All surfaces and structures that may come into contact with moisture during operation need protection from water. If we are talking about a country house, then this should include roofs, basements, as well as foundations. Inside an apartment or dwelling, these are bathrooms and sanitary facilities where flooding and leakage are possible.
Inside structures, waterproofing is required for insulation materials that need protection from precipitation and condensation. It is necessary to protect materials from water not only where there is a possibility of its penetration, but also where condensate and washing water can adversely affect structures. To do this, today different types of waterproofing are used, which can be classified according to the place of application and purpose.
Varieties of waterproofing by place of application and time of use

Considering the types of waterproofing, should be closerFamiliarize yourself with the materials that are classified according to the place of use. Materials for carrying out such work can be designed for external or internal application. Internal waterproofing is a whole range of measures that allows you to protect materials from water inside the premises. This should include waterproofing the floor and walls in the bathroom.
External waterproofing is used on the outside of the structure. For example, the foundation needs to be protected from groundwater. Considering the types of waterproofing, one should especially highlight the materials that are classified according to the time of use. Thus, waterproofing can be primary and secondary. The primary is used during the construction phase of the facility, while the secondary is used during repairs.
For example, if for some reason the primary waterproofing is damaged or does not cope with the tasks, then secondary waterproofing measures are taken. In this case, the old coating must be removed, the surface cleaned, and then a new layer of waterproofing must be applied. Sometimes technology is used when a new layer is applied on top of the old one.
Varieties of waterproofing by purpose and features

Different types of waterproofing are on the market today. They can be subdivided according to features and purpose, among them should be highlighted:
- antipressure;
- non-pressure;
- anticapillary;
- superficial;
- sealing.
Antipressureused to protect against positive water pressure. If the groundwater level is high enough, then the outer walls of the basement must be protected by anti-pressure waterproofing. This uses materials that will be able to withstand positive water pressure.
Non-pressure waterproofing is used when it is necessary to protect the structure from negative water pressure. Such work may be required during heavy rainfall or spring floods that accumulate around the foundation. Anti-capillary waterproofing allows you to protect materials from rising moisture through the capillaries. Such work is required due to the fact that many building materials have the ability to suck in water, which then rises to the top. Among others, brick and concrete should be highlighted.
Varieties of waterproofing according to the arrangement method

Considering the types of waterproofing, you will also learn about materials that are divided according to the method of arrangement, they can be:
- painting;
- stucco;
- cast;
- injectable;
- mountable;
- film;
- coated;
- pasted;
- impregnation;
- bulk;
- structural.
Use of coating waterproofing

Waterproofing of structures is quite often carried out with coating materials, which are represented by mastics, two-component and one-component elasticformulations. They are applied in a layer with a thickness ranging from 2 mm to 6 cm. Such waterproofing of structures is used for external protection of building elements.
Quite often, coating waterproofing is used for foundations to protect them from groundwater. Mastic can also be used for interior work. In this case, it covers the walls of the basement or bathroom. Cracks can be repaired with coating waterproofing.
Lubricants are represented by bituminous compounds. Among the advantages of such a solution can be identified low cost. However, there are also disadvantages, which are expressed in brittleness at low temperatures. Bitumen begins to lose elasticity when the thermometer drops below zero. If deformations occur during this period, this will cause the formation of gaps and cracks. Over time, the material may peel off the surface altogether.
Bitumen mastic for waterproofing is ready to serve for about 6 years. The material fails sometimes after four winter cycles. The disadvantage of using such waterproofing is also the danger of working with hot bitumen. In addition, the surface requires careful preparation. It should be free of buildup, debris, dust and mortar.
Coating waterproofing work can only be carried out in dry weather. Having considered all the features of this approach, we can conclude that bituminous mastic for waterproofing can be used only in cases where the probability of leakage is small enough. This should include an examplewhere the groundwater level is low. Such technology on the roof is no longer relevant, because concrete cracks in cold weather, and ice causes material ruptures. As a result, by the spring the surface loses its tightness.
Features of gluing waterproofing

Laying waterproofing involves the use of roll materials that are stacked in several layers. This approach is used only for external anti-pressure waterproofing. The most popular solutions for such work are:
- roofing material;
- only;
- bituminous materials based on fiberglass;
- glassine;
- polymerized bituminous materials;
- bitumen rubber.
If external waterproofing is carried out using modern rolls with polymer additives, a positive result will be achieved. The waterproofing layer will be durable, mold will not form on its surface, it will not rot. The advantages of pasting materials can be considered the possibility of laying them on different surfaces by type:
- wood;
- metal;
- concrete;
- flat slate;
- old roll cover;
- asph alt concrete.
This waterproofing is waterproof, resistant to aggressive environments and economical. However, the surface must first be carefully prepared. It is important to eliminate irregularities that exceed 2 mm. Welding or gluing must be carried out with speci althoroughness.
Work can begin when the thermometer rises above +10 °C. Under the influence of mechanical loads, the material can tear, so it is desirable to protect it. Quite often, this technology is used today to waterproof the foundation. Having considered the types of waterproofing, you may decide that these options are not suitable for you. This may be due to the need to additionally perform a pressure wall. In addition, it is important to ensure that the surface moisture level is low before applying the material. If the concrete is wet, there will be no adhesion.
Paint waterproofing

The paint layer is applied with a thickness ranging from 3 to 6 mm. The film is quite elastic and has no seams. You can carry out such waterproofing of the bathtub under the tile. However, painting mastics are also used for external work. With the help of these compositions, crumbling, cracks and erosion can be combated. The materials used are bituminous mastics with the addition of asbestos and talc, as well as compounds based on synthetic resins. Such technologies are cheap. It is worth highlighting among the advantages vapor permeability and abrasion resistance. However, there are also disadvantages, one of them is expressed in fragility. This coating is ready to serve for about 6 years.
Spray liquid waterproofing

Quite often, waterproofing is carried out with sprayed liquid materials. They are represented by polymer-bitumen emulsions,which are water based. Such mixtures are also called liquid rubber. They can be one- or two-component, and the application is carried out using special equipment. This approach is relevant not only for basements, but also for roofs. Advantages include the ability of liquid rubber to fill even small pores.
Waterproofing the pool with liquid rubber allows you to form an airtight coating. Before starting work, you must take into account some of the disadvantages of this method, they are expressed in temperature conditions, which must be kept within certain limits. Liquid rubber can only be used at +5 °C and above.
During operation, such waterproofing should not be damaged. She is afraid of punctures. Before applying the coating, dry the surface and make sure that it is not frozen. Difficult terrain will require a more impressive material consumption, which causes an increase in the cost of work. Spraying is hampered by strong winds, so work must wait until conditions are right.
Penetrating waterproofing
Waterproofing a basement can be done with penetrating materials that can prevent the capillary rise of water. A composition of this type is a mixture of:
- active chemical additives;
- finely ground quartz sand;
- Portland cement.
Application is carried out on a wet surface, after which the composition begins to contact with water, forming crystals that fill the capillaries,cracks and pores. The penetration depth can reach 25 cm. Some manufacturers claim that the composition penetrates 90 cm deep into the concrete.
Waterproofing the basement using this technology is quite effective. If it was not possible to dig out the foundation, then the processing can be carried out from the inside. Penetrating materials can be used to waterproof various containers like silo pits. Among the advantages, it is necessary to highlight the possibility of carrying out work inside the basement. There is no need to dig out the foundation. Drying the surface is also not required. The material after waterproofing is protected not only from the outside, but also inside. It is ready to serve for quite a long time. Concrete at the same time retains the ability to vapor permeability.
Waterproofing work in a wooden house
Waterproofing in a wooden house is necessary. In order for the floor boards not to become unusable ahead of time, horizontal waterproofing should be laid between the foundation and the lower crown. Usually it is made of bituminous mastic and roll materials. In those places where the lag supports are located, it is also necessary to arrange waterproofing. To prevent the formation of condensate in the underground room, it is necessary to provide ventilation holes in opposite walls.
The foundation outside will need to be covered with liquid or film waterproofing materials. The inside must also be waterproofed. The basement in this case will remain dry even during spring floods. As for the wooden floor in a wooden house, it can be protected using the following typeswaterproofing:
- painting;
- cast;
- pasting;
- impregnation.
Laying waterproofing implies the need to form a continuous carpet of bitumen-polymer, bituminous or polymeric materials. Before proceeding with laying the first layer, the rough plank floor or concrete slab is cleaned of debris and dust, leveled and treated with a primer. If the overlap is log or plank, then it must be treated with antiseptic compounds and flame retardants.
Then you should start laying the waterproofing material. Joints, if any, are glued, and the next layer is laid on top of the mastic, which processes the material laid at the previous stage. After such preparation, you can lay a fine wooden floor.
Insulation with roofing material
Roofing felt waterproofing involves the use of rolled material, which is laid by gluing. On the surface, the roofing material is strengthened with the help of bituminous mastics. The viscosity of the materials allows for excellent results and protects the plinth, foundation or basement from water penetration. If gluing with roofing material is combined with plaster insulation of a brick foundation, this will significantly extend the life of the layer.
Using liquid glass
Liquid glass for waterproofing is used quite often today. The basis of the material is sodium silicate or potassium silicate, the latter option is more expensive. Liquid glass is applied usingsprayer or brush. In the first case, the mixture is dissolved in water in a ratio of 1 to 5. At the same time, it is possible to reduce consumption. Liquid glass allows you to protect wood from fungus and mold, increasing its fire resistance. Liquid glass for waterproofing is also used as an intermediate layer before laying tiles or applying plaster. The outer layer is able to protect the surface from mechanical damage, mold and acid.
Ceresit brand waterproofing
Waterproofing Ceresit is offered for sale in different types. For example, CR 65 is a dry mix that is cold tolerant, unaffected by s alt and alkali, and easy to use. Application should be done with a brush or spatula. Work can be carried out indoors or outdoors.
Ceresit waterproofing is also available in the CL 51 variety, which has the form of a one-component polymer dispersion and has a high degree of elasticity. Used indoors and great for waterproofing underfloor heating.