Liquid rubber for waterproofing today is widely used in many construction industries. It is a new generation material based on bitumen. Liquid rubber is elastic, resilient and durable. It does not peel off well from the areas it is applied to.
Liquid rubber membrane coating is used on a variety of surfaces such as concrete, steel, roofing material and many others. This material is also called polymer-bitumen mastic. In some cases, the pond is even waterproofed with liquid rubber.
The main differences between liquid rubber and other waterproofing materials
Similar in composition to liquid rubber is traditional bituminous mastic, but its scope is limited due to the characteristics of the components that are destroyed by ultraviolet radiation. That is, it cannot be used on open surfaces.
The benefits of liquid rubber
- Liquid rubber for waterproofing is capable of reliably bonding surfaces of almost any material. The quality of the resulting adhesion does not depend on"age" coatings.
- Polymer-bitumen mastic penetrates into cracks and damages of any forms, hermetically filling them and exactly repeating the shape. This distinguishes it from other insulating materials, which are thicker.
- Liquid rubber perfectly protects the treated surfaces from corrosion, as it has no seams and joints.
- High elasticity allows the applied rubber to serve for a long time without breaks and deformations.
- Waterproofing with liquid rubber is absolutely non-toxic. Even in hot weather, the material does not evaporate harmful essential oils. Basement waterproofing with liquid rubber in an apartment building is possible without temporary eviction of residents.

Material imperfections
- To work with liquid rubber, special equipment is required, which, if used incorrectly, can be dangerous. Therefore, only a qualified specialist should manipulate the material. Do-it-yourself waterproofing with liquid rubber turns out to be problematic and dangerous.
- Emulsion is quite expensive. Its use pays off with a number of advantages and a long service life, but not all customers can shell out a large amount of money at a time.
- Additional roof or pool protection may include rubber paint. It must be remembered that only organosilicon or water-based compounds are suitable for such work.
- Waterproofing with liquid rubber has an unattractive appearance. Therefore, it is rarely used in private construction.

Methods of applying liquid rubber
- Airless sprayed two-component rubber. This operation requires special settings.
- One component formulations sprayed from high pressure units.
- Special one-component rubber can be applied by hand.

For the convenience of consumers, some manufacturers have developed universal compounds that can be distributed over the surface in various ways.
Field of application of liquid rubber
Features of the application of the material allow it to be used for waterproofing foundations, pools, ponds, roofs and floors.
With the help of liquid rubber, specialists repair and partially update elements of various designs. During road construction, manhole surfaces can be treated with emulsion.
In car parks and large garages, liquid rubber is great for waterproofing floors. It is also used in shipbuilding to create a protective layer on sea and river vessels.
Builders' feedback on the use of liquid rubber for waterproofing objects buried in water
Manufacturers of sprayed mastics no longer need to prove to builders the importance of waterproofing objects. Companies that can accurately correlate all income, expenses, labor costs and time are now moving to liquid rubber. They areexplain this by the fact that the material satisfies all their requirements. It is especially convenient to work with it during the isolation of pile foundations.
It is important for large developers to process a large surface area as soon as possible. With proper use of the equipment, a specialist can waterproof 600-1000 m2 in 8 hours.
The required solidity of the coating is achieved by using a two-contact mixing device. After applying the composition to the surface, the formation of the primary monolithic layer takes about 10 seconds, this occurs due to the natural evaporation of water.
All of these characteristics of liquid rubber make it popular with builders involved in the construction of buildings on difficult and wet soils.
Reviews of residents of brick houses about waterproofing masonry with liquid rubber
Manufacturers claim that the material they produce has excellent adhesion to different surfaces, brick is no exception. But builders warn about the available features when working with this type of foundation.
When using liquid rubber for waterproofing the basements of buildings, it must be borne in mind that the masonry must be dry and free of dirt. If the wall is wet, then the insulation applied to it will close the steam outlet, and the brick will always freeze strongly. Condensation can often be seen at the corners of such a basement. When using double-sided waterproofing, wet bricks may begin to break down after several cycles of freezing and thawing. This will also impair adhesion.

Therefore, it is important to apply a coating layer on the outside of the building, due to the moisture absorption characteristics of bricks. Waterproofing the foundation with liquid rubber from the inside makes little sense, since the wall will be constantly wet. Such a measure will protect only the basement itself from dampness. In this case, the adhesion of the composition is only enough for a few winters.
For brickwork, it is better to use a material that is applied by hand. With the correct distribution of the waterproofing layer, it will last more than 10 years.
Reviews of builders on the installation and operation of a roof with liquid rubber waterproofing
In all areas of construction, waterproofing is an urgent issue. Liquid rubber, reviews of which are in most cases positive, refers to popular materials used for such purposes.
In private construction, this composition is rarely used. This is due to its unattractive appearance and high cost. Liquid rubber for waterproofing flat roofs is mainly used in industrial facilities, such as garages, workshops, sewage treatment and other facilities. When working with the material, the specialist must have personal protective equipment and insurance.

Some builders do not recommend using liquid rubber as the only coating for a flat roof. Another compound must be applied over the waterproofing to protect its integrity under mechanical stress, such as heavy hail or scheduled cleaning.snow. The edge of a shovel can instantly move part of the layer and leave behind an empty space.
Manufacturers claim that liquid rubber for waterproofing can last more than 10 years. This is only true for situations where it is overcoated with solvent-free paint. Otherwise, its service life is approximately 5 years.
Reviews on working with liquid rubber in different climatic conditions
When evenly distributed over the surface, liquid rubber hardens almost instantly. Manufacturers claim that you can work with the composition up to -5 ° C. In summer, there are no restrictions on temperature when applying.

The harsh Russian climate is not a hindrance to maintaining the desired properties of the material. It can be used outdoors as long as the temperature does not drop below -35°C in winter.
Reviews of liquid rubber for waterproofing outdoor pools
Workers note the convenience of spraying the liquid composition on embossed surfaces. Builders need to pay attention to the weather forecast. If there is a risk of rain, it is better to postpone waterproofing work in open areas.

Thus, today in the building materials market you can find many compositions for various purposes. Liquid rubber for waterproofing is popular due to its exceptional properties and speed of application. It is great for a variety of surfaces. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews about thismaterial.