Building a house is a fairly complex procedure. However, in the case of erecting a building from a bar, you can perform all the stages of this process yourself. To do this, you will need to consider the rules, instructions for the construction. Subject to all norms and recommendations, it is possible to build a strong, durable object.
How to build a house from a bar should be considered before starting work. This will allow you to complete all the steps correctly.
General characteristics of construction technology
The construction of a house from a bar (photo below) is made using a special technology. The features of the wood from which the building is being erected allow you to perform the entire procedure yourself. This does not require the use of special equipment. You can also cope with the work together with a small number of assistants (up to 4 people).

You can build a variety of structures from timber. This may be a small country house, which is operated in the summer, or a large cottage in which people constantly live. From a bar you can build a buildingno higher than 3 floors. At the same time, experts recommend choosing building projects that do not differ in complex design. Otherwise, it will be difficult to create a house. Mistakes are possible.
Beam is a more preferred building material than a log for self-construction. It has a rectangular shape. Therefore, the walls will be perfectly flat. Finishing will be easier. The bars fit snugly together to avoid cold bridges.
Building a house from a wooden beam allows you to add additional structural elements to the project. It can be a veranda or a terrace. You can also provide for a balcony. They will harmoniously fit into the overall style of the building.
A log house can look very modern and stylish. Also from this material you can create a hut in ethnic style. The choice of project depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house. It is easier to build one-story cottages on your own. This will significantly reduce the period of work.
Construction work can be at any time of the year. However, in the summer it will be more expedient to do this. There are certain requirements for the selection and use of natural material, which is wood.
Material features
To build a house from a bar with your own hands, different types of materials are used. Wood in this case can be of different species. Timber for construction can be glued, ordinary or profiled. The choice depends on the features of the project, as well as the construction budget. The presented materials differ in cost.
Glued laminated timber is a material assembled from boards. From these elements, a building material of a certain profile is created. This is a relatively inexpensive type of lumber that is often used in the construction of houses today.
It should be said that the length of any type of timber significantly exceeds the size of its cross section. They differ in certain standardized dimensions.

Ordinary timber is a calibrated log. Its cross section can be square or rectangular. It is quite simple to build houses from such material. Also, these buildings are easy to insulate.
The most modern and expensive material is profiled timber. Its surface is polished. It looks like a lining surface. Such a beam allows you to build the most durable buildings. In this case, foci of decay will not form between the structural elements. Moisture cannot penetrate between the tight-fitting timbers.
One of the important stages of construction is the creation of a project for building a house from a bar. This will determine how much materials you need to build a house.
Before you start building a building, you need to correctly create a plan for building a house from a bar. This work is best left to professionals. An unprepared person can make a lot of mistakes in calculations. This will prevent safe operation of the building.

To have an idea of how a house project is drawn up, you should review this procedure in an overview. First, the specialist goes to the site where it is planned to build a cottage or cottage. Further, he determines the geodetic features of the area. In some cases it is necessary to estimate how close the groundwater is to the surface. The degree of unevenness of the relief is also assessed.
Next, it is determined which communications are connected to the site and whether it is possible and necessary to equip, for example, a gas pipeline, centralized water supply, etc. After that, a house project is developed. The building can be one-story or consist of two floors. Low-rise cottages are often built from timber.
In some projects, an attic is provided instead of the second floor. The size of window and door openings is determined. Also, additional extensions (bathhouse, garage, cellar) can be added to the plan. You can provide for a spacious terrace or covered veranda.
The correct calculation of building a house from a bar will create a solid building. At the same time, the specialist will calculate the weight of such a building, give recommendations on choosing the type of foundation, finishing materials, etc. This will create a strong, durable structure.
By creating a construction plan, you can determine exactly how much timber you need to build a house. Then you can make a purchase in accordance with the needs of the project. When all building materials, communications and other materials are purchased, you can start buildingat home.
First, the foundation is created. It should be said that the weight of the structure will be quite large. Therefore, it is important to create a solid foundation. There are several types of bases for the house. If the project provides for the arrangement of a basement, cellar, a strip foundation should be created.
Before starting construction, geo-prospecting work is carried out. If the soil is silty, groundwater is close to the surface, the foundation should be of a pile type. Piles are screwed into the soil to a great depth. This will keep the building stable. This version of the foundation is suitable for soil that freezes to a great depth.

For small structures (for example, a small country house), you can opt for a tiled foundation. In this case, its surface will be the basis for arranging the floor.
Building a house from a wooden beam requires the creation of an appropriate foundation. Its tape varieties will be the best option for overall structures. It is quite possible to create it without the use of special equipment. This is the most common type of foundation in private construction.
Preparing to build the foundation
Considering the stages of building a house from a bar, special attention should be paid to the construction of the foundation. The safety and durability of the future building depend on its quality. In accordance with the previously drawn up plan, it is necessary to apply markings to the site. Mark both external walls and internal partitions that will be load-bearing.
Digging trenches according to the created markup. Their width should be 100 mm more than the walls of the house. The trenches must have a depth of at least 60 cm. If the level of soil freezing is even greater, they will need to be further deepened. If the house has a basement, you will need to dig a foundation pit. For a cellar, it will be enough to dig a hole in the appropriate place.

At the bottom of the dug holes, you need to create a sand cushion. A layer of gravel is poured over it. Each of these layers must be at least 100 mm thick. Sand and gravel are carefully leveled. Also, the bottom layer will need to be moistened and compacted. Next, you need to apply the concrete mixture. In specialized stores you can buy ready-made formulations. They are simply diluted with water to the desired consistency. The concrete layer must be at least 5 cm.
Building a house from profiled timber or its other varieties involves creating a formwork before pouring concrete when arranging the foundation. To do this, you will need to prepare boards with a thickness of about 2.5 cm. Shields are knocked down from this material. They should rise 40 cm above the level of the trench. Special spacers will allow the structure to not move.
The foundation must be reinforced with metal rods. Their cross section must be at least 10 mm. They are placed along and across in accordance with the configuration of the trenches. The rods at the places of turns and intersections are fastened with a knitting wire.
Reinforcement and formwork should not touch. Between them leave a gap of at least 5see
Filling the foundation
The technology of building a house from a bar involves the correct procedure for pouring the foundation. After carrying out the preparatory work, you need to mix the concrete. Its brand must be at least M400. Mix cement with water in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer on the package.

Experts recommend purchasing special dry mixes. Unlike self-prepared solutions, such materials contain special components. They increase the performance of concrete. It becomes not subject to temperature changes, is poured without the formation of voids, etc.
To mix the cement mixture, you need to use a concrete mixer. When the required consistency of the solution is obtained, it is poured into the prepared formwork using a pump. Air bubbles must not appear in the concrete. For this, it is recommended to purchase special equipment. It will make the layer homogeneous by vibration.
In the process of building a house from glued laminated timber or other varieties of this material, it is important to pay great attention to creating a foundation. The cement mixture dries for about a month. At the same time, the surface of the concrete must be moistened periodically. This will prevent it from cracking. The frequency of this process depends on the time of year and ambient temperature. Only with proper drying will concrete gain the required strength.
Building walls and roofs
Building a house from glued beams, as well as profiledor its usual variety requires different labor costs. This is due to the peculiarities of its processing. If a solid wood beam is used, it will need to be sawn from all sides. This will result in a material with smooth surfaces.

Profiled timber does not need to be adjusted to size. It has grooves in its design. With their help, fastening is made. The bar must have normal humidity. Otherwise, it will crack when dry. Glued varieties are practically not subject to shrinkage.
Processing a house from a bar after construction will not require much effort. The material is distinguished by the natural beauty of the texture. Therefore, additional puttying work is not required.
When the walls are created, you can proceed with the installation of the roof. To do this, you need to mount the truss system. Waterproofing and thermal insulation are laid on it. The top layer is made of special roofing materials.
The roof must have a certain level of inclination, which corresponds to the climatic conditions of the area. Depending on this indicator, finishing materials are also selected. It can be ondulin, corrugated board, metal tile, slate, etc.
Windows, floors, doorways
Building a house from a bar with your own hands allows you to create window and door openings the way the property owner wants. This needs to be discussed with the designer. You can choose the type of doors. They can be sliding, arched, ordinary. Windows can be panoramic orregular.
When equipping the floor and ceiling, it is necessary to mount a waterproofing layer. This material is laid on the base even before it is poured. To do this, they acquire rolled, penetrating, coating or filling waterproofing. The choice depends on the features of the operation of the building.
You also need to remember to waterproof the basement, on the basement floor. Next, you can start finishing the floor. The aesthetic qualities of the room depend on the choice of materials. The floor should be combined with the overall interior. Therefore, it needs to be thought out in advance.
The floor can be finished with wooden boards (parquet, parquet board), cork panels, laminate, tiles. You can also cover the concrete base with carpet or linoleum. Each of the listed materials differs in cost and aesthetic characteristics.
According to experts' opinions, in a wooden house floor made of boards or laminate looks best. For modern interior styles, you can choose other types of materials.
Home decoration
Building a house from profiled timber does not require additional finishing. This is a beautiful, durable and reliable material. If, however, a simple beam is used during the construction of a building, after installing windows and doors, attention should be paid to subsequent finishing.
Wood planks may shrink over time. This process is less noticeable when using the glued variety. But if simple beams were used during construction, you need to wait until the wood is completely dry.
Finishing can be done both outside and insidebuilding. If a simple beam was used, you need to caulk the cracks. This will reduce the heat loss of the house. Over time, it may be necessary to equip a layer of thermal insulation. For this, it is recommended to use mineral wool. Warming can be done from the inside of the room. However, in this case, you need to take into account many nuances. Outside, it is more expedient to perform insulation.
Wood inside the house will not need to be primed, painted, wallpaper glued to the walls. This is a beautiful natural material, the advantages of which simply need to be emphasized. To do this, the correct toning of the beam is carried out.
Bleached wood will look harmonious in a rural interior. If the decor is chosen in the style of Provence, you can give preference to pastel colors. The ceiling should also be properly finished. You can choose the tone for the beams. It will also emphasize the indescribable atmosphere inside the wooden house.
Completion of construction
Building a house from a bar ends with the arrangement of life support systems. First of all, you need to consider the type of sewerage and water supply. This system can be centralized or autonomous. The second option must be chosen if sewer and water pipes are not connected to the site.
To create a source of water, you will need to dig a well. This work is best entrusted to specialized organizations. The sewer may be a septic tank. Today there are many varieties of such systems. The choice of the type of septic tank depends on the number of people living in the house, as well as the construction budget.
After the creation of sewerage and water supply to the houseneed to supply electricity. You will need to conclude an agreement with the energy supplier to the house. After that, a cable is brought from the nearest power line pole to the house. It can be laid in the ground or pulled through the air.
If you plan to live in the house in the winter, you need to think over the heating system. The choice depends on the characteristics of the supply and the cost of energy resources that are available for the area. You can place convectors in the rooms or make a floor heating system.
Heating can be provided from the boiler. You can also create a furnace type of space heating. Energy resources that will warm the house in winter can be solid, liquid fuel, gas, electricity.
Also in the house you need to think over a high-quality ventilation system. It is developed by the designer at the construction planning stage.
Having considered how the house is built from a bar, you can do all the work with your own hands.