Gabbro-diabase - a stone for a bath, sauna, landscape. Useful properties, reviews

Gabbro-diabase - a stone for a bath, sauna, landscape. Useful properties, reviews
Gabbro-diabase - a stone for a bath, sauna, landscape. Useful properties, reviews

The mountain mineral diabase (French diabase) is a stone of volcanic origin, very similar in composition to bas alt. The color of natural material is usually black, with an admixture of gray, green or red hues.

Characteristics of diabase

A distinctive feature of the stone is a high level of hardness, strength and excellent moisture and frost resistance. The unique properties of the mineral are explained by the special structure of the crystal lattice.

gabbro diabase
gabbro diabase

Gabbro-diabase is one of the varieties of natural stone. The characteristic black color with small color inclusions distinguishes this mineral from other species. The special density of gabbro-diabase creates great difficulties when trying to split a stone block. The processing of the material seems to be a very time-consuming process, requiring the use of special tools and special technologies.


Large deposits of the mineral are noted in three main areas: Crimea, Australia and Russian Prionezhie. The cheapest is Ukrainian gabbro-diabase. Crimean rock contains a large amount of iron impurities, which reduces the quality of raw materials. The Australian and Russian stone is almost identical in composition, but the overseas counterpart has a very high cost.

Karelian mineral has a deep rich black color, aesthetic appearance and reliable resistance to aggressive environments. Indicative characteristics significantly distinguish Russian gabbro-diabase from the rest.

Reviews of numerous customers confirm not only the practical durability and reliability of natural material, but also the unique property of accumulating and preserving heat. The optimal ratio of quality and cost makes Karelian stone the most in demand not only in the post-Soviet space, but throughout the world.

gabbro diabase density
gabbro diabase density

Scope of application

Gabbro-diabase has a wide range of applications. Architectural structures built of natural stone retain their originality for many years. An excellent example of durability is the Vorontsov Palace in the Crimean Alupka.

The strength of the mineral allows it to be used for paving streets and roads. Road stone, mosaic tiles, borders are produced from it. The world-famous Red Square is also covered with paving stones made of Karelian natural material.

The ability to maintain the appearance unchanged for a long time made gabbro-diabase popular in the production of ritual structures. The polished surface of the monument with a printed image and a mournful inscription is capable of keeping the memory of the departed people for many decades.

gabbro diabase reviews
gabbro diabase reviews

In the hands of a skilled craftsman, gabbro-diabase is effectively processed, gradually turning into an original and unique monument. Each ritual item is unique. History has preserved monuments made of natural stone, which are over a thousand years old.

It is difficult to appreciate the importance of using gabbro-diabase volcanic stone for a bath. Reviews of lovers of steam procedures indicate that this is an ideal option for maintaining an optimal temperature level. The high density and heat capacity of natural material helps to absorb heat as much as possible, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.

To accumulate more heat, it is better to use chipped stone elements with a ribbed surface in the stove. They perfectly withstand high temperatures and do not crack when frequently poured with cold water.

Decorative decoration of the walls of the bath and sauna increases the heat capacity of the room as a whole. In addition, a high aesthetic level allows you to diversify and decorate the environment.

Healing properties

gabbro diabase for bath reviews
gabbro diabase for bath reviews

Gabbro-diabase is an environmentally friendly material endowed with useful properties. Its presence has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. The stone is able to stabilize the state of the nervous system, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys, liver and genitourinary system. It is very useful to massage the feet with stone balls.

Do not ignorediabase and astrologers. They recommend the stone to all zodiac signs as a means of positively influencing increased physical activity. You can make an amulet out of diabase and wear it around your neck or on your finger.
