Many people want to own their own apartment building. Existing buildings are not always suitable in size, layout and location. Therefore, it often becomes necessary to build a private building. To do this, you can perform the work yourself or with the involvement of experienced professionals. To get a high-quality, safe and reliable building, all stages of building a house must be correctly implemented, optimal materials must be used and numerous unique technologies must be observed.
Selection of land
The first stage in the construction of a residential building is to select the optimal piece of land on which the planned work will be carried out. When choosing a territory, some important points are taken into account:
- the existing infrastructure is assessed, since it is preferable that different shops, clinics, kindergartens, schools or other objects significant for each person be located nearby;
- taking into account the supply of the necessary communications to the ground, which ensures the comfort of living in the building;
- the possibility of creating an asph alted entrance is determined, since if there is a primer, it may be difficult to use the house in rain or winter.
You must first find out the purpose of the territory and its category, since the land must be specially intended for individual housing construction, otherwise the construction of a residential building on it will act as a serious offense, so the court will decide on the demolition of the object.

Approval of the town planning plan
The stages of building a house necessarily include this process, since without a building permit any building will be considered unauthorized, so there may be difficulties with its design, and a court decision on its demolition may even be made.
During the formation and approval of the town-planning plan, the location of the territory and various other legal issues are taken into account.
Creating a topographic survey
This process is included even in the stages of building a house with your own hands, since without it it may be difficult to build a foundation or walls of a building. In addition, geological research is being carried out.
The main goals of these actions are to obtain information:
- basic parameters of the existing landscape;
- all groundwater and the depth of their occurrence are identified, and this factor directly affects the safety of using the future structure;
- determined by the state and composition of the soil, which hasdirect impact on the possibility of building one or another type of foundation.
Based on the data obtained after the study, it is possible to determine what materials are appropriate to use for construction, as well as what technology will be optimal for this area.
Project Formation
Design is a mandatory process included in the stages of construction of an apartment building or a private residential building. It should be carried out exclusively by experienced specialists, so you will have to contact the appropriate specialized organizations.
It depends on a competent project how comfortable and safe it will be to live in real estate, what will be its appearance. The area of the entire object and each room is taken into account.

Only experienced architects and designers are engaged in the creation of the project, and for this they take into account different sanitary standards, building requirements and fire safety conditions. During this process, the climatic conditions of the area, the allocated budget for construction, the seismological situation and many other significant factors are taken into account.
It is impossible to create a project on your own without special skills and special computer programs, since it must not only be correct, but must also be accepted by the architectural and construction department of the regional administration.
Search for construction team
It is important to decide whether the construction of the house will be realized independently or with the help ofinvited experts. In the second case, you will have to spend a lot of money on the salaries of specialists, but at the same time you can be sure that all the norms will be observed, and the existing project will be correctly implemented.
You can save a lot of money by doing it yourself, but you are also more likely to make a lot of mistakes.
When choosing builders, their competence, work experience, qualifications, available equipment are taken into account, and it is also desirable to study already completed projects.

Preparation of the construction site
After all the preparatory processes, the actual construction of the structure begins. The first stages of building a house involve the preparation of a construction site. To do this, the following actions are performed:
- The area is initially fenced off to prevent outsiders from entering the construction site who can steal expensive building materials or carry out other negative actions;
- the territory is further cleared, therefore, various unnecessary living plantings are eliminated, and existing buildings are demolished if necessary;
- are brought to the place where the foundation of the future building will be directly located, engineering communications;
- temporary residential buildings are being formed for workers and owners of the territory.
It is desirable at this stage of construction of a residential building to provide for the possibility of protecting concrete and other structures from rain.
This process requires proper calculation and constant checks. Based on it, it is determined where the building will be located on the territory.
Marking is applied in different ways, but it must be taken with a small margin. During work, specialists must use laser or some other measuring equipment.
If there are deviations, then in the future it will be almost impossible to correct such a mistake.
Implementation of earthworks
This procedure is included in the stages of building a house from aerated concrete or any other material. Without excavation, the process of erecting any capital structure is impossible. All works are divided into several stages:
- land leveling;
- digging a foundation pit for the foundation of a house;
- laying trenches intended for laying elements of communication networks.

During this stage of the construction of a private house, you will need to use different specialized equipment, represented by various excavators or bulldozers.
Forming the foundation
It is subject to a significant load, so the base must be strong and durable. The type of foundation depends entirely on the available soil, the depth of groundwater and other factors.

The base can be piled, slab or columnar. The number of floors in the future building is taken into account,material for creating walls and other features. At this stage of building a house from a bar, you can use a light foundation, but if a brick structure is being built, then the foundation should be stronger.
During work, it is important to first make a bed of gravel from sand, as well as use waterproofing materials. Next, a base is formed, for which concrete can be poured into the formwork or piles can be installed, which are then fastened with a grillage.
Before implementing further work, it is recommended to wait about a year, as the foundation will shrink at this time.
Construction of outer walls
In the photo, the stage of building a house, involving the erection of walls of a brick structure, consists in the phased laying of bricks.

The process depends on the materials used, so blocks of aerated concrete or foam concrete can be glued together, wooden elements are fastened together or perform other similar work.
The procedure depends on the chosen construction technology. If a two-story building is planned, then reliable reinforced concrete floors are laid between the floors.
Construction of internal partitions
At this stage of building a house, you need to focus on the existing project. It indicates where all the walls of the structure should be located.
Partitions can be crafted from the same material as the outer walls, but made thinner. Other materials are also allowed.
To do this, water and gas are supplied through a special hole in the foundation, as well as a sewer system. The building is connected to electricity.
It is desirable to create trenches for communications even at the stage of earthworks. Laying is carried out on a special dense substrate with the obligatory use of waterproofing materials.
Roof installation
Process depends on approved roof type. A standard gable design is usually used, but the direction and strength of the wind, the approximate amount of different precipitation, and the need to equip an attic are taken into account.

Different materials can be used for roofing, so ondulin, metal tiles, soft roofing or other materials are chosen for this. The choice depends on the financial capabilities of the owners, their preferences and styling features.
Installation of windows and doors
These stages of building a frame house or a structure made of other material involve protecting the building from cold and precipitation.
It is advisable to trust the installation to experienced professionals, which will allow you to get a high-quality result. You can choose from plastic or wooden windows.
Interior decoration of the house
After the box is built and the communications are connected, you can proceed to the interior decoration, which is considered not too complicated, but at the same time significant, since it depends on how attractive and optimal the house will be for use.
Procedureis to perform sequential actions:
- internal communications wiring;
- filling floors, involving the formation of a floor screed or self-leveling coating;
- decoration of ceilings for which paint, suspended or tension structures, as well as various other finishing methods can be used;
- treatment of walls, which consists in their high-quality leveling and puttying, after which finishing materials are used for them, represented by wallpaper, panels or other decoration options;
- installing doors between rooms;
- installation of numerous engineering equipment, represented by a heating boiler, lighting fixtures, various sensors, security system, computers, heating radiators and other similar units and products.
The choice of different materials depends on the preferences and capabilities of the owners.

Exterior facade decoration
Facing brick, siding or other similar work is often used for this. They can be carried out with simultaneous wall insulation, which will improve the comfort of living in the building.
If timber is used for construction, external finishing may not be carried out.
Arrangement of the adjacent territory
It is important to understand not only what stages of building a house should be implemented in order to obtain a full-fledged and reliable building, but also how to decorate the existing site beautifully.
Territory improvementmay consist of several works:
- installation of a fence, which can be created using different materials;
- installation of gates and gates for the car;
- device of different paths, driveway and area in front of the house;
- formation of flower beds, flower beds, canopies from living plantings, hedges and other decorative structures;
- construction of a pool, artificial pond, bathhouse, terrace, gazebo or other small architectural forms, if they were planned on the territory in the process of creating the project.
With this step, you can make a really beautiful appearance of the building and the existing territory.

Features of the construction of an apartment building
The stages of building an apartment building are similar to the process of building a private building, but they are all controlled by the developer. They are assigned a foreman who is involved in the implementation of all work to obtain a reliable and safe building.
The construction procedure is guided by a pre-formed project and an available estimate. All stages are implemented within a predetermined timeframe, since if they are violated, then all participants in shared construction will be able to recover a significant pen alty from the developer.
Thus, the process of erecting any structure must be carried out in the correct sequence of stages. Each stage has its own characteristics. The literacy of the implementation of this process depends on how reliable, durable and strong thebuilding.