that is easy to breed - dracaena fragrans. Propagation occurs with the help of apical cuttings, layering, fragments of stems, which should be rooted in soil covered with a film, maintaining a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius.

Methods of propagation of dracaena fragrans

  1. With the help of apical cuttings. The upper part of the old plant is cut off, and the apical cutting takes root. Plants are stimulated using phytohormones and heating the pot from below.
  2. With the help of air layers appearing at the top of the plant. When the dracaena puts out small root shoots, the top is cut off.
  3. With the help of stem segments. Parts of a stem 5-7 cm long are used as propagation material. Stem cuttings are rooted in a soil mixture, covered with a film, creating a mini-steam room. Under such conditions, the cutting takes root easily.

Resistant to diseases and pests

Having provided the dracaena with full care, you can not worry that itget sick.

Plant diseases can be associated with insufficient watering (leaves dry on a houseplant), with the influence of direct sunlight on the plant (light white spots appear on the leaves).

Dracaena are most often affected by spider mites or scale insects. Spider mite - small bugs that live at the base of the sheets, on the back side. When affected by a spider mite, the leaves turn yellow, and a web of cobwebs forms between them. You can recognize the scale insect by the formation of brown plaques on the underside of the leaves.

An amazing plant, unpretentious in care and hardy - dracaena fragrans. Care at home and caring for the plant will help you grow an impressive "tree" in size. By creating a composition of several types of dracaena, you can create a living tropical corner at home. You can arrange a winter garden if the area of \u200b\u200byour home allows it, or create a mini-greenhouse on the balcony. No matter where you place green houseplants, your home will look cozier, happier and cleaner, because they not only perform a decorative function, but also purify the air.
