How to choose fence posts

How to choose fence posts
How to choose fence posts

Arrangement of a country estate or summer cottage necessarily involves the installation of a fence. If you pay attention to the photos of beautiful fences, it is easy to see that they are an important element in the design of the site. When a project for the development of a territory is being developed, its boundaries are first of all indicated. And this is done in the literal sense of the word. Fence posts are installed along the perimeter of the site, and a fence is attached to them. This is a classic sequence of actions. But before proceeding with the fencing, every zealous owner considers the appropriate offers that are available on the market.

fence posts
fence posts

It should be noted that the arrangement of any land plot, whether it is a summer cottage or a country estate with a cottage, begins with the development of a project. Depending on the landscape, soil features and other parameters, the type of structure is selected and the territory is marked out. If you plan to build a house in the Gothicstyle, then using a simple rustic wattle fence as a hedge would not be entirely correct. Of course, this solution to the problem will be cheaper, and you will not need to buy fence posts. But in this situation, such a primitive way of saving is absolutely not suitable.

Photo of beautiful fences
Photo of beautiful fences

In accordance with the centuries-old tradition, the most common in our country are wooden fences. This fact is explained by the fact that wood was the most accessible material for construction and other industries. And today the fence is attached to fence posts made of various types of wood. It is well known that oak posts are durable and reliable. In the same way as from coniferous wood. Especially from larch. However, it should be noted that the prices for industrial wood are constantly growing. And in some cases it is necessary to install poles made of birch and aspen. Although it is known that they serve 3-5 years.

Fence installation
Fence installation

Despite these circumstances, the device of wooden fences is in stable demand. The fact is that you can build it in the shortest possible time, without burdening yourself with arranging the foundation for each pillar. At the same time, the appearance of the fence can only cause admiration and positive feedback. In order for the poles to last longer, they are treated with special impregnations. They give wooden poles increased resistance to external influences - moisture, temperature changes, insects. Of course, in terms of durability, wood cannot be compared with concrete ormetal, but the service life will increase by 2-3 times.

fence posts
fence posts

But fence posts are not only made from wood. Asbestos-cement pipes work well with this function. They will never rot or burn. When using them, one difficult moment arises - for fastening the veins, special clamps or long metal studs are required. This shortcoming is deprived of metal pipe columns. We can say that they are by far the most reliable and technologically advanced. The home master has all the tools and fixtures to work with such pillars. To all that has been said, it should be added that reinforced concrete poles are also very good in terms of their performance.