Today, apartments are in fashion, in which there are practically no partitions. Such rooms look more spacious and allow the owner to feel more comfortable. But a large room, which includes a work area, a place to relax and a kitchen, requires that it be visually divided. Look for studio zoning ideas below.
Color zoning

Repairing? Then immediately think in what color you will decorate your room. It is not necessary to paint the whole room with the same paint or glue it with the same type of wallpaper. If you design a studio with zoning, you can experiment with the colors of the walls. For example, in the kitchen area, make an apron with a geometric pattern that will be repeated on the kitchen surface or in some decorative details. The walls in the main place for rest and sleep should be painted in pastel shades. And to make the division between zones clearer, you should choose a bright sofa. Support for this item can be a table or cabinet. Choosing a similarmethod of zoning the room, keep in mind that you should not spray too much on colors. You need to work with different shades, but it is advisable not to use more than three primary colors. If this palette seems boring to you, you can use black, white or beige colors.
Wooden partitions

Looking for an easy and economical way to divide a room into several parts? Buy boards. Of these, you can assemble an unusual partition in a short time. Above you can see a similar zoning of a 25 sq. m. Real photos show that this option for dividing the room not only fits well into the interior, but is also very convenient to use. The design that you assemble from the boards can be used as shelves. If you really need shelves and you know exactly what to put there, then choose a material to create a wider partition. If you have practically no things, then you can take the thinnest boards. It will be possible to put miniature vases with flowers on them, as well as put a TV remote control or a mobile phone.
You can decorate a partition that you have assembled with your own hands with the help of paint. If you are good at the art of decoupage, you can try and give your product an individual look. And if your apartment interior is designed in a loft style, then you don’t have to do anything with the boards, they will look good in their raw form.
Furniture zoning

You bought a studio, but you do not like this layout of the apartment? If you want to make space zoning in the studio, then you do not have to erect drywall structures. Instead, you can place a closet across the room. It is advisable to use those pieces of furniture that do not look too bulky. Choose something airy. Otherwise, you will visually reduce the size of your room. But remember that there are exceptions to every rule. For example, if you want to separate yourself a place to read or sleep, then you can put a blank closet as a wall. It will help you visually separate a small section of the apartment and make it look like a second room. Such layouts are suitable for young parents who live with a child in a studio.
You don't want to use cabinets? Bedside tables or chests of drawers are quite suitable as a partition. Objects that will act as walls do not have to support the ceiling. They should visually act as separators. This option is suitable for people who want to separate the kitchen and dining room and use the bar counter for this purpose.
Glass Partitions

Zoning studio 30 sq. m can occur due to illusory walls. People do not always want to see blind partitions in their premises. Sometimes their needs are completely satisfied by glass walls. Do you think that such zoning does not work? Nothing like this. The walls, albeit transparent, still separate part of the room from the general space. ATa glass box is most often placed a bed or a sofa for sleeping. This is done so that guests who come to the studio do not use the hosts' bed for relaxation. Also, glass walls made from modern materials can transform and become opaque and opaque at the turn of a knob. So do not write off this option when you think about the project of your future home.
Zoning with light
Don't want to put partitions in the apartment, but want to separate one part of the room from the other? Zoning studio 30 sq. m can be done with light. Such an interior will look stylish and modern. But the separation will look advantageous only in the evening. Therefore, consider the option with light zoning if your apartment is located in the shady part of the house.
How to divide space with light? There are many options. The easiest is to adjust the brightness of the lighting in the apartment. In one part of the room, for example, in the living room, hang a bright lamp, and in the dining room make a subdued light. Or, in the kitchen, make the lighting cold light, and in the living part of the room - warm. You can use spotlights or place an LED strip around the perimeter of the zone. The method and method of zoning will depend on the design of the room and on your desire to illuminate one or another part of the room.
Zone a studio of 25 sq. m is possible with the help of carpets. Do you think this design method was appropriate only in the Soviet Union? Todaydesigners love rugs too, but use them with more care. For example, they put a carpet under the furniture in one area and tile the kitchen area. Modern tiles in their design can resemble a kind of carpet. On a combination of different textures and textures, you can come up with many interesting designs.
Do you like natural carpets, not their parody tile version? In this case, you can lay your carpet in each zone. They should differ both in color and in texture. Choose a product that will organically complement the area that will be united. Use the golden rule, if the furniture and walls are of the same color, then the carpet can become a bright accent. If the focus shifts to furniture, then the carpet should be one-color and not attract attention.

Do you want to divide the space in an original way? Zoning studio 25 sq. m will not be difficult. How can a room be divided into several parts? To do this, you will need to make drywall arches. Such decorative elements create the illusion of additional rooms in space. A person perceives an acre as a passage, and passages and transitions are made from room to room according to the standard. Such a solution will help to zone the room for people whose studio does not allow using some other stylistic device to divide the space. If space allows, then the arch can be strengthened on columns. Such a decorative element will look more presentable than a regular arch suspended from the ceiling. But it should be noted that this type of zoning will not look good in all interiors. If you want to decorate the space in a classic style, arches will serve you well, and if you are doing something modern, then zoning should be appropriate.
Your budget does not allow you to build glass and drywall partitions? Then use the simplest studio zoning option - stretch the cornices and hang the curtains. So you can easily separate one part of the room from the second. Curtains will not be able to absorb sound in the resulting "neighboring" room, but they will be able to make minimal visibility. For example, such a division of a large room can serve well for those people who want to retire from each other and be alone from time to time.
What else is attractive about the curtain in terms of zoning the room? That it is easy to change. The curtain will be able to fit into any your interior. You can put a curtain made of threads, fabric or even paper on the eaves. Such zoning can perform both a utilitarian and purely decorative function.
Decorative designs

Do you want to divide the room in an original way? A photo of the studio zoning is presented above. In this version, iron pillars act as decorative elements. They may remain with you from the construction site or from the manufacture of some crafts. Connect the posts together with two wooden planks and attach the resulting partition to the ceiling and to the floor. Likedecor option is suitable for creative people who do not bind themselves with any conventions.
Did you go to the forest and bring back many different branches of different lengths? A creative person can assemble a beautiful partition from such improvised material. You will not need to think long about how to connect the parts of the product. Arrange them randomly on two slats.
Bright accents

Do you have a discreet taste and do not want to bring anything extravagant into the interior? Then you will like the zoning of the studio with bright accents. This way of dividing the space is very simple. You need to choose the accent color of one of the parts of the room and update all the decorative elements in the given color. For example, buy red pillows, red vases, and a red carpet and put them all in your living area. And in the kitchen part of the apartment, place, for example, yellow decorative elements. Such a division will look pretty, and if you get tired of it, then you can easily replace the decorative elements with something else.
Different styles
People with good artistic taste are not afraid to make stylistic mistakes. It is no problem for them to mix two or more styles and get beautifully combined parts of the same room. Studio zoning can be done with the help of decor and things selected in different styles. It is not worth combining directions that are far from each other, but it is quite possible to combine modern style with modernity. You can play with styles, objects and decorativedetails. As a result, you will get a unique interior that will not only meet all your needs, but also satisfy aesthetic ideals.