How are aeration lamps different from light and light-aeration lamps?

How are aeration lamps different from light and light-aeration lamps?
How are aeration lamps different from light and light-aeration lamps?

Lanterns in industrial buildings are special structures, which, as a rule, are a glazed superstructure or a recess in the roof. They are used for natural room lighting as well as for air exchange according to process requirements. They are installed in pavilions, upper floors of multi-storey buildings, as well as in buildings of continuous development.

There are three types of lanterns: aeration and light-aeration, as well as light. By design features, trapezoidal, triangular, rectangular, M-shaped, shed and anti-aircraft lamps are distinguished.

Lantern profile types
Lantern profile types

Light lamp device

This design allows you to provide the room with the necessary amount of sunlight. Such a lantern should have high light activity, which depends on the area and angle of inclination of the glazing of the structure. The best type of skylight profileconsidered anti-aircraft. Such building elements have high light activity and are light in weight. Trapezoidal and triangular lanterns transmit light a little less intensively.

aeration lamp photo
aeration lamp photo

Aeration lamp device

Such lamps are installed in rooms with a large release of heat, dust or gas. Air exchange through them is carried out due to the fact that warm air from the room rises up and exits through the holes. The created level difference and rarefaction of the air contribute to the flow of air from the street through the supply openings, for example, windows. Most clearly, you can consider the principle of operation of the aeration lamp in the photo below.

The principle of operation of the aeration lamp
The principle of operation of the aeration lamp

When it is equipped, the air outlet openings must be closed on the windward side so that the exhaust air does not get back into the building. It is believed that aeration lamps with an M-shaped profile have good aeration qualities. If there is a need to avoid direct sunlight in the room, then a shed type of lantern is perfect for aeration.

Light-aeration lamp device

As the name implies, this is a combined type of construction that combines the functions of light and aeration lamps. Most often, such devices have a rectangular structure, since with this approach it is most convenient to equip the sashes in vertical glazing.

aeration and light-aeration lamps
aeration and light-aeration lamps

How to choose the right type, sizeand the shape of the lantern profile

Of course, the choice of the type of lantern directly depends on what functions it should perform. If a large amount of sunlight should penetrate into the room, then skylights are used, which are openings in the roof of the building filled with translucent material, most often plexiglass. Also, skylights can be in the form of a porthole and located on the roof dotted above the premises that need to be illuminated.

If the room should be well lit by natural light, but it requires a constant outflow of air from the building, they resort to installing light-aeration lamps. In this case, they usually have a rectangular or trapezoidal shape. It is with such an organization of the structure that light will penetrate well into the room through the upper glazing, and air will escape into the opening frames in the side vertical glazing.

Buildings with high production heat or harmful fumes require constant air renewal. In this case, aeration lights come to the rescue. At the same time, the design profile is chosen so as to most effectively use the movement of air masses outside the building, as well as the temperature difference in the lower and upper parts of the ventilated room. Most often, a rectangular type of lantern is used for these purposes.

How to correctly calculate the dimensions of a light-aeration lantern

Despite the fact that the general appearance and type of the lantern depend on the room above which the structure is located, there are still standards by whichthe dimensions of the future lantern are determined. It can have a width of 6 or 12 meters. In this case, the structure can be equipped with one or two tiers of opening covers (sashes). In the first case, the height of the tier of a rectangular lantern will be 1.8 meters. In the second - 1.2 meters.

Six-meter lanterns are mounted over spans 18 meters wide, twelve-meter ones - over spans over 24 meters wide.
